The unused voice clip that Jin have were probably used in earlier build where Jin was going to stay longer in the party, after Nia & company came back. But something tell me that the deadline, budget and the small team made that they had to shorten Jin segment, which is a really shame imo.
For him being a blade, honestly, while it would be cool, and I probably won't complain alot if it happen. It kinda goes against Jin's character to be the blade of someone who isn't Lora. Like, I know it's not canon so the dev can do whatever. But honestly, I would see more Malos than Jin being a playable blade, he is a Aegis after all.
Also, we need fully playable Vandham, come on Monolith, you have already half the work done. Just make him "alive" and be able to use more blades than Roc, or make that, if he only can use Roc, make him have a special gimmick that none others drivers have.
Like, remember how he impale himself to transfer the ether into his body? What if he could something similar in gameplay? Where in that state, Vandham health lower to critical health and can't go back to normal health. But in exchange, Vandham get really strong buff to
-his auto-attacks
-his physical & ether attack
-higher critical rate
His arts or blades arts that require low health would also be stronger as a result, and while his health can't go to normal health, Vandham can still get healing in that state, combined that with him having the stats of a tank. That would make this "Critic Low Health" playstyle actually viable, if risky if not used properly.
That's just my guess on the spot however, so this might need more thinking. But that would make Vandham very unique if he was still limited to Roc only. Though, seeing a character in a PEGI 12 game impaling himself every time you use that mode wouldn't exactly please the parents, soooo, yeah...need more consideration before implementing that kind of stuff.