The thing is some people just have a limit on their patience and tolerance for behavior they don't care for, so if people want to ignore him rather than interact with him, period, then that's their decision. I would say trying to help someone grow or offer advice in a time of need is the right thing to do, and it is; you have to be careful about how you treat younger folk, because not everyone is as mature as others might've been at their age, and treating them badly can affect them later in life, not just in that very moment; especially if they're already dealing with some issues in life. Not to mention lacking the patience and morality to ever be civil and rational and with them at all is not a good thing. Neither is getting angry with or insulting kids just because they're kids or lack awareness or maturity. I've seen those kinds of attitudes from people many times before, and it's awful. But for the most part this thread hasn't come near to crossing that line. At least I don't think it has. People have their limits. I get that.
I really want to see Shiny mature, myself, I'm more than willing to believe he really is just a kid that simply needs to grow up a little. I was very awkward when I was around his age, and in some regards I'd even say I was a bit similar to him. So I understand his position. But a few others have mentioned that this is essentially a cycle that constantly repeats itself, and as a matter of fact, that cycle just did repeat itself. Shiny does something a few people might find questionable (justified, unjustified, or otherwise) people get upset about it, Shiny feels hurt, other people get upset with each other as a result, Shiny gets offered advice, sometimes a moderator has to step in, the thread calms down, then the thread moves on, and then this cycle repeats itself later on. I can definitely see why people have gotten tired of it by now.
I'm not even necessarily putting Shiny at fault for this. But so little has changed from us, strangers on the Internet, trying to help another stranger, a young teen, mature and learn, that I can't see us continuing to do so making any kind of real difference in a relatively short amount of time. Many of us have said it before; Shiny needs help, but it shouldn't be from us. Certainly not most of it. All we can do at this point is be friendly, supportive and patient with him. Because I haven't seen the many attempts from numerous users here to offer sage advice to him make a significant difference. Largely, it's more aided to the process of starting the same loop that's already occurred again and again that has made a lot of people lose their patience. And frankly, not all of us are as mature as we probably want Shiny to be, either. I know I'm not. That's only one reason out of many that we are far from the ideal place for kids and teens to regularly seek serious life advice. That doesn't mean we should ignore or get angry with them, not at all. We should still tolerate Shiny as necessary and I think that can be said about pretty much everyone on this site. I gotta admit, I do think being on this site has helped me mature, but I rarely learned just because people directly told me what I "needed" to do. I learned and grew my own way, at my own pace.
It can't be said for certain how Shiny will learn and grow, but I think what has been happening in this thread for the past few months hasn't made a major difference for him. At least not that the grand majority of us can see. So, if nothing else, keeping it short, Shiny simply needs the time to grow. And until then, we would do best to simply treat him well, and reasonably. Offering advice isn't a bad thing, so we don't just need to refrain from doing that. But no one here should expect to immediately see growth and change because of what any of us say someone else "should" do. Everyone is different, everyone can be different from others were at the same age, and everyone learns and grows differently, because of specific reasons that just so happen to be helping their growth. That's it. Shiny is gonna grow up. Both now and even after he's greatly matured, we should treat him reasonably in accordance to his actions and behavior, and how sensitive any issue of his at hand truly is, just as we should with everyone else.
I know this is a bit late for me to say, but I wanted to say my piece on the matter and writing it all out took a little while. Just don't think less of yourself for any time someone gets upset with you, Shiny, alright? You're a good kid. Nothing you've done has changed that.