Yeah, he never came off as a coward to me. Not the main Toad. Sure, the cartoon version and there's obviously cowardly Toads in other media/games, but the main one is brave.
...Which makes me think it's just another "nope, Toad isn't playable" scenario. Dang.
Well, Daisy has Blue Toad. We are still missing Yellow Toad, so maybe they'll be playable instead. :v
So, how many Pichu mains do we have here?
Who is super excited about the return of Pichu?
*Raises hand*
I get to kick some ass with Pichu again.
Reminder that Kumatora and Boney are in smash now as a part of a Final Smash
Boney is cute AF and Kumatora is super cool to see in 3D here.
Poor Duster though.
Unless Duster is an assist trophy now
I'd love that.
I just noticed the Icies don't change with the costumes.
Unless it's just a CSS quirk, you might be only controlling Popo this time around.
But, I always lead with Nana, dang it...
There you go guys Sinnoh confirmed hahaha.
That's cool. Now give him a Brendam alt.
This game will have even more DLC than the last one. That DLC was a massive success and nobody even owned a Wii U.
That's if Sakurai wants to keep working on it post launch.
All Pokemon Trainer alts are references, it's pretty neat.
Red gets Gold, Lucas and Calem
Leaf gets Emerald May, Lyra and Ultra Moon
Leaf's alts being based on third version/remake playable trainers is a neat touch considering Leaf herself came from a remake (I mean so is the male PT but shhhh.)
And yeah I know he's not "really" Red but, simplicity's sake.
EDIT: Made a mistake with one of the alts. It's actually Lyra and not Rosa. No Gen 5 colors.
Nice. But no Serena alt for Leaf. though?
Well I guess but who could they even add this time? Just third parties maybe?
There's still plenty of 1st parties they could add. Plus Ballot gives them data on who to add.
I’m looking at the Zelda time line cause I’m thinking of my Zelda game and I didn’t realise that Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons,Oracle of Ages and Link’s Awakening are all the same Link.
That is the biggest mark against, honestly.
This is a plothole ridden retcon that still drives me up a wall years after it was made official.
I ignore it, cause honestly, its the only that makes a timeline that actually works somewhat, fall apart. Though I never liked the 3 way spilt at all.
Isn't this pretty much the official timeline in a nutshell.
More like cop out the timeline.
See first rule I learned about playing Zelda is to ignore the timeline.
Trust me it will not effect the way you play these games if anything they become better as you're not trying to put the pieces together.
As someone playing through Hyrule Warriors right now I can tell you the crash course of Zelda lore isn't worth it. Not even for the sexy fish people.
It is if you have fun with theorising about Zelda.
Though most theorising I do for Zelda, doesn't involve the timeline, since the more interesting stuff is outside of the timeline stuff.
BOTW just kind of ****s on the timeline.
It really doesn't matter to be honest. Not anymore.
Unless the BOTW is where everything converges. :V
They never designed the Zelda games with a timeline in mind, and everything you see is simply retroactive.
I wouldn’t put much faith in it, and I honestly never understood why so many other Zelda fans went nuts over the timeline in the first place.
It's like trying to make a timeline of Mario or Kirby games. I figured they were their own thing and occasionally had winks and nods to other titles unless they were direct sequels like Majora's Mask or Phantom Hourglass.
Mainly cause its fun, that's why theorising happens.
To a degree. But up until the downfall timeline retcon, the franchise actually did have a pretty clear intended timeline. The problem was that the two men in charge for most of the franchise's life, Miyamoto and Anouma, have two very different ideologies that never quite gelled, and they were in a constant tug-of-war with each other.
Miyamoto oversaw the LoZ to OoT era, and the timeline was crystal clear OoT - Alttp - LA - Loz - AoL.
