>The characters are all pretty boring aside from the robot making the funnies.
>At least the Force Awakens had a lot more character interaction, or at least interaction with emotion attached to it. And I can actually remember the characters names without having to look them up.
>Why the heck didn't Saw just go with them? He could've backed up Jyn so that the Alliance would actually believe her. I get that they needed to kill him off, I guess, but I wish they did it in a better way than shear lack of will. It just made his character seem more confusing more than anything.(Like he really wants to help out and the alliance to defeat the empire, but nah, better stay behind.)
>The action and cinematography is pretty good though, which I expected from Edwards. The dude just needs a great writer and his films would be fantastic.
>Though I do wonder, why the heck they did just instantly deploy AT-ATs just for ten dudes, or even just infantry in general. They're huge imprecise weapon that'd be good for assault on something such as a base and other vehicles. Not so much ground forces especially when they're so few and on your OWN BASE. You're gonna blow your own **** up! At least use AT-STs, or you know, the stormtroopers you had first.
>Speaking of which, the main cast is far too untouchable. Yeah, they all die at the end, but the way they die much less so makes them feel like the empire is a force to be reckoned with and more so for when it's time to be dramatic. The stormtroopers feel like complete goofballs much like they did in A New Hope. But in defense of that, that was just suppose to be your average, corny, adventure film.(That ended up having great, relatable(auto correct doesn't know this word exists) characters.) This is suppose to be a war movie showing how rough it is for the rebellion and such. But in the movie, even though they say things are so rough, we hardly ever see that considering that they can just plow through stormtroopers with no struggle whatsoever.
>Combine Overwatch Stormtroopers though.
(They were cool, at least they posed a threat and killed off people. More of that from the empire and less jobbing please.)
>Honestly, this film would probably received just as well as the prequels if it weren't for the "HOLY **** I KNOW DAT THING" and having great action and effects, and the funny quips. The former reason not being because of fan service... I mean, obviously they'd have to connect to other movies since this is a Star Wars film, but it's just how people tend to over hype those things to the point that if it weren't Star Wars or didn't use much from the OT like the prequels, I wonder how well this would've been received.
>The Jyn and Cassian had to fall in love last second, really? This has to be the most over done cliche ever, where the lead has to fall in love with the other prominent character of the opposite gender without any sort of bonding that'd lead to love. It's like the awkward dudes people make fun of for thinking that a girl loves him if a girl likes him as a friend. Love doesn't work like that, or at least, love that lasts anyway.
>Hey, let's just blow up all of are resources on the planet with the death star even though we can easily just had the seal six storm trooper dudes exterminate them. You know, the guys you blew up since there's still probably some arrive. Or hell, have Vader on the planet himself there too. People say how 'dark' this film is for killing everyone, why not just have Vader violent kill the two remaining protagonists instead of the some random rebels? Speaking of that....
>I know that it ends with the start of a new hope. But it's not like it's EXACT. In fact, the rebel ship with Leia gets away anyway, it's not like the exact moment from A New Hope. The ending in the film is still before the encounter where Vader and Stormtroopers go in again and capture Leia.
>I think it's possible that this can be viewed as prequel quality to many after time goes by and hype dies down. As well as the effects aging.