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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Deleted member

Since you guys like legs, she has some smooth and big ones. Also, this rabbit costume is a good design. :)
I am not very attracted to legs though. :p

Was browsing the FEH subreddit.

And if I have to see this.

You all have to see this with me.

Because I'm not screaming alone.

View attachment 139236
Ninjabbit is everything.
I think I am scarred permanently from this image.
You want a janitor to clean up the mess you are going to make?
If we get a Pokémon game that's called Nuclear, then there damn well better be a Godzilla Pokémon. :248:
I will take any Pokemon as long as they add Greninja as well. :p
I really hope they add Greninja in Pokken.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here's a betting game, What happens first:
A) Pikmin 4
B) Retro Studio's new game
C) Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
D) DK or Metroid getting newcomers in Smash
E) All of the Above

Retro's game is Pikmin 4, which is a Kid Icarus crossover. At the end of the trailer, they play a Smash trailer that reveals Rambi, Anthony Higgs, and a duo character, Hades and Bulblax.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Id pay for Spirt Tracks HD not gonna lie
Honestly, I'd love a Spirit Tracks remake, actually having the beautiful main theme not be process through the compress sound of the DS, would be lovely.

Also I have doubts with the Pokemon games having names like Pokemon Chemical and Nuclear. I honestly doubt Nuclear power would come in anywhere, in game series that's from Japan. Nuclear power is actually controversial there. Plus that whole Chemical and Nuclear, screams the desire of a certain group of fans, mainly those who played and enjoyed Pokemon Uranium.

Basically I'm suspect when it comes to so called leaks, that contain fan desires, and especially when it contains stuff from just one part of the fandom. In this case I see the whole Nuclear type as something coming from mainly the American fan base of Pokemon, so I'm not buying this.
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Here's a betting game, What happens first:
A) Pikmin 4
B) Retro Studio's new game
C) Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
D) DK or Metroid getting newcomers in Smash
F) Mother 3

Im cereal


Sep 12, 2014
Sounds like bull to me.

If Partners in Time HD was in development, why would they show off the Bowser's Inside Story remaster during Direct?

Also "Dillon’s Rolling Western 2" already exists. It was released years ago.
I have so many questions regarding the BIS remake.

Why skip Partners in Time? Why announce it so early if it's coming next year at earliest?

Hmm. Actually, it's just those two questions. But still.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
I have so many questions regarding the BIS remake.

Why skip Partners in Time? Why announce it so early if it's coming next year at earliest?

Hmm. Actually, it's just those two questions. But still.
Bowser's Inside Story did better both critically and commercially.

I'm assuming this is their 3DS swan song (though I was expecting Superstar Saga DX to be that....), so it's understandable why they'd skip PiT and go straight for BIS.

Deleted member

Have hope A Distant Demon A Distant Demon !
I am sure a Kid Icarus sequel will happen, considering that there was a longer delay than Kid Icarus Uprising to now. Plus, I heard Kid Icarus Uprising was a success overall.
Maybe Sakurai or some other developer will bless us. :pit:
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
So, redfeatherraven redfeatherraven why is your avatar a pile of ash? Did something happen to cause you to burst into flames?

In other words, does this mean your secretly a phoenix? Your name does fit after all.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
The winner of the first Path of Radiance poll was none other than Black Knight. Titania and Ranulf were decently popular. Then there's Shinon, poor Shinon.

Always this next poll will feature the man villain and a few important ladies. Your choices are Mia, Mist, Elincia, and Ashnard.

There was a problem fetching the tweet


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Here let's change the subject.

Let's play a game.

Think of your top five characters.

Those five characters are now in a horror movie with a supernatural machete wielding maniac.

Which ones survive and why?
Gave a meme answer with 5 Jasons, now time for the serious one. Warning, there's going to be words.

So, before I start, there are characters that I really like and would qualify for top 5, but can't use in this scenario because they'd be way too OP. Bill Cipher and KI's Hades instantly come to mind for this kind of scenario. So I decided to go for 5 characters I really like, but wouldn't necessarily win automatically just from existing so that it would be more like the "horror movie" you suggested rather than a joke.

So, without further ado, my five characters. Not in any specific order, by the way.

1. Medusa (Fate)
I don't care what any of you Fate fans say. Medusa is a great character that's highly underrepresented and a character I've really grown to like a lot.

