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Late but I missed this postI just noticed...
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Where is the Master Sword's hilt?
Link just looks like he has the blade extended out of his knuckles like Wolverine.
That's his right hand, the one holding the shield. We just can't see his left hand
No, Ursula is never tasked with killing Eliwood.I know you didn't say you disliked it and I wasn't criticising your preference. It's fine. Your post just sounded like you weren't sure if the original was done by Nomura and I was also just showing that Nomura can do expressions with Cloud. And Dissidia Terra and Squall also had similar expressions like Cloud.
Wasn't Ursula tasked to assassinate Eliwood at one point? She has Blue advantage over Eliwood and she has a weapon that deals bonus damage to horses, while Eliwood is cavalry. That seems rather clear cut.
Faris, please?
But in all honesty, can you give Dissidia lots of game modes to pick from? Just gameplay alone isn't enough to make a game replayable.
She is never once assigned to kill the main Lords actually, when you fight her in Ch26, it's because she was watching Jaffar and Nino to make sure they'd kill Zephiel and serve as backup in case they didn't.
Her being a Blue Mage makes sense, she's "The BLUE Crow" and in FEH, Thunder=Blue which is the type of magic she's associated with(****ing Bolting spams on FoW).
But, you have a tome that's literally called Blarraven and you don't give it to her? It would also give her a WTA against Jaffar in Heroes, which would be fitting considering what her role was in her chapter.
I mean, they gave Henry the Red Raven tome because of him beung associated with crows so why did they **** her up?
Who has Blarraven again? M!Robin? What? I think I have one, I'm gonna kill him just so Ursula can have her proper Tome