Anyone else surprised at the lack of Adventure mode in the Wii U version? Maybe they just haven't announced it yet but they showed off all the menus and it's just not there. I'd be okay with this if there was something else taking it's place but the solo modes are pretty **** for the most part and don't bring anything new to the table. You could get the same experience by setting the computers to random in Smash mode. The only reason to play them is to get custom moves and equipment.
Doesn't bring anything new to the table.
-Master Hand has multiple forms
-Master Hand has an "adventure mode" styled labyrinth
-Your options in Classic Change the BETTER you do
-You have a rival in Classic Mode
-2 Characters at once in Classic Mode
-All star mode is reverse order
-Event matches have different pathways, rather than the old "beat this one first to advance" method
-Crazy Orders and Master Orders
and those are JUST the solo modes!
You can play them to get custom moves and equipment, but SOME people (even competitive players like me) enjoying playing the game for the fun it provides, as well as obtaining trophies. You most certainly DO NOT get the "same experience" as random computers in Smash mode. If you even think that way I don't see how you enjoyed past iterations of Smash.
I can assure you're being sincerely ungrateful of the "pretty ****" Nintendo has worked discrepantly hard on for the past 3 years.