I don't know why everyone is expecting and wanting Rex when there are better character in Xenoblade 2 to root for.
Root for the Welsh Cat, The Greatest Poet of All Noponkind, the Special Inquisitor, and the Zekenator you cowards.
I mean the only argument is that main character are often the obvious choice...
But some forgot that we already have Shulk.
And it will be so cool if Core Crystals are new assist items.
And here's a video I want to share
Whenever people asks that "Is Taiwan a part of China?" I will always reply to them them that this is a hollow/fallacy question since this question is not only meaningless but also a bit vague when it comes to "China" because in reality there's two Chinas... one is PRC and one is ROC.
The video's description on Taiwan's history is on par, but how he says those who support Taiwan be a part of China/PRC is because it was a part of China during the Ching Dynasty... that's not right at all even if you look at the history. ROC still has the right since it over thrown the Ching Dynsaty in 1911, but then after WWII there were some controversies on whether if ROC has the legit right over the island. And that's how Taiwan Independence appears... as how the video sort of imply that, but when it comes to changing the name is also going to be a problem and difficult since it require the change of the constitution which is a huge hurdle btw.
The last statement saying "Should Taiwan be part of China" my answer is the same with "No" but I will also say I disagree that Taiwan should change its country name either.
And asking whether China will invade Taiwan or not is like asking whether China is going to drink the super hot spicy cool lade... China isn't that stupid... and they don't need to "invade" Taiwan in order to screw the island. Just some huge trade locks and we are pretty much game over...
He also later said this video angered "many" Chinese people... which I found it really funny because... Chinese in the mainland can't even watch Yoututbe, so not sure where he is coming from with that, and also with how the Chinese government do have net armies where they spread malwares in other countries, fake news, or just being trolls, it happens when you have Chinese netizens being mad...
I have asked many Chinese students, and while they think that Taiwan being called ROC is childish, they don't have much opinions on what Taiwan people thinks, they just China to be better and better.
However now people are creating a false sense of popularity for Rex because the Xenoblade community has just sort of agreed to root for one character and they chose Rex. Instead of people rooting for their favourite, they're arbitrarily deciding to root for one they are sorta OK with.
And it's those kind of pointless Smash politics that have completely ruined the speculation and hype cycle for me. Nobody backs the characters they genuinely want anymore (exaggeration I know, but you get the idea). They just make up arbitrary reasons why characters are "more fitting" over other characters and try to get the whole community to back them, creating arbitrary popularity. It's soulless.
I mean this is just some prefer speculating character by reasonable facts instead of their own personal favs, while yes some will be annoyed by that but there's more room to discuss it in that way rather than you calling it soulless. Sometimes we can discuss characters that are more possible in the reality while some are really just some wild guess, which I notice people are more annoyed by those kind of discussion actually.
I remember there were some people were hugely supporting Lara Croft to be in Smash, and mentions how popular she is in the video game industry... but again when it comes to how most characters we see are all from Japan and can be easily cooperate with Nintendo, you know the drill. Popularity doesn't always equal the feasibility.
While I admit Rex isn't like the most fav protagonist... but I'll to the other character just a bit... since I'm a bit mixed when it comes to this.
The different between Rosalina and Rex though is that Rex is essentially the main protagonist of the game.
Asking for Nia over Rex as the first Xenoblade 2 rep would be like getting Fiora instead of Shulk in Smash 4.
Or Jeanne instead of Bayonetta.
Or Tifa instead of Cloud.
You get the idea.
Uh... I actually think that Melia is equally as possible as Rex... same with Reyn...
Nia is literally the female protagonist of XC2. She's Rex's equal, arguably more.
Both are made playable in the first chapter.
Both are the most prominent characters and have the most dialogue, especially in Blade quests.
Both are given a special mechanic that only they can use in the late game, and Nia's is much more in-depth and also required her to have a ton of extra voice lines.
I love Nia too, but logically... Pyra/ Mythra technically is the main female protagonist... sure Rex met Nia first but eventually Pyra has more chemistry with Rex... and I don't think I need to explain more when it comes to the story lol since the entire main story of XC2 involves with Myra/Mythra... and ultimately coffee and milk when you mention the special mechanic.
Nia actually goes through far more character development than Rex too, she basically changes and develops in every other chapter while Rex's characterisation is pretty stagnant and had less effort put into it.
While this can be applied to all main casts... I personally think Nia's back story could have gone even more in depth... but when it comes to character development though, again I can say the same thing with Pyra and especially Mythra.
And again I can't mention enough when it comes to Zeke, from how he was the worst character to me at first into my most fav driver in the game.
I think it's unfounded that people ever had the idea that Rex is the only "viable" choice, and that's before even getting into the debacle of how to handle his moveset (if he just gets Pyra/Mythra as his Blades, which is what people are shooting for, he's gonna be the blandest newcomer we get. Might as well make him a Shulk echo at that point).
I mean I prefer other characters beside Rex as well, but by think the feasibility (I know I use this word a lot lol), I have to admit characters like Melia, Reyn, Cross and Elma are more possible.
And about the Rex having Blades, not sure why that makes him an Echo fighter lol, again, if Sakurai did it right (If he has the time too), Rex could be one of the most unique sword fighter/Duo fighter in Smash.
To ultimately sum this up Chiko, since I'm being super real here, I have already decided that there's no way that there will be any XC2 characters in Smash... even though XC2 reps are my most wanted.
So that's why I can see a lot of people preferring XCX characters or even XC1 characters.