As soon as morning came around and everyone ate breakfast
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yaaaaaaa....turns out the beaver meat was rotten and everyone vomited their guts out
and yus i mean everyone, except for like lily, red, and coricus, everyone else got ffood poisoning and now our place is literally covered in vomit, what a great morning that was
anywho while we all stumble around thanks to food poisoning we went on and around doing chores, were out of wood and more preceding things are happening so all building projects sans for tileing are suspended
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biggest news our corn fields are done~ and now were completely full of corn, like seriously our freezer is now stuffed with corn, no more raw food for us and plenty to cook with, and also good for bargaining now that we have more food then we'll ever need
thats been our focus pretty much, harvesting and hauling the corn, and replanting the fields. the flowers have also been eaten a lot and need to be replaced so a lot of gardening just been done about
speaking of which
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our damn alpacas are eating our flowers! i mean..its better than our food and it isn't a problem vs eating our crops, but still crafty ********
oh ya another sculpture done by coricus got done
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so she basically made a statue of a smith getting held at smuggling terrorism, well it makes sense at least :V
anyway we just kept at the fields for the next two days to make sure all the corn gets hauled and we set up the next batch of harvest, meanwhile praline continued on to carve out more of the hills about to spread our home and get more materials out
and then i caught this
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bucko the snake vommiting in our freezer...ya um bucko dranked some of our alcohol and got drunk, badly and she vommited her guts out everywhere, adding just more vomit to our home, ya this been a disgusting bit of few days
whelp i hope that snake learned her lesson, i don't want it dying because it dranked it self to death via alcohol poisoning, **** i'm surprised its still okay, can snakes even handle alcohol?
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speaking of which theres our bar all ready, sadly its dirty as hell and also has some of i think pralines vomit there, but we been hanging out and relaxing with a beer or two....or 4 in shishoes case, we need to watch him as hes already been abusing them
and finally to end this log
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we got a birb
i don't know why we got birb
birb self trained and is now part of our community
cause birb
that is all