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*sees I unlocked the F/SN models in Extella*
"Oh, ok cool, gonna give them a try even though they look the same"
*Gilgamesh's mouth doesn't move*
Welp, gonna stick with the default ones because this just looks uncanny The only good costumes are Original Hero Gil and Lu Bu's black armor
Cause nothing screams Halloween more than Showa-styled anime dragon vampire mecha idols duking it over a Hungarian castle that was crushed by a pyramid with a pagoda castle on it.
Alright here we go. Alolan form ideas for all three Johto Starters and their evolutions.
HOW TO OBTAIN: Transfer a Starter of any evolution from the Gold/Silver VC to Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. Then go to the Professor and show him the Pokémon. He then gives you a level 5 starter. The Pokémon you get is based off the Pokémon you showed the Professor. For example, show him GS Typhlosion, you get Alolan Cyndaquil.
ARTWORK: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr
Name: Chikorita
Type: Grass/Fairy
Ability: Regenerator
Dex: This Pokémon is rarely the enemy of any Pokémon due to the overwhelming power of the fragrance of its leaf, which is even stronger than regular Chikorita's. Its a very calm, collected Pokémon that cares deeply for its trainer.
Name: Bayleef
Type: Grass/Fairy
Ability: Regenerator
Dex: The flower around the neck of Bayleef emit an aroma that calms Pokémon and people around it. Due to its highly caring nature, it can be seen tending to Pokémon who are wounded or even its own natural predators.
Name: Meganium
Type: Grass/Fairy
Ability: Regenerator
Dex: Known as the caretaker of the forest, this Pokémon works tirelessly to ensure all who live in its forest is taken care of. It can use its own aroma as a weapon, enveloping attackers in a fragrance that immediately soothes them into a quiet and peaceful sleep.
Name: Cyndaquil
Type: Fire/Ghost
Ability: Shadow Tag
Dex: One of the most cautious Pokémon in the world, it keeps a sharp eye out for any form of movement. A small crack us enough to spook these Cyndaquil. They are able to phase through solid objects and can swiftly roll around while curled in a ball, making them almost impossible to catch.
Name: Quilava
Type: Fire/Ghost
Ability: Shadow Tag
Dex: The blue fire that Quilava emits in battle are said to be fueled by the spirits of its ancestors. These flames do not just burn, but poison as well, leaving any unlucky enough to be blasted with a grim fate. They can phase into the ground like ghosts to jump unweary prey.
Name: Typhlosion
Type: Fire/Ghost
Ability: Shadow Tag
Dex: There is an old tale of a Typhlosion summoning the souls of its ancestors to take back its home from humans who stole it from them. When fully raged, it rubs its blue blazing fur together and causes a blue fire explosion that destroys any in its wake. Its feared by many due to its violent nature, and few are strong enough to tame it.
Name: Totodile
Type: Water/Ice
Ability: Slush Rush
Dex: With teeth as cold as ice, this hardy Pokémon chomps down on anything that moves, freezing it as well as crushing it. These Pokémon do not appreciate being pestered while sleeping, and will savagely rip and tear anything foolish enough to disturb it. Trainers must be very cautious about raising one.
Name: Croconaw
Type: Water/Ice
Ability: Slush Rush
Dex: Its teeth are like sharp icicals, stabbing and tearing anything it bites. Its teeth grow back quickly if lost. These fallen teeth mysteriously melt like ice, despite being bone. When swimming in frozen lakes, it uses its strong bite to break off ice in its way with ease, creating tunnels of ice that it uses for quick access across the lake.
Name: Feraligatr
Type: Water/Ice
Ability: Slush Rush
Dex: Once this Pokémon has taken a bite of its target, it does not shake and tear them like regular Feraligatr. Instead, its super cold teeth freeze the target. It then smashes them into pieces by brutishly mauling their frozen carcass. It is extremely slow in summertime, however in Winter, it is able to slide on the snow on its belly, using its tail to propel itself as if it was swimming.
We all know it'll only be when GF stops acting like 100% Blizzard and Aurora Veil are enough to compete with a 50% Sp.Def boost or the variety Sun and Rain teams allow and gives Ice types 50% Def boost during it.
Edit: Oh gosh, I just realized that Nowi's weapon doesn't have a +. Sakura has a Kitty Paddle+, Jakob has a Monstrous Bow+ and Henry has a Spectral Tome+, but Nowi just has a Grimoire. We may actually have a Seasonal Unit with a non-inheritable weapon?.........