For starters, let's just get the obvious thing out; she's ****ing gorgeous. Like, seriously. Nice body proportions that manages to be big without going beyond reason and everything seems to be balanced with each other. Also, those square-spahed pupils when she uses her eyes to turn people to stone are honestly really cute. Threathening, but cute. Her overall design is also extremely tame compared to some other Fate females while still usually complimenting her looks. And even for the outfits that are pure fanservice (like Extella's bunny outfit), it manages to not be distasteful because it's still tame by Fate standards. Just look at Wu, Scheherazade, Orion, Yorimistu or Kuro, the latter one being an actual child, and you'll see what I mean.

But what truly seels her beauty is how she doesn't even see herself as beautiful. She's extremely insecure about her appearance because her sisters constantly bullied her for it since, unlike them, she wasn't a loli (not even joking, Fate's Euryale and Stheno are lolis). That goes to my next point; her backstory. Oooooh boy, it's pretty messed up. Not the most messed up backstory (Sakura and others exist, after all), but still messed up. Aside from being bullied by her sisters for pretty much her whole life, cursed to become a hideous monster with an insatiable lust for blood by Artemis because she was jealous of her beauty, exiled to a secluded island and ***** by Poseidon, making her pregnant of a pegasus. And let's not forget being beheaded by Perseus too, which gave birth to said Pegasus. There's a bit more to it, like how Euryale and Stheno ultimately truly care for their sister and followed her, but that's the overall basic of her backstory, and it's pretty sad.

Aside from that, her abilities. Sure, they make her seem like she's really edgy, but when you take the time to look at that "edgy" stuff, you can find a good amount of references to her myth. For example, to summon the pegasus she got from Poseidon as a Servant, she has to cut her neck. That's actually a reference to her myth, as she was beheaded by Perseus, which led to the pegasus' birth. The fact that they went ahead and gave this little detail when she could've just made him appear out of nowhere like any other Rider and their mount just really stands out to me. Blood Fort Andromeda can also be some sort of reference to how her monster self basically ate people. Really, there's some good details that I love.

Also, her personality. Whenever she's with Sakura, she's like the best person ever. Zeb would probably instantly like her from that alone (shame the UBW route never has any of that, so he can't see it from the anime lol). Like a protective big sister, willing to do anything for the safety of those she deeply cares about and make them happy. Even when both had a crush on the same guy, she just did everything so Sakura could have him. That's some really good dedication right there. And again, it's really cute how in her earlier appearances, she was a bit insecure about her looks despite being freaking gorgeous. Nowadays, she seems more flirthy, so she probably gained more confidence. Actual character development right there lol

All and all, I just really like Medusa. There's a lot of other characters in Fate that I like, such as Cu, Gilgamesh, Iskandar, Heracles and so on... But Dusa's just so great to me and it's a crime that she doesn't get as much representation as some other characters.
2. Wade "Deadpool" Wilson (Mahvel, baybee)
What can I say? I realy enjoy the Merc with a Mouth. He's just so entertaining. Now, point taken, that's the whole point of him since he's basically a parody, but still, that shows it works lol

His fourth wall breaks are through the roof (or should I say wall? :p), his sense of humor, his unpredictability, his insanity, his red spandex... There's just so much to love. I already liked him before the movie, but Ryan Reynolds just made me love him even more. He really has way too much fun with the role and it shows. And it makes it even better.

Now, I can already hear you. "Why are you bringing a guy who can't die in this? Didn't you say you wanted to avoid OP characters?"

Point taken, but really, the only edge Wade really has is that pseudo-immortality from his healing factor. He can heal and regenerate from virtually everything. But against an invulnerable Jason Voorhees, all that does is delay his loss. Besides, he could always be tied in a way that makes it impossible for him to escape. Not every loss is supposed to be death. :evil:
3. Link (Breath of the Wild)
This iteration of Link really grew on me because all the diaries, both the base game's and the ones in the DLCs, really fleshed him out. Not to mention all his animations and voice effects. Especially the cooking one. So adorable~

But really, we get a lot from him; how good he was before Calamity Ganon struck, how much he liked food, why he was silent. Actually, the mere fact that there's an in-game reason for his stoic facade is great. And I can relate so much to that reason. Stress is a horrible thing, after all...

But despite everything that happened, despite having already failed, he came back, prepared himself and fought Ganon again, and he won. He's a pure symbol of never giving up. And if you fail, rise back up and try again. It's actually very inspiring.

