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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I have some beautiful dance moves.
Ok.... I remember you post this before....
If want to see her, go and play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 whenever you can.... And finish that side quest.
For some reason Poppi QT 兀 has the most frequent idle animation.... Just a few seconds she will start dancing....
Hey, at least she's one of the best Blade to do Driver combos.
Last edited:


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Welcome to the land known as The NintenZone- a place where new discoveries are being made every day. Treasure Hunters, travellers and wandering heroes are drawn to this land for its secrets, its story, and its wealth.

One day, an evil wizard known as Sohni appeared within The Great NintenTower and took control of the powerful Admin Orb- a divine device that allows chosen individuals to enforce the laws of the land, and used its power to seal the tower and corrupt a group of famous heroes now known as The Dark Moderators. The evil wizard then commanded the once-heroes to seize control of the surrounding land. Having no further power of the Admin Orb, the leaders of the land fell into disarray. Except one.

With the last of his power, the leader known as Warchamp summoned a hero who's legend has been told in millions upon billions of different tales. A hero who's form changes in every quest. A hero who's duty is ever changing.

They are known... as The Player.
The Player is the playable protagonist of the game. Summoned by Warchamp, The Player's job is to defeat the evil wizard Sohni and save The NintenZone.
Weapon: The Player uses a weapon called The Reply Hammer. It is a weapon that Warchamp bestowed to him before setting him off on his adventure. It is, "a reliable weapon that will really send the message to that evil wizard!".
Armor: The Player is the most simple of any character in the game, having no real astonishing features. However, he seems to favor cloaks. These slightly armored cloaks keep The Player light on his feet, protects him from rain, and makes him look pretty cool.
Background: The Player is a noble, veteran warrior who is the aspect of the heroes in a billion of other stories- tales from other lands, other worlds, and even other dimensions. Despite his past experience, it mean nothing, because for each incarnation is a new story and a new Player. Despite this, Warchamp still summoned him in a desperate attempt to stop Sohni.
Boss Stages
Stage 01: NintenFields
Boss: Irene
Description: A vast plain of flowers and trees. Follow the trail, and you will reach the peaceful NintenTown.
Treasure: None
Stage 02: NintenCastle
Boss: Hat
Description: A large, black castle with looming towers and golden flags. It was designed by Moderator Swampasaur as a place of social gathering. Hat later took charge of the castle after Swampasaur stepped down from his former duties.
Treasure: Oddwork - Throw a razor sharp boomerang cap at opponents to damage them. Can pull items to you from a distance.
Stage 03: Banned Yard
Boss: Opossum
Description: When the Admin Orb's magic banishes a soul, their bodies are brought to the Banned Yard. Few of these bodies will never wake up, but some will have served their time. Opossum is said to wander this place, but no one knows why.
Treasure: Beserker's Sphere - A rolling ball with a mushroom on it that proceeds to bowl over anything it hits. If it hits more than three opponents, the ball will recharge your NinZen.
Stage 04: Flooded Forest
Boss: Swampasaur
Description: Before Deity came, this forest wasn't as flooded as it is now. After defeating Deity in what felt like an age long battle, Swampasaur decided to stay in the forest to assist anyone who becomes lost within.
Treasure: Ivy Fist - a dino-sized claw that can break hard boulders with ease. Can deal great damage to an enemy as well.
Stage 05: Disco Club
Boss: Neon
Description: Should you donate to the NintenZone Network, you will be given access to the most hip, most happening place in the land. Recently however, the Disco Club has been a rather quiet place. The statue in the central area is dedicated to a Moderator of the past, named Hong.
Treasure: Bright Sight - Allows you to see invisible pathways through walls, allowing you to find secret rooms and hidden wealth.
Stage 06: Typo Factory
Boss: Zeb
Description: This factory was once abandoned until Moderator Zeb took control of it. He the started manufacturing a product called Typo. It is unclear what they do, but it is apparently very popular. The main elevator of the facility leads to Zeb's office.
Treasure: Roster Destroyer - Clears an entire screen of enemies. Costs a lot of NinZen.
Stage 07: Rainbow Hospital
Boss: Dr. FalKoopa
Description: Got a medical emergency? Head to NintenZone's Rainbow Hospital, lead by Doctor FalKoopa. This is where Coricus receive her license to sell Health-related items. Before being a doctor, FalKoopa was a young sword wielder who traveled the land as a sellsword. Despite a change of job, FalKoopa is still a competent sword wielder.
Treasure: Teran's Guard - The power of a moderator protects you, but only for a time.
Stage 08: Eon Tundra
Boss: Triphen
Description: Not much is known of this place, save that its cold, the wind is bitter, and that few would be so foolish to cone out here. Triphen lives atop the pinnacle of the mountain, watching the land from the highest vantage point. When he spots trouble, he blows the Horn of Warning to alert other Moderators.
Treasure: Like Rod - Use this rod on Post Stones found in different stages to find more secret areas. Can also be used on certain enemies to befriend them into helping you.
Stage 09: Nonspecific Fortress
Boss: Nonspecific Guy
Description: Before the darkness rose, Nonspecific Guy attempted to create a new faction in the NintenZone known as the Nonspecific Army. His goal was to seize control of the NintenCastle, but his plan was never fully realized. His pawns still exist, but some have left since then.
Treasure: Nonspecific Target - Immediately attack an opponent from afar. Can go through walls. Cost a lot if NinZen.
Stage 10: NintenTower - Courtyard
Boss: Dustin
Description: A bounty of flowers once covered the surroundings of the infamous NintenTower. When Sohni attacked, the flowers were burned, and a maze of thorned vines was made. No one has ever set foot inside the tower since then.
Treasure: None
Stage 11: NintenTower - Interior
Boss: Boss Rush
Description: NintenTower is now under full control of the evil wizard Sohni. The dark magics Sohni has used has corrupted the tower- turning it into the black and blue eyesore it is now. The walls are cracked and the floors are unstable. This Tower will fall. Its fate is sealed.
Treasure: The Admin Orb [Tainted]
Stage 12: NintenTower - Pinnacle
Boss 01: Cyndane
Boss 02: Sohnii
Description: You have to finish this. Destroy Sohni and save the NintenZone. Nothing else matters...
Treasure: The Admin Orb [Restored]
Rival Stages
Stage R-01: NintenTown - Dream
Boss: Uni
Description: You were put to sleep by a Unikorn. This is your dream. Find his horn, before this dream turns into a nightmare.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: After you defeat four Dark Moderators. Rest at the Inn.