Okay, that looks vastly better than the official art. Falls a lot more into "cute witch girl" territory without being uncomfortably revealing.
And if I had to guess, the point in giving her a legendary weapon is probably to encourage non-bladetome builds on her. Having a weapon with a scary Flier-Formation-but-doesn't-need-a-flier skill has as much appeal as mauling people with specialty Rauthrblade builds.
Ice-typing is really not the worst typing in the game. People think it is because they look at it defensively and then shrivel into a frozen ball and say, "daddy don't hit me again". The thing is, you're not suppose to look at it defensively. You're suppose to look at it offensively.
Defensively yeah, it sucks. Thats not something I will argue against. But offensively, this typing can give the cold shoulder to a plethora of Pokémon. As a STAB, its not very great for most Pokémon, because most ice-types are terrible for other reasons as well as its defensive typing, but I know two examples who use it extremely well- Weavile and Mamoswine. Their combined typings allow then to hit extremely hard against many different Pokémon, and weren't it not for their Ice-Typing, they'd likely not be as good as they are now.
The weather Hail is basically garbage though. It doesn't synergize well with most teams versus sand and it doesn't offer bonuses like sand does. But Hail DOES have Aurora Veil, and that IS a big deal. Alolan Ninetales is OU simply because it has the Snow Warning and Aurora Veil combo.
In short- the typing defensively is glass, and offensively is cannon. And that's the point of the typing. It is the most commonly used type in the game and effective use of it can freeze you're enemies colder than a nudist on an iceberg.
Why, my nips are cold just thinking about it now.
Actually my window is open. I'm should shut it.
Anyways, that's my two cents on the typing. I'm very tired now and just want my bed. So y'all have a good night or whatever the hell the time of day is.
Ice-typing is really not the worst typing in the game. People think it is because they look at it defensively and then shrivel into a frozen ball and say, "daddy don't hit me again". The thing is, you're not suppose to look at it defensively. You're suppose to look at it offensively.
Defensively yeah, it sucks. Thats not something I will argue against. But offensively, this typing can give the cold shoulder to a plethora of Pokémon. As a STAB, its not very great for most Pokémon, because most ice-types are terrible for other reasons as well as its defensive typing, but I know two examples who use it extremely well- Weavile and Mamoswine. Their combined typings allow then to hit extremely hard against many different Pokémon, and weren't it not for their Ice-Typing, they'd likely not be as good as they are now.
The weather Hail is basically garbage though. It doesn't synergize well with most teams versus sand and it doesn't offer bonuses like sand does. But Hail DOES have Aurora Veil, and that IS a big deal. Alolan Ninetales is OU simply because it has the Snow Warning and Aurora Veil combo.
In short- the typing defensively is glass, and offensively is cannon. And that's the point of the typing. It is the most commonly used type in the game and effective use of it can freeze you're enemies colder than a nudist on an iceberg.
Why, my nips are cold just thinking about it now.
Actually my window is open. I'm should shut it.
Anyways, that's my two cents on the typing. I'm very tired now and just want my bed. So y'all have a good night or whatever the hell the time of day is.
The problem with Ice is that most of its Pokémon are made bulky rather than being glass cannons. With all their weaknesses, lack of resistances, and all the types that do resist it, they just don't work with bulk... at least not anymore. Back in Gen 1 this was fine since Steel was non-existent, Fighting practically was non-existent since Psychic was busted, Fire was in a similar boat thanks to all the great Earthquake users (and even ignoring that, Water and Ice was paired together frequently so even Fire wouldn't be much of a pain) and most Rock types not only had a weakness to Ice, but they also had horrible special bulk, and the only two competitively relevant Rock types (Golem and Rhydon) were almost always (if not then always) slower than any Ice type.
In all honesty the Fire Ghost typing is starting to get redundent with the introductions.. Chandelure, Alo marowak, and now burst.. I don't want really want another fire ghost..
Trying to get the Yato scroll is really difficult.. 5 minutes to get what looks like 2000 kills.. even with Elise I'm just getting like 1300ish kills while the partner gets a smaller amount..
In all honesty the Fire Ghost typing is starting to get redundent with the introductions.. Chandelure, Alo marowak, and now burst.. I don't want really want another fire ghost.
I agree. It's not as bad as Normal/Flying, but it doesn't feel as interesting. Albeit, types aren't everything. They don't feel redundant because they're different concepts that share the same type.
That isn't even the best part of the Hawkeye class. You know all those little extra effects you can tack on to your attacks? Imagine adding them to, say, a Ninja or Charioteer's onslaught. It's the ultimate secondary for physical DPS classes!
