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Nobody Cheers for Psyduck. A B+ Multimedia experience.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
"Nobody Cheers for Psyduck" is a collection of B+ videos gathered by Me and JoEC (TheDirector) over a period of 5 days. Thus far, I've only uploaded a few noteworthy matches, but this thread will eventually become the home of a combo video I'm working on editing for it. More like a highlight video, actually; since the only person I'm playing against is a fervent DK main, so the only matchup you'll see is Crio (Randomcharacter) vs. DK.

As mentioned in the videos, all users were inebriated during every match. Green Greens makes me amazing at Ivysaur.

Crio (Ivysaur) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Charizard) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Sheik) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Ganon) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Ganon) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Sonic) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Ivysaur) Vs. JoEC (DK)

Crio (Charizard) Vs. JoEC (DK)


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
When playing sonic in brawl+ brandon, abuse the invulnerability frames, quicker startup, and 0 ending lag on his upsmash.

And his downsmash got similar buffs as well being even faster on startup with only slightly more lag then metaknights dsmash. It gives sonic great options and finally a reliable kill move.

However, i know you were on stuff at the time.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
When playing sonic in brawl+ brandon, abuse the invulnerability frames, quicker startup, and 0 ending lag on his upsmash.

And his downsmash got similar buffs as well being even faster on startup with only slightly more lag then metaknights dsmash. It gives sonic great options and finally a reliable kill move.

However, i know you were on stuff at the time.
Truth. But I always appreciate input. I'm actually not fond of his Dsmash in B+. It seems like the speed increase lost it some of it's ability to bait spotdodges. I dunno though, Sonic is funky.


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
It comes out so fast and lingers long enough it'll always hit through a spotdodge, even if it's a weak hit.

I can't really comment on alot of the other battles since alot of the missed opportunities undoubtly came from booze.

Is this combo video supposed to highlight Brawl+ amazingness while drunk? Or just brawl+ amazingness?

Or just drunk?

If it's the first I suggest you just lie about being drunk and record sober matches haha


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
It comes out so fast and lingers long enough it'll always hit through a spotdodge, even if it's a weak hit.

I can't really comment on alot of the other battles since alot of the missed opportunities undoubtly came from booze.

Is this combo video supposed to highlight Brawl+ amazingness while drunk? Or just brawl+ amazingness?

Or just drunk?

If it's the first I suggest you just lie about being drunk and record sober matches haha
Well, I wasn't drunk for one. I definitely wasn't low.

It's simply going to be a compilation video detailing cool **** that we did playing friendlies with Joe while smoking. The other matches are just matches where I didn't want to take a clip from them, since I thought the match itself was noteworthy.


Mar 20, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX
Actually, Usmash has 1 freakin frame of invulnerability, its very unsafe to bank on that, lol. I found Fair and Uair chasing to be pretty ****, and his enhanced speed better to tech chase with.

Also, he don't gimp as good.... :'(

And.... grab is ****


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
Actually, Usmash has 1 freakin frame of invulnerability, its very unsafe to bank on that, lol. I found Fair and Uair chasing to be pretty ****, and his enhanced speed better to tech chase with.

Also, he don't gimp as good.... :'(

And.... grab is ****
He can still chase mistakes and I think he really only gimps people with horrible recoveries to begin with -- He can still gimp in general though...but you have to have EXTREMELY fast reflexes and good predictability against the person your playing....[if I said that right]

Fair chasing for taller characters and Uair chasing for shorter characters -- of the ground at least!


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
Or Wall tech a DK fair offstage to spring Fair reversed for the kill.

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