Stage R-02: NintenCastle - Scenic View
Bosses: Praline & Obobo
Description: You've accidentally bumped into a couple who seem most offended in your sudden appearance. Two against one isn't fair, but you have no choice.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: After you defeat two Dark Moderators, including NintenCastle's. Return to NintenCastle and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-03: Flooded Forest - Shrouded Woods
Boss: Psycho Incarnate
Description: You've entered the forbidden zone of Flooded Forest. A giant eye has scolded you for your invasion. Brace yourself.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat three Dark Moderators. Return to Flooded Forest and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-04: Banned Yard - Golden Hoard
Boss: The Golden Yuiitusin
Description: You fell through the ground and found yourself face to face with a giant monster dog that has mistaken you for a thief. Defend yourself.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat three Dark Moderators, including Banned Yatd's. Return to Banned Yard and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-05: SpecTown - Center
Bosses: Shish, Gwen & Lily
Description: Shish, Gwen and Lily have arrived to cause trouble in NintenTown. Save the town and send the troublemakers packing.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat five Dark Moderators. Return to NintenTown.
Stage R-06: NintenFields - Red Storm
Boss: Red the Feather
Description: A strange red thunderstorm has occurred in NintenFields. You discovered that a mouse named Red is being controlled by the darkness to cause this. Stop Red before NintenFields becomes NintenAshes.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat six Moderators. Return to NintenFields
Stage R-07: NintenTower - Unfathomable Depths
Boss: Ex-Faux
Description: You discovered a stairway that leads deep under the Tower. Inside, you've discovered that there was another evil wizard, named Ex-Faux. Defeat him before he builds up his power.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Return to NintenTower - Interior and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-08: NintenTower - Portal
Boss: Aurane
Description: You have defeated all of the enemies you could. But there is one more challenge to complete. If you want to face me, meet me in the portal of the tower. I will wait for you there.
Treasure: Lots of Gold
Appears: After defeating all bosses and rivals, return to NintenTower - Core and find the secret entrance
The Player's armor of choice is a hooded cloak which, depending on the kind of cloak worn, have magical properties that can alter your abilities. Most cloaks can be bought from Alek the Poster in SpecTown.
Cloak 01: Worn Cloak
Description: Your first cloak. Provides no additional effects.
Location: Beginning
Cloak 02: Repacious Cloak
Description: Picking up gold grants a small boost in defense for three seconds. This affect does not stack.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 03: NinZen Cloak
Description: Sacrifice some protection for a higher NinZen limit, and harvest NinZen from defeated foes.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 04: Raging Cloak
Description: Defeating an enemy grants you a small boost in speed for three seconds. This affect does not stack.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 05: Mecha Cloak
Description: Technology enfused. Keep your footing when struck by enemies, but stopping may be a problem.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 06: Premium Cloak
Description: Flashy! Blue! Useless!
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 07: Strong Bad Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. Wearing this makes you feel like a powerful villian.
Location: NintenTower - Interior
Cloak 08: Xivii Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. It has a cute doggy face on the hood.
Location: NintenCastle
Cloak 09: Fuzzy Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. It is photogenic and smells of pickles.
Location - Banned Yard
Cloak 10: Hong Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. It was made in respect of an older Moderator.
Location: Disco Club
Cloak 11: Smash Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. The Player knows this cloak from a previous incarnation.
Location: Nonspecific Fortress
NintenTown is the first friendly "stage" of the game. Here, one can enjoy company of many different types of people, from the nurse Coricus to DJ the American Bard. This will be one of your frequent stops.
NintenTown Shops/Etc.
Warchamp's Admin Bunker
Owner: Warchamp
Description: Your boss's house. He summoned you here to defeat the dark wizard Sohni. Make sure you report each Dark Moderator's defeat for a gold reward.
Quote: "Greetings! I am grateful that this metaphorical fire is in your hands. You are The NintenZone's only hope, and I know you can save us all!
Rainbow Medical Office
Vendor: Nurse Coricus
Description: Pay a visit here to heal all of your wounds for free. Warchamp has given the all-clear that you are also allowed to buy Endurance
Soda. One bottle of this stuff will increase your maximum health by one.
Quote: "Welcome to the Rainbow Medical Office. I would ask if you had an appointment, but nobody's got time for those, these days."
Flight Inc. NinZen Services
Vendor: Flight
Description: NinZen is the inner magic of every person of The NintenZone, and is used when you utilize the magical Treasures of the world. One may fully recharge their NinZen here for free. You can also buy NinZen upgrades, called NinZen Fruit, which increase your maximum NinZen.
Quote: "Welcome to Flight Inc.. Here you can restore your NinZen and buy upgrades to maximize it. You better have coin- we don't do trades here."
DJ's Cornerclub
Owner: DJ the American Bard
Description: Adventurers seeking song once came to DJ's corner club, but since the darkness partially corrupted him, he has lost the ability to play the songs he once knew. If you bring him a Bard's Sheet, you will unlock a song for him to play, as well as earn a bit of gold too.
Quote: "I lost my rhythm! My tune and song! Without my sheets, I am simply an American! Won't you please help me? Bring me my sheets, and I'll pay you and play for you!"
Natz's Cannon Travel
Owner: Natz
Description: A person named Natz had the wonderfully idiotic idea to create a giant cannon that fires people into the neighboring SpecTown. Warchamp ordered Natz to shut it down, but after proving that it is a safe and reliable way to travel, Warchamp gave it a pass.
Quote: "Hello! Would you like to be fired from a cannon at high speeds and crash into the neighboring town of Spec? No? Its perfectly safe! And kinda fun too~"
Aurane's Trailer
Owner: Aurane
Description: The small and simple home of an irrelevant person.
Aurane: "Oh I'm no one special, bud. Best you continue your adventure."
Some changes, including Cloaks and The Player details.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
I think my browser is behind a day, but this "new" comment reminded me.

