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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
all I remember about cliff is trolling him too hard and getting warned by a mod. not one of my prouder moments
With the recent frequent mentions of Yoshi in this thread, I'm suddenly remembering this old mess of a Super Smash Bros. roster that I made as a joke back in 2013.

My special "Year of Yoshi" roster.
zurg killed me. i am dead.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Either I have the fastest Blastoise ever or Giovanni has the slowest Dugtrio ever

Because Blastoise shouldn't be outspeeding Dugtrio


I know remember why I hate the safari zone. Throw one ball. Pokemon breaks free. Pokemon runs away. Repeat

"This is the simplest way to go about the Safari Zone - just madly lob balls at everything you want to catch and pray that they don't run before you catch them." LOL
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
meh ya two have been trying for well over a whole season trying to tame them :V we just finally succeeded. It was constant 4% about 2 chances every day for about 25ish days, so ya :V took long enough to strike, so now we have a herd of alpacas and a snake along with the 9 of us

and meh, its not owned yet :V you can still own the snake
Meh, Yellow can have the Snake. I'm going to be the crazy cat lady. :v

I mean everytime someone changed their username I’m like “who are you?”

Ironic since I went name change crazy for like a good year lol
Surely, you didn't do that when I changed my name?

Though avatar might have thrown you. :v

looked up Jason the yoshi on google, found whatever the **** this **** is

Oh, yeah that was a thing. Good thing I was never active enough outside the Leaks group to be added. And don't any of you dare add me now.

Such a shame that I don't have a page on the Smashboards Social Wiki. :c

I'm super important to the plot of Nintenzone yo!
Sorry, after Dark Ura died, you plot was over, so you've faded into the background. :v

You haven't got a current plot line. I do though.

Shilling Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight, which you should all go watch, right now. :v

As soon as morning came around and everyone ate breakfast
View attachment 153828
yaaaaaaa....turns out the beaver meat was rotten and everyone vomited their guts out

and yus i mean everyone, except for like lily, red, and coricus, everyone else got ffood poisoning and now our place is literally covered in vomit, what a great morning that was

anywho while we all stumble around thanks to food poisoning we went on and around doing chores, were out of wood and more preceding things are happening so all building projects sans for tileing are suspended
View attachment 153829
biggest news our corn fields are done~ and now were completely full of corn, like seriously our freezer is now stuffed with corn, no more raw food for us and plenty to cook with, and also good for bargaining now that we have more food then we'll ever need

thats been our focus pretty much, harvesting and hauling the corn, and replanting the fields. the flowers have also been eaten a lot and need to be replaced so a lot of gardening just been done about

speaking of which
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our damn alpacas are eating our flowers! i mean..its better than our food and it isn't a problem vs eating our crops, but still crafty ********

oh ya another sculpture done by coricus got done
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so she basically made a statue of a smith getting held at smuggling terrorism, well it makes sense at least :V

anyway we just kept at the fields for the next two days to make sure all the corn gets hauled and we set up the next batch of harvest, meanwhile praline continued on to carve out more of the hills about to spread our home and get more materials out

and then i caught this
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bucko the snake vommiting in our freezer...ya um bucko dranked some of our alcohol and got drunk, badly and she vommited her guts out everywhere, adding just more vomit to our home, ya this been a disgusting bit of few days

whelp i hope that snake learned her lesson, i don't want it dying because it dranked it self to death via alcohol poisoning, **** i'm surprised its still okay, can snakes even handle alcohol?

View attachment 153833
speaking of which theres our bar all ready, sadly its dirty as hell and also has some of i think pralines vomit there, but we been hanging out and relaxing with a beer or two....or 4 in shishoes case, we need to watch him as hes already been abusing them

and finally to end this log
View attachment 153834
we got a birb
i don't know why we got birb
birb self trained and is now part of our community
cause birb

that is all
Guess me, Cori and red decided to have the tuna instead.

That was an Aeroplane reference by the way. :v

Also, who named the Snake Bucko? :v

Also, lol, drunk Snake.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Meh, Yellow can have the Snake. I'm going to be the crazy cat lady. :v

Surely, you didn't do that when I changed my name?

Though avatar might have thrown you. :v

Oh, yeah that was a thing. Good thing I was never active enough outside the Leaks group to be added. And don't any of you dare add me now.

Sorry, after Dark Ura died, you plot was over, so you've faded into the background. :v

You haven't got a current plot line. I do though.