The problem with Ice is that most of its Pokémon are made bulky rather than being glass cannons. With all their weaknesses, lack of resistances, and all the types that do resist it, they just don't work with bulk... at least not anymore. Back in Gen 1 this was fine since Steel was non-existent, Fighting practically was non-existent since Psychic was busted, Fire was in a similar boat thanks to all the great Earthquake users (and even ignoring that, Water and Ice was paired together frequently so even Fire wouldn't be much of a pain) and most Rock types not only had a weakness to Ice, but they also had horrible special bulk, and the only two competitively relevant Rock types (Golem and Rhydon) were almost always (if not then always) slower than any Ice type.
Precisely. 90% of Ice types have defensive stats on the worst defensive type in the game. A lot of Rock types have had the same problem in the past, with mostly bulky stats on a type that's hit-and-miss defensively but incredible on offense, but they've wised up and given us a few speedier Rock types lately.
And then they forgot to give them a good movepool instead.
One of the rumors/supposed leaks was hinting that Team Rocket would return in USUM but with the new name "Rainbow Rocket." This organization would be headed by a Giovanni from a different dimension, and this Giovanni managed to recruit the team leaders from the past villainous teams. More specifically, RR!Giovanni managed to recruit past villainous team leaders that not only come from other dimensions, but also those that actually succeeded with their goals (i.e. a Cyrus who actually became a god and the sole human in his universe, a Ghetsis who became a Unova-dictator, a Lysandre who rules a post-apocalyptic Pokemon World where Team Flare are the only survivors following the Ultimate Weapon's attack, etc.).
The RR leak has gained more credibility in light of recent news. The recent USUM flyers that revealed Team Rocket will return in USUM had a few details that matched up with the whole Rainbow Rocket deal. Namely, in the two images of the VS sprites of the Team Rocket grunts, there is a rainbow background behind them. The Rocket base was also shown, and it has a rainbow-colored R on the front of it.
It's unknown how Rainbow Rocket will tie into the USUM story. Some think they will have some kind of role in the main story. Others think they will be a postgame-story deal like the Delta Episode was to ORAS or the UB Task Force was to SM.
I was browsing GameFaqs and someone mentioned the idea of a Fate crossover banner for FEH, and it made me think:
What would you think of a crossover banner in FEH? Doesn't even need to be Fate especifically, could be any other franchise, like a Nintendo one even.
I've actually thought about a crossover banner featuring Fate characters for quite some time, and it is something that would be pretty cool.
Altria Saber would be an obvious pick for the crossover due to her mascot status, though two others servants that I'd be interested in seeing being crossed over for such an occasion are Tamamo no Mae and Cu Chulainn (namely because they are both among my favorite servants, as well as another reason that I will get into shortly). Tamamo no Mae would be a magic-user (ideally a blue unit in my version), while Cu Chulainn would be a lance fighter. Both would wield their respective signature weapons, and they would also gain access to several skills exclusive them that can't be passed down.
There were two pretty interesting articles I read on Amino Apps where this one author offered some great ideas as to how Tamamo and Cu Chulainn could play out in Heroes. Here's the article about Tamamo as a Heroes unit (this take presents the possibility of Tamamo being both a strong Reinhardt counter and a good answer to any male unit in general) and the article about Cu Chulainn as a Heroes unit (this take presents the idea of Lancer being a very strong attacker thanks to his weapon).
While the two characters could fit well in a Fate series banner, another idea I had in mind was putting them in second set of Fire Emblem Fates banners. Tamamo would be put in a Birthright banner, and Cu Chulainn would be placed in a Conquest banner. In the Birthright banner, the four characters would be Tamamo, Kaden, Rinkah, and Yukimura (the last slot could be interchanged with any Hoshidan character yet to be in Heroes, but I picked Yukimura because I'd love to see a mounted-dagger user in Heroes). For the Conquest banner, the four characters would be Cu Chulainn, Keaton, Benny, and Charlotte. I feel like Tamamo and Cu Chulainn would fit in these banners because they share some connections with the beastkin units. Tamamo and Kaden are both kitsunes with fox-like physical characteristics and fit the Japanese aesthetic, and while the connection between Keaton and Cu Chulainn isn't as strong, Cu Chulainn's name essentially means "Culann's Hound," and Keaton's dog-like mannerisms give him the visage of a dog/hound, hence why I think Cu Chulainn could work in a Nohrian banner (not to mention both him and Keaton fit a European-aesthetic).