Did you see their grotesque kid in that awful season of power rangers? That season as a whole was just bad. Can't even remember it's name.

Edit: it was behind by like 12 pages
Turbo wasn't the worse season, that's the one with the kid, Operation Overdrive was. If you need convincing just ask Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth

That was a typo.

And I was too late to edit it.

Are you secretly A Distant Demon A Distant Demon apprentice? :troll:

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Turbo wasn't the worse season, that's the one with the kid, Operation Overdrive was. If you need convincing just ask Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth
This. Though at least OO's crossover was still better than Super Megaforce's final battle, and if it was as simple as "add more Zord fights", then we'd have more options. But it's not that simple. There's too much mecha to edit out, and there's a budget. The only thing they could do is make the ground battle not suck hard. Which they didn't. Better choreography, better music, actual more actors back for full fights. Though some of it might be a budget issue, which explains why few Actors returned for the season.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Natz's Cannon Travel
Owner: Natz
Description: A person named Natz had the wonderfully idiotic idea to create a giant cannon that fires people into the neighboring SpecTown. Warchamp ordered Natz to shut it down, but after proving that it is a safe and reliable way to travel, Warchamp gave it a pass.
Quote: "Hello! Would you like to be fired from a cannon at high speeds and crash into the neighboring town of Spec? No? Its perfectly safe! And kinda fun too~"
That's actually really fitting and I love it.

Deleted member

Welcome to the land known as The NintenZone- a place where new discoveries are being made every day. Treasure Hunters, travellers and wandering heroes are drawn to this land for its secrets, its story, and its wealth.