Shilling Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight, which you should all go watch, right now. :v

Guess me, Cori and red decided to have the tuna instead.

That was an Aeroplane reference by the way. :v

Also, who named the Snake Bucko? :v

Also, lol, drunk Snake.
Well for like a minute maybe until I noticed Lily in your name.

Deleted member

I know remember why I hate the safari zone. Throw one ball. Pokemon breaks free. Pokemon runs away. Repeat

"This is the simplest way to go about the Safari Zone - just madly lob balls at everything you want to catch and pray that they don't run before you catch them." LOL
Jwittz sums it perfectly.


Sep 12, 2014
Safari Zone was terrible.

Glad they caught on by like Gen 4.

Though with Let's Go mechanics you could probably make a Safari Zone more interesting since Pokemon are now in the overworld. Not that we'll ever know cause Safari Zone got canned.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I think the reason the new Smashboards sucks Is cause the update can't handle the traffic that SB gets.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
>getting ready to take a relaxing bath
>cat gets up
>cat walks over to me
>cat lays on my feet
>"you... you seem to be in my way."
>moves feet slightly to shoo cat away
>cat digs claws into feet
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Deleted member

Still mad at Aurane for ignoring me.

Sorry Hat, but I can not get over it.

I really need an explanation to why he would ignore me even though I have changed.

Deleted member

Guys Therion Jojo poses when he does Bewildering Grace
I certainly didn't expect that but it's not like I'n surprised, he's definitely the weeb of the group. Tressa is a weeb too but not as much as him.
though she gets mad at him for pirating it

Deleted member


Has never heard of anime:

"You mean cartoons?":

Watched Sailor Moon as a kid but that's it:

Is subscribed to Cruncyroll, Amazon Prime, Funimation, HiDive and whatever other anime streaming services and makes posts online calling out those that pirate their shows:

The guy that goes "is that a MOTHER****ING JOJO'S REFERENCE!?!?" at every single opportunity:

"Anime was a mistake":

These are the facts
you can't change my mind

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585

Has never heard of anime:

"You mean cartoons?":

Watched Sailor Moon as a kid but that's it:

Is subscribed to Cruncyroll, Amazon Prime, Funimation, HiDive and whatever other anime streaming services and makes posts online calling out those that pirate their shows:

The guy that goes "is that a MOTHER****ING JOJO'S REFERENCE!?!?" at every single opportunity:

"Anime was a mistake":

These are the facts
you can't change my mind
put Therion under watches anime on streaming sites and doesnt care who calls him out on it


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I really do not want to and I am protesting for an explanation.
Dude, just let it go. If you keep bringing it up you're just going to annoy people enough to have more people ignore you.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007

Has never heard of anime:

"You mean cartoons?":

Watched Sailor Moon as a kid but that's it:

Is subscribed to Cruncyroll, Amazon Prime, Funimation, HiDive and whatever other anime streaming services and makes posts online calling out those that pirate their shows:

The guy that goes "is that a MOTHER****ING JOJO'S REFERENCE!?!?" at every single opportunity:

"Anime was a mistake":

These are the facts
you can't change my mind
Oh hey, you mentioned HiDive.

You know Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight is on there, right?

You should go watch it.

And no, I won't stop shilling for this show, if you get to keep shilingl for Eternia Odyssey, then I get to keep shilling for this Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. :V
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Deleted member

Y'all know the drill by now. 3DS is charging, I post an update.
- Takumi
- ChuChu
- Ribbon
- Cha
- Scully
- Mos Eisley
Current Location: Aether Paradise
So I did some grinding (and sidequests), and I found out that I completely skipped over an area that was full of trainers - Melemele See. Obviously it's not hard to understand why (there's little reason to backtrack all the way to Melemele immidiately after you get Lapras, after all), but I had to fight them anyway.
They all had pretty low level Pokemon, which made the whole process of defeating all of them a minor annoyance as my team didn't get much EXP points for taking them down, but whatever.
After that, I fought Nanu (best Kahuna), and I gotta admit, as much as I love Nanu as a character, the fight against him was a bit too easy. As in, really easy.
To elaborate: Ribbon took each one of them down in one shot, except for Sabeleye who went down in two. Shield Dust prevented Fake Out from making her flinch, making the fight end after less than two minutes.
I did a few sidequests after that (go figure), and then went to Aether Paradise because of story reasons. Mos Eisley learned Earth Power, which is nice because he's more of a special attacker. And then I witnessed the one thing that completely ruined the game's story in my eyes.
Lusamine wants to open the Ultra Wormwhole... to save Alola. Sure, the motives behind it are completely ****ed up, but doesn't make her a compelling villain. It also hurts Lillie as a character because she knew why Lusamine needed Cosmog, but stole it anyway which makes one question her morality.
Back to Lusamine, though... I remember that fight being much more difficult in the original Sun and Moon. This was a cakewalk.
Everyone knows what happens next. Lusamine and Guzma both go through the Ultra Wormhole and now we have to save them because reasons, Lillie is now even more adorable than before (though my opinion on USUM!Lillie has been damaged greatly), and Hau starts training to become a more serious trainer.
I still like this game a lot, but the story was one of my favorite parts of the original Sun and Moon, and it's a shame that they had to butcher both Lusamine and Lillie's characters to fit the game's plot.
Still mad at Aurane for ignoring me.