Anouma took over after that, and things got a bit more confusing with Wind Waker, but there was still an intended timeline wherein Wind Waker was an alternate future caused by the Hero of Time, and everything else was the "true" timeline. Then FSA happened, and Miyamoto basically threw a hissy fit that Anouma was daring to create a game that took place between OoT and AlttP. This isn't some crazy conspiracy theory, this is a real documented event and really shines a light on why The Happy Mask Man was supposedly based on Miyamoto, for his tendency to be all smiles one minute and then be pissed the next.
Anouma was left with broken pieces with no solution, but he still tried to do what he could with them. Even TP was designed originally to fill the same purpose FSA was, to bridge the gap between OoT and AlttP. But ultimately Miyamoto was having none of that, and that's why we got some stupid three way time travel multiverse bull**** in what is at it's heart a very straight forward fantasy story about an elf fighting a pig wizard.
That's precisely because of Miyamoto, and exactly what I was talking about.
The ending of OoT, wherein Ganondorf is sealed into the Sacred Realm with one third of the Triforce, and the beginning of A Link to the Past, wherein Ganon is sealed in the Dark World with all three pieces of the Triforce, do not actually line up well enough for OoT to be a true retelling of the Imprisoning War, as was Miyamoto's original intention.
Anouma saw this inconsistency as a branching off point, and Wind Waker was written as a direct sequel to OoT. It massively severs the connection between OoT and AlttP for obvious reasons, including the flooding of Hyrule and the death of Ganon.
But Anouma wasn't flying blind. He had a plan. Shortly after the release of WW, an updated port of AlttP released on Gameboy, and included the Four Swords game. The actual Four Swords game was really just a side story and didn't tie in to the overarching narrative, but one seemingly minor change to the main AlttP game had huge story potential.
Inside the Sacred Realm, located deep in the Pyramid of Power, you can find the shattered remnants of the Four Sword.
Because when this port was released, Anouma was already in the stages of writing Four Swords Adventure, which was designed to tell the true story of the Imprisoning War and serve as a direct connection between WW and AlttP. The map of FSA is extremely similar to AlttP, even in its final released form. It was even moreso originally. With one obvious difference. It's partially flooded. The implication is clear. This is the transitioning point between the flooded Hyrule of WW and the dry Hyrule of AlttP.
And as you pointed out, we have the introduction of a NEW Ganon, one which uses the weapon the AlttP Ganon was most known for, and at the end of the game, he's sealed within the Four Sword itself.
All the pieces are there for a complete, coherent narrative.
But Miyamoto vetoed the entire thing, very late into production. In his mind, OoT is the Imprisoning War and the backstory to AlttP, period, end of discussion. So the final released version of FSA rewrote some things, changed some maps around, and positioned itself as a side story in all the marketing. As per Miyamoto's wishes.
By all accounts, Anouma tried again with TP and the very concept of a timeline split to better connect OoT with AlttP, but yet again, Miyamoto didn't like the idea. So instead we got what the "official" Timeline said. A threeway timeline split.
Showing my age a bit here, but for a long time in the timeline theorizing community, even though the story of Miyamoto changing FSA's story was well documented and proven, we still held on to the belief that the game was, in fact, the Imprisoning War, Miyamoto be damned. Because it didn't then, and still doesn't now, make sense any other way, even with the changes made to FSA to make it NOT the Imprisoning War.
I have to ask, do you have sources for all this? One is cause I like to see documented design notes of game designers.
And well, lately I've seen a problem of people saying Miyamoto said this, when in fact, he never actually did.
so heres the current assist trophies that could have gotten upgraded list*
*im counting the ones cut from brawl that i think could be playable
Ray 03
Grey Fox
Saki Amamiya
Dark Samus
Isabelle(could be an Echo fighter of Villager)
Skull kid
Kat & Ana(could be an Echo fighter of Ice Climbers)
Shadow the hedgehog(could be an Echo fighter of Sonic)
good bye girahim
Why you gotta give me hope on Ray man? Stop giving me hope, I don't like having to smother it every time.
TRIGGER x Arc System Works collab incoming.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Please Studio Trigger fighting game. Please, please, please.
And no, that isn't my Mario bias speaking at all, :v