One day, an evil wizard known as Sohni appeared within The Great NintenTower and took control of the powerful Admin Orb- a divine device that allows chosen individuals to enforce the laws of the land, and used its power to seal the tower and corrupt a group of famous heroes now known as The Dark Moderators. The evil wizard then commanded the once-heroes to seize control of the surrounding land. Having no further power of the Admin Orb, the leaders of the land fell into disarray. Except one.

With the last of his power, the leader known as Warchamp summoned a hero who's legend has been told in millions upon billions of different tales. A hero who's form changes in every quest. A hero who's duty is ever changing.

They are known... as The Player.
The Player is the playable protagonist of the game. Summoned by Warchamp, The Player's job is to defeat the evil wizard Sohni and save The NintenZone.
Weapon: The Player uses a weapon called The Reply Hammer. It is a weapon that Warchamp bestowed to him before setting him off on his adventure. It is, "a reliable weapon that will really send the message to that evil wizard!".
Armor: The Player is the most simple of any character in the game, having no real astonishing features. However, he seems to favor cloaks. These slightly armored cloaks keep The Player light on his feet, protects him from rain, and makes him look pretty cool.
Background: The Player is a noble, veteran warrior who is the aspect of the heroes in a billion of other stories- tales from other lands, other worlds, and even other dimensions. Despite his past experience, it mean nothing, because for each incarnation is a new story and a new Player. Despite this, Warchamp still summoned him in a desperate attempt to stop Sohni.
Boss Stages
Stage 01: NintenFields
Boss: Irene
Description: A vast plain of flowers and trees. Follow the trail, and you will reach the peaceful NintenTown.
Treasure: None
Stage 02: NintenCastle
Boss: Hat
Description: A large, black castle with looming towers and golden flags. It was designed by Moderator Swampasaur as a place of social gathering. Hat later took charge of the castle after Swampasaur stepped down from his former duties.
Treasure: Oddwork - Throw a razor sharp boomerang cap at opponents to damage them. Can pull items to you from a distance.
Stage 03: Banned Yard
Boss: Opossum
Description: When the Admin Orb's magic banishes a soul, their bodies are brought to the Banned Yard. Few of these bodies will never wake up, but some will have served their time. Opossum is said to wander this place, but no one knows why.
Treasure: Beserker's Sphere - A rolling ball with a mushroom on it that proceeds to bowl over anything it hits. If it hits more than three opponents, the ball will recharge your NinZen.
Stage 04: Flooded Forest
Boss: Swampasaur
Description: Before Deity came, this forest wasn't as flooded as it is now. After defeating Deity in what felt like an age long battle, Swampasaur decided to stay in the forest to assist anyone who becomes lost within.
Treasure: Ivy Fist - a dino-sized claw that can break hard boulders with ease. Can deal great damage to an enemy as well.
Stage 05: Disco Club
Boss: Neon
Description: Should you donate to the NintenZone Network, you will be given access to the most hip, most happening place in the land. Recently however, the Disco Club has been a rather quiet place. The statue in the central area is dedicated to a Moderator of the past, named Hong.
Treasure: Bright Sight - Allows you to see invisible pathways through walls, allowing you to find secret rooms and hidden wealth.
Stage 06: Typo Factory
Boss: Zeb
Description: This factory was once abandoned until Moderator Zeb took control of it. He the started manufacturing a product called Typo. It is unclear what they do, but it is apparently very popular. The main elevator of the facility leads to Zeb's office.
Treasure: Roster Destroyer - Clears an entire screen of enemies. Costs a lot of NinZen.
Stage 07: Rainbow Hospital
Boss: Dr. FalKoopa
Description: Got a medical emergency? Head to NintenZone's Rainbow Hospital, lead by Doctor FalKoopa. This is where Coricus receive her license to sell Health-related items. Before being a doctor, FalKoopa was a young sword wielder who traveled the land as a sellsword. Despite a change of job, FalKoopa is still a competent sword wielder.
Treasure: Teran's Guard - The power of a moderator protects you, but only for a time.
Stage 08: Eon Tundra
Boss: Triphen
Description: Not much is known of this place, save that its cold, the wind is bitter, and that few would be so foolish to cone out here. Triphen lives atop the pinnacle of the mountain, watching the land from the highest vantage point. When he spots trouble, he blows the Horn of Warning to alert other Moderators.
Treasure: Like Rod - Use this rod on Post Stones found in different stages to find more secret areas. Can also be used on certain enemies to befriend them into helping you.
Stage 09: Nonspecific Fortress
Boss: Nonspecific Guy
Description: Before the darkness rose, Nonspecific Guy attempted to create a new faction in the NintenZone known as the Nonspecific Army. His goal was to seize control of the NintenCastle, but his plan was never fully realized. His pawns still exist, but some have left since then.
Treasure: Nonspecific Target - Immediately attack an opponent from afar. Can go through walls. Cost a lot if NinZen.
Stage 10: NintenTower - Courtyard
Boss: Dustin
Description: A bounty of flowers once covered the surroundings of the infamous NintenTower. When Sohni attacked, the flowers were burned, and a maze of thorned vines was made. No one has ever set foot inside the tower since then.
Treasure: None
Stage 11: NintenTower - Interior
Boss: Boss Rush
Description: NintenTower is now under full control of the evil wizard Sohni. The dark magics Sohni has used has corrupted the tower- turning it into the black and blue eyesore it is now. The walls are cracked and the floors are unstable. This Tower will fall. Its fate is sealed.
Treasure: The Admin Orb [Tainted]
Stage 12: NintenTower - Pinnacle
Boss 01: Cyndane
Boss 02: Sohnii
Description: You have to finish this. Destroy Sohni and save the NintenZone. Nothing else matters...
Treasure: The Admin Orb [Restored]
Rival Stages
Stage R-01: NintenTown - Dream
Boss: Uni
Description: You were put to sleep by a Unikorn. This is your dream. Find his horn, before this dream turns into a nightmare.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: After you defeat four Dark Moderators. Rest at the Inn.
Stage R-02: NintenCastle - Scenic View
Bosses: Praline & Obobo
Description: You've accidentally bumped into a couple who seem most offended in your sudden appearance. Two against one isn't fair, but you have no choice.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: After you defeat two Dark Moderators, including NintenCastle's. Return to NintenCastle and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-03: Flooded Forest - Shrouded Woods
Boss: Psycho Incarnate