Oh, and as a side note, if you people can find translations of the Japanese Adventure Log, read them. They're utterly fantastic.
4. Specter Knight (Shovel Knight)
This is a character I actually didn't think much of early on, but once Specter of Torment showed up, oh boy. He actually became my favorite SK character because of that campaign. We got to see how life was from his perspective, and that perspective is far from optimistic. And it gave some new meanings from some of the things he said in other campaigns.

We also saw a completely different Specter Knight, the real Specter Knight. The one who regrets everything that led to him being undead, the one who wants to keep a promise he made to an old friend, the one who joined the Order of No Quarter not because he wanted to, but because he had literally no other choice, the one who... I'd rather not spoil that last one because it's endgame stuff, but... Yeah, I really liked him because of Specter of Torment.

"Oh, but Uni, now you bring someone who's already dead?" I mean... didn't still Shovel Knight nor Plague Knight, did it?
5. The Joker
Any iteration of the Joker works here, honestly. Except Leto. Leto sucks.

Joker's been a favorite villain of mine for quite some time. He's utterly insane, knows it and rolls with it, doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. And it's usually bery horrible things.

Despite this, he's quite brilliant and he knows that no matter what happens to him, he wins. Either he stays alive and is sent to an asylum which he'll eventually escape from to do more crimes or he dies, which can make his killer cross a line they shouldn't have crossed (Injustice is the best example of this).

And he's surprisingly smart, capable of planning mass killings, designing his own killer gas, managing to get an upper hand against freaking Batman every now and then...

However, he'd probably end up being another killer in the horror movie scenario, but whatever. Would just be more fun to watch. :p
As for who would win? I honestly have no clue. Probably Deadpool because healing factor (and being able to annoy the evil machete man :troll), but Link can be resourceful and is good at surviving and Specter Knight has a few tricks up his sleeve. I'd say one of those two for sure. Medusa would be the kind to sacrifice herself to give some time to everyone else. And Joker would try to kill everyone :p
>Car battery ****ing dies
>Sister in law comes to pass charge from her car
>My car works again while connected to her battery
>She says the alternator is also ****ed and the car will stop working after disconnecting the batteries
>"You underestimate the power of my Cherokee"
>I turn on the car while disconnected, ****ton of weird noises happen
>Car turns completely on while doing epic vroom noises, as I sit on the driver seat filled with pride as the mighty sound of my engine overshadows the banda music of a neighbor...
>Car dies again after 5 minutes

Guess who's buying a big*** battery by foot.
12 likes from this post...

Comedy truly loves misery.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Since you guys like legs, she has some smooth and big ones. Also, this rabbit costume is a good design. :)
I am not very attracted to legs though. :p

I think I am scarred permanently from this image.

You want a janitor to clean up the mess you are going to make?

I will take any Pokemon as long as they add Greninja as well. :p
I really hope they add Greninja in Pokken.
We get it Shiny, you love boobs.
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Here's a betting game, What happens first:
A) Pikmin 4
B) Retro Studio's new game
C) Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
D) DK or Metroid getting newcomers in Smash
C and D will never happen, so I'm betting B. 50% chance of being wrong is pretty safe :p

I am not very attracted to legs though. :p
Well, you're not a man of culture then :p

You do not care when I get good grades
I mean, it's good news. Nothing to make fun of there.

but you laugh and beg me to lick a Ridley statue.
Because that sounds ****ing hilarious :laugh:

I am not licking that Ridley statue even if Ridley is announced in Smash for Switch, sorry. :p
I'm gonna buy you a Ridley amiibo and you're gonna lick it!
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904

This is the list of supposed games/datamined stuff found. None of it is guaranteed according to what I was looking( and I still don't really trust this leak), but there's some hype stuff in here.

Another Kid Icarus, the Kirby 64 HD, Partners in time HD, etc, a lot of great ideas here.

I'll say this, if the Pokemon stuff is real then that could explain the Uranium take down.

But that's a stretch.
Anything with Kid Icarus on it requires me to do a look-over, even if it's fake.

. . .

. . .These game names are. . .actually not completely awful??

The biggest red flag for me out of the franchises I have decent knowledge of is the Mario and Sonic crossover using the Sonic/Mega Man Archie tagline, as well as the Olympics prefix with what would more than likely not be an Olympics game. And Takumaru and F-Zero actually getting games at all. But props to the writer for not making me want to immediately punch myself in the face with the names and actually including movie/franchise adaption stuff instead of making a straight wishlist.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Here's a betting game, What happens first:
A) Pikmin 4
B) Retro Studio's new game
C) Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
D) DK or Metroid getting newcomers in Smash
B would be my no meme guess.