Sorry Hat, but I can not get over it.

I really need an explanation to why he would ignore me even though I have changed.
DUDE. Aurane has every right to ignore you, and he does not have to explain why.
Let it go. The more you bring it up, the more annoying it gets. It doesn't make Aurane more likely to disclose his reasons - if anything, it decreases the likelihood of it happening.
I can't speak for Aurane or anyone else, but this is probably one of the things that causes people to put you on their ignore list. Just move on.


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Still mad at Aurane for ignoring me.

Sorry Hat, but I can not get over it.

I really need an explanation to why he would ignore me even though I have changed.
Shiny... like others have said and what I'm about to say, I really do feel it's time for you to move on from this. It's honestly as simple as that, really, and I'm saying this in the nicest way possible.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Oh hey, you mentioned HiDive.

You know Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight is on there, right?

You should go watch it.

And no, I won't stop shilling for this show, if you get to keep shilingl for Eternia Odyssey, then I get to keep shilling for this Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. :V
problem. He hasnt shilled out EO in a long while so.
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Deleted member

Oh hey, you mentioned HiDive.

You know Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight is on there, right?

You should go watch it.

And no, I won't stop shilling for this show, if you get to keep shilingl for Eternia Odyssey, then I get to keep shilling for this Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. :V
I'm actually planning on watching it eventually, the anime pope recommended it after all.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
problem. He hasnt shilled out EO in a long while so.
No ones mentioned it in a while, so he hasn't been able to. :v

Also, that was more for me, just recommending Shishœ go watch it, rest of you can ignore it, just trying to get another weeb to watch it.

I'm actually planning on watching it eventually, the anime pope recommended it after all.
Anime Pope?

Who dat?

I recommend you go watch it, though, the I think the surprise of Episode 1, might be lost on you, since its been recommended to you already.
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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Still mad at Aurane for ignoring me.

Sorry Hat, but I can not get over it.

I really need an explanation to why he would ignore me even though I have changed.

...you're still whining about this?

Look, I know you're just doing this for attention, so how about I just unblock you and you stop complaining, okay?


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
is there blood in this Starlight thing?

Its not going that dark, it seems at the moment.

Anyway, one reason I am actually enjoying it, is that it is actually based on a play, and well the original cast members are the ones who are voicing the characters in the show.

So, the show basically has theatrically trained actresses in it. In other words, the cast actually know how to sing.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So when are you guys feeling the next reveal?

I thought maybe there would be something this month but I guess not. I think I should have taken Sakurai's comments more literally.

August seems likely with a Direct likely happening and I guess it'll be Belmont and maybe someone else.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Aaaaaaah, glad to be back here.

I would had been back earlier but I had some fish to fry. Not addressing who it is because of "that rule" here. But I'm done with him.

How are you all doing?
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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Aaaaaaah, glad to be back here.

I would had been back earlier but I had some fish to fry. Not addressing who it is because of "that rule" here. But I'm done with him.

How are you all doing?
Welcome back.

I'm doing good.

Currently trying to get Shishœ to watch Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight, cause I'm going to make him get even weebier, by doing that. :V
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Deleted member

No ones mentioned it in a while, so he hasn't been able to. :v

Also, that was more for me, just recommending Shishœ go watch it, rest of you can ignore it, just trying to get another weeb to watch it.

Anime Pope?

Who dat?

I recommend you go watch it, though, the I think the surprise of Episode 1, might be lost on you, since its been recommended to you already.
The anime pope, that guy that lives in his mother's basement
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