Description: You've entered the forbidden zone of Flooded Forest. A giant eye has scolded you for your invasion. Brace yourself.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat three Dark Moderators. Return to Flooded Forest and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-04: Banned Yard - Golden Hoard
Boss: The Golden Yuiitusin
Description: You fell through the ground and found yourself face to face with a giant monster dog that has mistaken you for a thief. Defend yourself.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat three Dark Moderators, including Banned Yatd's. Return to Banned Yard and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-05: SpecTown - Center
Bosses: Shish, Gwen & Lily
Description: Shish, Gwen and Lily have arrived to cause trouble in NintenTown. Save the town and send the troublemakers packing.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat five Dark Moderators. Return to NintenTown.
Stage R-06: NintenFields - Red Storm
Boss: Red the Feather
Description: A strange red thunderstorm has occurred in NintenFields. You discovered that a mouse named Red is being controlled by the darkness to cause this. Stop Red before NintenFields becomes NintenAshes.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Defeat six Moderators. Return to NintenFields
Stage R-07: NintenTower - Unfathomable Depths
Boss: Ex-Faux
Description: You discovered a stairway that leads deep under the Tower. Inside, you've discovered that there was another evil wizard, named Ex-Faux. Defeat him before he builds up his power.
Treasure: Gold
Appears: Return to NintenTower - Interior and find the secret entrance.
Stage R-08: NintenTower - Portal
Boss: Aurane
Description: You have defeated all of the enemies you could. But there is one more challenge to complete. If you want to face me, meet me in the portal of the tower. I will wait for you there.
Treasure: Lots of Gold
Appears: After defeating all bosses and rivals, return to NintenTower - Core and find the secret entrance
The Player's armor of choice is a hooded cloak which, depending on the kind of cloak worn, have magical properties that can alter your abilities. Most cloaks can be bought from Alek the Poster in SpecTown.
Cloak 01: Worn Cloak
Description: Your first cloak. Provides no additional effects.
Location: Beginning
Cloak 02: Repacious Cloak
Description: Picking up gold grants a small boost in defense for three seconds. This affect does not stack.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 03: NinZen Cloak
Description: Sacrifice some protection for a higher NinZen limit, and harvest NinZen from defeated foes.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 04: Raging Cloak
Description: Defeating an enemy grants you a small boost in speed for three seconds. This affect does not stack.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 05: Mecha Cloak
Description: Technology enfused. Keep your footing when struck by enemies, but stopping may be a problem.
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 06: Premium Cloak
Description: Flashy! Blue! Useless!
Location: SpecTown
Cloak 07: Strong Bad Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. Wearing this makes you feel like a powerful villian.
Location: NintenTower - Interior
Cloak 08: Xivii Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. It has a cute doggy face on the hood.
Location: NintenCastle
Cloak 09: Fuzzy Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. It is photogenic and smells of pickles.
Location - Banned Yard
Cloak 10: Hong Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. It was made in respect of an older Moderator.
Location: Disco Club
Cloak 11: Smash Cloak
Description: One of the five legendary cloaks. The Player knows this cloak from a previous incarnation.
Location: Nonspecific Fortress
NintenTown is the first friendly "stage" of the game. Here, one can enjoy company of many different types of people, from the nurse Coricus to DJ the American Bard. This will be one of your frequent stops.
NintenTown Shops/Etc.
Warchamp's Admin Bunker
Owner: Warchamp
Description: Your boss's house. He summoned you here to defeat the dark wizard Sohni. Make sure you report each Dark Moderator's defeat for a gold reward.
Quote: "Greetings! I am grateful that this metaphorical fire is in your hands. You are The NintenZone's only hope, and I know you can save us all!
Rainbow Medical Office
Vendor: Nurse Coricus
Description: Pay a visit here to heal all of your wounds for free. Warchamp has given the all-clear that you are also allowed to buy Endurance
Soda. One bottle of this stuff will increase your maximum health by one.
Quote: "Welcome to the Rainbow Medical Office. I would ask if you had an appointment, but nobody's got time for those, these days."
Flight Inc. NinZen Services
Vendor: Flight
Description: NinZen is the inner magic of every person of The NintenZone, and is used when you utilize the magical Treasures of the world. One may fully recharge their NinZen here for free. You can also buy NinZen upgrades, called NinZen Fruit, which increase your maximum NinZen.
Quote: "Welcome to Flight Inc.. Here you can restore your NinZen and buy upgrades to maximize it. You better have coin- we don't do trades here."
DJ's Cornerclub
Owner: DJ the American Bard
Description: Adventurers seeking song once came to DJ's corner club, but since the darkness partially corrupted him, he has lost the ability to play the songs he once knew. If you bring him a Bard's Sheet, you will unlock a song for him to play, as well as earn a bit of gold too.
Quote: "I lost my rhythm! My tune and song! Without my sheets, I am simply an American! Won't you please help me? Bring me my sheets, and I'll pay you and play for you!"
Natz's Cannon Travel
Owner: Natz
Description: A person named Natz had the wonderfully idiotic idea to create a giant cannon that fires people into the neighboring SpecTown. Warchamp ordered Natz to shut it down, but after proving that it is a safe and reliable way to travel, Warchamp gave it a pass.
Quote: "Hello! Would you like to be fired from a cannon at high speeds and crash into the neighboring town of Spec? No? Its perfectly safe! And kinda fun too~"
Aurane's Trailer
Owner: Aurane
Description: The small and simple home of an irrelevant person.
Aurane: "Oh I'm no one special, bud. Best you continue your adventure."
Some changes, including Cloaks and The Player details.
I want to play this game so bad now.
Seriously, I love this. Keep on going.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
This. Though at least OO's crossover was still better than Super Megaforce's final battle, and if it was as simple as "add more Zord fights", then we'd have more options. But it's not that simple. There's too much mecha to edit out, and there's a budget. The only thing they could do is make the ground battle not suck hard. Which they didn't. Better choreography, better music, actual more actors back for full fights. Though some of it might be a budget issue, which explains why few Actors returned for the season.
Best part of the OO crossover was Adam coming back, and leading the team.


