... So out of all the fanfics you bothered with, it was mine the whole time? Well, I guess that's one accomplishing feat.
Please tell me it was Buzzwole Takes A Stand or Morshu's New Super Ice Cream Stand and not any of the older ones.
Watch as this gets canceled in favor of something like the Emoji Movie.

Real talk though, I never really got into Captain Underpants, but I might just watch this. Mostly because it actually utilizes a 3D version of the old artstyle, meaning it at least has to have a decent amount of effort into it.
... Come to think of it, this is kind of a trend now, isn't it? Basically throwing the 2D artstyle into a movie and turning it into a decent 3D version. Peanuts, the cancelled Popeye, this... I like this trend.