(I also have a personal head cannon where Kaden and Tamamo would get along very well; I've been wanting to design some support conversations featuring them; the same with Cu Chulainn and Keaton, though because I like the former two more, it's more likely I'll get the Kaden and Tamamo supports done first)
I've even thought about the possibility of Fire Emblem characters crossing over to Fate/Grand Order. The ones I strongly thought about were the Fates royal brothers: Ryoma as Saber, Takumi as Archer, Xander as Rider, and Leo as Caster. Ryoma's NP would probably be an overdramatic attack where he rains down lightning with his sword then slashes them, Takumi's NP would resemble his musou in FE: Warriors where he conjures up wind to trap his foes and then fires a very strong, explosive arrow at them, Xander's NP would involve his horse doing some crazy jumping and trampling combined with some darkness from Siegfried, and Leo's NP would be his Birthright cutscene followed with one giant tree as the finishing blow.
I haven't thought much about the other Fire Emblem characters in F/GO, but I'm sure you can come up with some great ideas with that as well.
I am fully aware that a crossover between Fire Emblem Heroes and Fate/Grand Order would probably never happen though, especially for the reasons Ivander already mentioned, but hey, I still think it'd be a pretty cool idea to see happen.
I also recently thought about a crossover banner featuring Re:Zero. The four Re:Zero characters that would be in this banner are Emilia, Rem, Ram, and Beatrice. Emilia, Ram, and Beatrice would all be magic units, while Rem would be an axe unit (her morningstar would be her "axe"). Emilia would be a blue unit to fit her ice-magic, Ram would be a green-unit to fit her wind magic, and Beatrice would be a red-unit to fit her visual aesthetic. I haven't thought about what skills to give them though.
The GHB unit could be one of the Archbishops of the Witch Cultists. Betelgeuse is an obvious pick for that.
...as well as either Regulus Corneas, the Archbishop of Greed and a really popular character in the Re:Zero community, or Ley Batenkaitos, one of the Archbishops of Gluttony.
Again, it's another idea that probably would never happen, but it would still be cool to see being implemented nonetheless.
I made some research, the artist is the one who draw Girls und Panzer...
Also I kind of misinformed with the name her name is Nyutsu.
Which is definitely not a surprise.
The voice actress @Shishœ seems to be the same as Diana Cavendish from Little Witch Academia ... And Weiss Schnee from RWBY
have ahd mario odysee for the past few hours got all of the moons possible for both cap and cascade kingdom
(also got all of their regional coins) i just got the abbility to leave the sand kingdom(i as of now have 64 moons....this was not planned)
also the first thing i did was scan the silver mario costume and....may have accidnentaly got mario to praise the sun
also in slightly spoilery things im super glad i could capture this moment via video share(again im in the sand kingdom)
Odyssey is addicting, anytime I go to stop I come across another power moon or some coins. The levels are packed full of them. I quite like that design, I end up exploring every nook and cranny which is what I've been wanting for a while now. No more 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, disconnected and linear gameplay.
I can only wish your interview went well. Just asking, was there any other option?
Thing thing that I like to do the most in Odyssey was doing very evil things like back in Super Mario 64 and you won't feel bad about it... since those frog and sheep will respawn back.
I can only wish your interview went well. Just asking, was there any other option?
Thing thing that I like to do the most in Odyssey was doing very evil things like back in Super Mario 64 and you won't feel bad about it... since those frog and sheep will respawn back.
*sigh* While I haven't quite seen the more extreme comments yet and I've seen some people say it's not that bad, apparently the artist who drew Witch Nowi has been getting harassed and death threats from people over Nowi's design. https://twitter.com/kuro_ye/status/923888286262636544
I've seen regular criticism, like one person showing the edit, but so far, I have not seen any harassment or death threats yet. But it's still disgusting of the ones who are showing such behaviour.
And sadly, it's not the first artist I've heard of this month that has been getting such treatment. https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder...ati_artist_closed_twitter_and_pixiv_accounts/
Frickin' disgusting.
*sigh* While I haven't quite seen the more extreme comments yet and I've seen some people say it's not that bad, apparently the artist who drew Witch Nowi has been getting harassed and death threats from people over Nowi's design. https://twitter.com/kuro_ye/status/923888286262636544
I've seen regular criticism, like one person showing the edit, but so far, I have not seen any harassment or death threats yet. But it's still disgusting of the ones who are showing such behaviour.
And sadly, it's not the first artist I've heard of this month that has been getting such treatment. https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder...ati_artist_closed_twitter_and_pixiv_accounts/
Frickin' disgusting.