Sep 12, 2014
Not gonna lie, but the designs on the right would've made me noped right of the game (just out of Arachnophobia.)
There was a problem fetching the tweet

Deleted member

Not gonna lie, but the designs on the right would've made me noped right of the game (just out of Arachnophobia.)
There was a problem fetching the tweet
What the hell are those things!? I'm already scared of Guardians due to the threat they present ingame, imagine pairing that with a subconscious fear of the unknown chasing you in personified bit format and all you can do is hope this Lovecraftian horror doesn't catch you.


Sep 12, 2014
What the hell are those things!? I'm already scared of Guardians due to the threat they present ingame, imagine pairing that with a subconscious fear of the unknown chasing you in personified bit format and all you can do is hope this Lovecraftian horror doesn't catch you.
I lowkey hope the next Zelda goes in this weird horror-ish direction just because it would be real interesting.

But also... FEAR.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Not gonna lie, but the designs on the right would've made me noped right of the game (just out of Arachnophobia.)
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Huhu, one of them reminds me of War of the Worlds.

- - - - -

In an unrelated story, being sick friggin' sucks. Had a sore throat for 2 days, then started having some nausea yesterday, and now I'm down to "just" sinus issues. Asdfgdfegnforengoierngiregnerngoi;rengujernjgnfejg;nwekg I hate it. :mad:


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
2. Ura
3. Red
4. Cure Lily
5. Psycho Incarnate
6. AmericanDJ
7. Vaanrose
8. Shish
9. Goldie
10. Uni
11. Malos
12. Mythra
13. Swampasaur
14. Kirby Dragons
15. Z25
16. Me :(
17. Opo
18. Gwen
19. Holder
20. Chrono
21. Obobo :(
22. Coricus
23. Natz
24. Aurane
25. Aetheri
26. Apollo Justice
27. Burb & Human Disaster
28. ShinyLegendary


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
That feeling when you try to search for a water bottle from one of the 3 vending machine’s in a 9 story building during a break from a night class, only to find out all the vending machines are out of regular water.