Just because I think that's an E3 title and the others are far off.
Sounds like bull to me.

If Partners in Time HD was in development, why would they show off the Bowser's Inside Story remaster during Direct?

Also "Dillon’s Rolling Western 2" already exists. It was released years ago. Dead Heat Breakers is Dillon 3.

EDIT: Wait, it's marked February 4th. So, yeah, this was pre-Direct. It's definitely fake.
That new Dillion game is on Switch?

I thought it was 3ds. Regardless, having the first two games end up on Switch wouldn't shock me.

As for PIT, because they clearly hate the game :p

But in the 0.000000000000001 chance this is somehow real, I'd say it goes back to your last post. BIS was received better and is much more likely to sell. And the listings aren't confirmed games, its just stuff supposedly in the data, none of it is fully confirmed but the source for it and the articles said some could be placeholders that never actually happen.

Which for something like PIT I wouldn't be surprised.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Also that datamine, has Xenocrisis, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Xenoblade Warriors listed. Yeah Xenoblade isn't popular enough to get a Warriors spin-off yet. Plus not enough characters, in my opinion. Out of these 3 X is most likely to happen and get a port.

Although it also has Starfox Zero and Guard listed, and well I honestly think that them having a port, might actually make people give them a second chance, since a reworked control scheme would fix most issues people had with Zero. And I'm leaving it at that, cause I've mentioned in previous threads my feelings on the opinions people had on Zero's control scheme.
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
So, redfeatherraven redfeatherraven why is your avatar a pile of ash? Did something happen to cause you to burst into flames?

In other words, does this mean your secretly a phoenix? Your name does fit after all.
Things got too adorbs some dozen-ish pages back.

Good vibes overload.

My little black heart went poof. Then the rest of me.

I'm good though. Gimme like...15-ish hours.
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
List also has Baby Mario & Friends: Yoshi Circle, I'm guessing this is supposed to be a Yoshi game. And well that naming is weird, since most of the time Yoshi games, start with Yoshi at the start of a game title.

Things got too adorbs some dozen-ish pages back.

Good vibes overload.

My little black heart went poof. Then the rest of me.

I'm good though. Gimme like...15-ish hours.
No, no sorry that's not how rising from the flames works for Phoenixes, you either get back to your real form now or your not a real phoenix to me.
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Sep 12, 2014
Also that datamine, has Xenocrisis, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Xenoblade Warriors listed. Yeah Xenoblade isn't popular enough to get a Warriors spin-off yet. Plus not enough characters, in my opinion. Out of these 3 X is most likely to happen and get a port.

Although it also has Starfox Zero and Guard listed, and well I honestly think that them having a port, might actually make people give them a second chance, since a reworked control scheme would fix most issues people had with Zero. And I'm leaving it at that, cause I've mentioned in previous threads my feelings on the opinions people had on Zero's control scheme.
Amount of characters shouldn't be much of an issues. There's way too many ****ing characters just across the 3 Blade games. And that's not counting Xenosaga or Xenogears characters should they choose to add those, if they even can.

But yeah, it's unlikely anyway just based on Xeno still being rather niche, even if 2 sold 1 million copies in less than a month.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Here's a betting game, What happens first:
A) Pikmin 4
B) Retro Studio's new game
C) Kid Icarus Uprising sequel
D) DK or Metroid getting newcomers in Smash
Half Life 3...


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
No, no sorry that's not how rising from the flames works for Phoenixes, you either get back to your real form now or your not a real phoenix to me.

The time is the time, man.

I don't make the rules. That you know of.

Deleted member

F-Zero has been asleep since 2004.
That's older than some of the people on this site.
Actually, I was born in 2003. :p
There are thirteen year olds in this sight I think, just extremely rare. I am 14.
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One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
"The LEGO Incredibles"

Yeah I don't think they have enough characters for that to happen.

"LEGO Star Wars: The Last Jedi"

Wow it's amazing that everything on this list is wrong.

"Mario & Sonic: Worlds Collide"

Mario and Sonic getting a actual crossover game that isn't a bunch a party games? Fake.

"Final Fantasy XV"

If this game comes on on the switch regardless of this leaking being true or not, then I will eat my own shoe, mark my words to be true.

"Paper Mario: Sticky Terror"

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