What even is going on today? >_<


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling

So it took until he was around the ages of 7-8 before he began learning how to cook, huh? To tell you the truth, it wouldn't be found out that I had celiac disease until I was 3. Before then, I had lived on wheat products and nobody realized why I was crying or feeling annoyed until that age. My body was feeling quite weak over those few years due to the wheat products, but it being discovered when I was 3 was very important (and don't worry: I'm not mad at anyone for having been fed wheat products). At this point, I've adjusted to the food lifestyle I've been on, which has been great, and my body is doing fine now. :)

Well, you never know: he actually could be the next Gordon Ramsey. If your brother can beat him in a cook-off, for example, there's always the possibility. :3

Overall, my life style has changed because of me being in college, which has been both good (the social life) and bad (I'm still kinda lazy nowadays, but I'm working on it). But yeah, I'm happy for where I'm at now. :)
actually nah, around 11-12 is when he started to learn how to cook, it was around that time mom finally figured out what worked for konnie and not, his stomachs very weird

ouch....that really sucks dude :/ good thing they did caught it early though, imagine like if ya were just double that at 6 that would of made a serioud difference, good thing they did early enough (and lol i would be surprised, ya probs have no memories of it) good ya adjusted~ :)

he could honestly :laugh: would be funny to see that stoic ******* face off against his angry mouth

happiness matters more than a lotta people think it does~ be comfortable and be moving~ (and lazyiness is fine, its okay to be lazy -3-)

I'm booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored

Let's make a fire :b:

I thought Natz was the pyromaniac? :troll:
look above :p
Being her friend for so long might have made her rub off on me :troll:
awwwww i'm touched cx
Jokes on you, I wasn't w-

OH ****! MY TORSO! :crazy:
Hey Uni.... you’re hot. :troll:
i died XD
I have Darkest Dungeon but I haven't played it yet

Is it any good?

I haven't been able to try new games recently for some reason
yus it is, i recommend it greatly, a very bleak and dour game but its visuals and word play are top notch, its got very good tactical gameplay and is not afraid to hit you with the worst there is while you do your best to survive the onslaught, if your a fan of iron man like games, tactical like games, or a fan of say lovin craft mythos its a very good game to play thorough and give you plenty of hours to play through
B-but I got Natz~ Natz~ on my first spin....

please don't hurt me...

Also, my suggestion was that we go to Russia and play around of Roulette, you know the ones found in casinos. Why did you have to make this violent?
.....i will not hurt you....as long as you shoot uni :p
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I've been playing like **** in every game I play. Including TF2. And yet I switch to Sniper for no real reason and I play the best I have ever played after years of playing TF2.


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
2. Ura
3. Red
4. Cure Lily
5. Psycho Incarnate
6. AmericanDJ
7. Vaanrose
8. Shish
9. Goldie
10. Uni
11. Malos
12. Mythra
13. Swampasaur
14. Kirby Dragons
15. Z25
16. Me :(
17. Opo
18. Gwen
19. Holder
20. Chrono
21. Obobo :(
22. Coricus
23. Natz
24. Aurane
25. Aetheri
26. Apollo Justice
27. Burb & Human Disaster
28. ShinyLegendary
LOL SHINY :laugh:

.....i will not hurt you....as long as you shoot uni :p
Hey! :glare:

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Trying to find a good image for my Nintendo E3 Bingo sheet's Pokémon Switch square but that appears to be a problem because 90% of the Google image results are clickbait **** from YouTube and website articles.

Starting to look like I'll need to make one myself.
Last edited:


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
2. Ura
3. Red
4. Cure Lily
5. Psycho Incarnate
6. AmericanDJ
7. Vaanrose
8. Shish
9. Goldie
10. Uni
11. Malos
12. Mythra
13. Swampasaur
14. Kirby Dragons
15. Z25
16. Me :(
17. Opo
18. Gwen
19. Holder
20. Chrono
21. Obobo :(
22. Coricus
23. Natz
24. Aurane
25. Aetheri
26. Apollo Justice
27. Burb & Human Disaster
28. ShinyLegendary
AH, I'm higer tier then @Shishœ get dunked on. :p

actually nah, around 11-12 is when he started to learn how to cook, it was around that time mom finally figured out what worked for konnie and not, his stomachs very weird

ouch....that really sucks dude :/ good thing they did caught it early though, imagine like if ya were just double that at 6 that would of made a serioud difference, good thing they did early enough (and lol i would be surprised, ya probs have no memories of it) good ya adjusted~ :)

he could honestly :laugh: would be funny to see that stoic ******* face off against his angry mouth

happiness matters more than a lotta people think it does~ be comfortable and be moving~ (and lazyiness is fine, its okay to be lazy -3-)

look above :p

awwwww i'm touched cx

i died XD

yus it is, i recommend it greatly, a very bleak and dour game but its visuals and word play are top notch, its got very good tactical gameplay and is not afraid to hit you with the worst there is while you do your best to survive the onslaught, if your a fan of iron man like games, tactical like games, or a fan of say lovin craft mythos its a very good game to play thorough and give you plenty of hours to play through

.....i will not hurt you....as long as you shoot uni :p
Okay, I'll shoot.



Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
That's actually really fitting and I love it.
i know right? :laugh:
Natz said the same thing.

Glad I was right because that was a total blind choice lol
means ya starting to learn about me :p

Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
2. Ura
3. Red
4. Cure Lily
5. Psycho Incarnate
6. AmericanDJ
7. Vaanrose
8. Shish
9. Goldie
10. Uni
11. Malos
12. Mythra
13. Swampasaur
14. Kirby Dragons
15. Z25
16. Me :(
17. Opo
18. Gwen
19. Holder
20. Chrono
21. Obobo :(
22. Coricus
23. Natz
24. Aurane
25. Aetheri
26. Apollo Justice
27. Burb & Human Disaster
28. ShinyLegendary
damn....i'm no good

howevere red number 3 nice on ya red~

zeb and his typos must have some high effect and range, maybe hes broken

also ura is 2nd....maybe he really doesn't need dark ura

anyway my rush down must be **** as i'm 23, i must get destoryed

also rip shiny
LOL SHINY :laugh:

Hey! :glare:
you had some very good dance moves with your flaming hot abs :p

Deleted member

Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
2. Ura
3. Red
4. Cure Lily
5. Psycho Incarnate
6. AmericanDJ
7. Vaanrose
8. Shish
9. Goldie
10. Uni
11. Malos
12. Mythra
13. Swampasaur
14. Kirby Dragons
15. Z25
16. Me :(
17. Opo
18. Gwen
19. Holder
20. Chrono
21. Obobo :(
22. Coricus
23. Natz
24. Aurane
25. Aetheri
26. Apollo Justice
27. Burb & Human Disaster
28. ShinyLegendary
Why do you have to do this to me? :(
Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
hellllllllllll yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Need to make up for how bad I am at games by being OP to compensate


Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
.....i will not hurt you....as long as you shoot uni :p

No no no, you misunderstand, when you land on one of the eight users, they jump out and beat you to death.

No guns involved.
Out of boredom I rng’d all the characters in the NintenZone fighting game and this is the tier list. I’m not tagging anyone and using their current user name, not the name they’d have in game.

1. Zeb
2. Ura
3. Red
4. Cure Lily
5. Psycho Incarnate
6. AmericanDJ
7. Vaanrose
8. Shish
9. Goldie
10. Uni
11. Malos
12. Mythra
13. Swampasaur
14. Kirby Dragons
15. Z25
16. Me :(
17. Opo
18. Gwen
19. Holder
20. Chrono
21. Obobo :(
22. Coricus
23. Natz
24. Aurane
25. Aetheri
26. Apollo Justice
27. Burb & Human Disaster
28. ShinyLegendary
Shiny being bottom tier is probably because of his flubs about legs, Natz~'s innocence, and Opossum's butt.

Shiny's worst matchups would be Natz~ and Opo.

Deleted member

Can someone please give me respect? I am literally the worst character in the game. O_O
Last edited by a moderator:


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling

No no no, you misunderstand, when you land on one of the eight users, they jump out and beat you to death.

No guns involved.
....but i'm one of those said 8 users :V i'm pretty sure i got a choice whether or not to beat someone up to death, and my choice was if she made uni dance again i wouldn't touch her
Shiny being bottom tier is probably because of his flubs about legs, Natz~'s innocence, and Opossum's butt.

Shiny's worst matchups would be Natz~ and Opo.
ya, also fitting cause i'm well low tier and oppo mid, shiny really is the games joke character

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
You want to make me and Burb bottom tier?

Silly fool.

You have no idea of our power.

We will crush you under the weight of our pinkies.


Deleted member

Shiny being bottom tier is probably because of his flubs about legs, Natz~'s innocence, and Opossum's butt.

Shiny's worst matchups would be Natz~ and Opo.
Nah, my worst match-ups are Swampsaur, Opossum, Zeb~ and Chrono..
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