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Wait a second. EDIT: That's better. Don't know why I forgot you can't make the word spoiler plural.
I'm liking a lot of the moves that Incineroar can learn. Darkest Lariat is even 85 power, a bit more than I expected. Makes up for Crunch being an Egg move. I'll probably give him Low Sweep or something. I know he's the bulky fire starter, but speed control over the opponent is still pretty important. Gonna have Flamethrower as always. I still need to think what I want for his Physical Fire STAB though. [\SPOILER]
First of all, Dark Void being lowered to 50%. It's an extremely powerful status move, sure, but the only pokemon that can learn it is very frail. A signature move shouldn't have THAT much chance to miss if the user is frail.
And what did they do to Gengar? Cursed Body and Infiltrator replacing Levitate? What were they thinking? Cursed Body only works for bulky mons, and although Infiltrator is by no means bad, ESPECIALLY if that Aurora Veil thing becomes common, it doesn't make up for gaining an extra weakness, especially to Earthquake
And in other news, I got banned from a Wiki because I kept deleting a piece of trivia which required a source it did not have. I got banned for asking for a source regarding an unsubstantiated fact. Wikis, man. I have no idea why I'm telling you all this, but here.
And in other news, I got banned from a Wiki because I kept deleting a piece of trivia which required a source it did not have. I got banned for asking for a source regarding an unsubstantiated fact. Wikis, man. I have no idea why I'm telling you all this, but here.
The LEGO Dimensions wiki. There's a story behind that, but I'll only tell if you wish to hear. And you will most likely end up confused unless you're knowledgeable in Dimensions.
I just found out Dissidia is getting a mobile spin-off that has Vivi and Steiner from FFIX, and Hope and Sazh from FFXIII, and I kinda need that in my life.
I just found out Dissidia is getting a mobile spin-off that has Vivi and Steiner from FFIX, and Hope and Sazh from FFXIII, and I kinda need that in my life.
Well, after doing paperwork this morning I discovered no theft took place, just a case of someone entering stuff wrong into the register. So that's awesome.
Also awesome that Pokémon Sun and Moon is leaking I guess. Not really looking at plot spoilers however.
That Dissida game looks nice though. I'm all about that.
*Slowly floats my cursor towards Spoiler tag....sees HUGE PLOT SPOILERS in Spoiler tag*
Honestly I'm not worried about stats and balance changes for pokemon and such (I actually kinda want to see those tbh) but plot spoilers are something I really really don't want to see for this game yet...
Dark Void severly nerfed, only 50% accuracy now. https://twitter.com/SciresM/status/795899618148032512
Leech Life buffed to 80 attack points.
Decidudeye is actually the fastest of the starters, with 70 as base speed, Incineroar and Primarina have a base speed of 60.
Primarina's Sp.Atk is 1 point higher than Hydreihon's... just let that sink in for a moment
Its Def is somewhat disappointing but it makes up for it with that Sp.Def
Sparkling Aria is 90 BP, unless it's AOE, there's not much reason to use it over Surf
HA is nice, though, again, there isn't much reason to use a Water!Hyper Voice
>Shadow Ball
>Energy Ball
>Sparkling Aria
Hope you have your Light Screens ready
Also, what is the "learned at Lv.0" mean? Does it try to learn the move automatically no matter the level it evolves or?
Decidueye's Long Reach can be useful since it learns Leaf Blade, Sucker Punch and Brave Bird to get past Rocky Helmet+Rough Skin combos but not much besides that
Incineroar gets Intimidate, simple but practical
Rip X-Scissor
Also, important to note is that the base starters can learn the Elemental Beams now
Cursed Body... really? I mean Infiltrator isn't great either, but Cursed Body is awful on a Pokémon like Gengar. Froslass is a great example of how bad it is on a frail Pokémon.
Infiltrator is good at what it was made for but sadly is situational. Could've been a decent HA I suppose.
... Now that I think about it Intimidate would've been a decent replacement for Levitate. It doesn't quite make up for it, but it does help make physical attackers in general less of a threat.
Yeah, Flare Blitz/Darkest Lariat/Earthquake/Leech Life is making it look pretty intimidating(pun intended)
Move changes I noticed:
-Snarl now has 95 accuracy(from 100%)
-Swagger now has 85 accuracy(from 90%)
New moves:
-Throat Chop(guess it's his secondary signature move like Greninja's Mat Block, can be a good counter for Primarina.)
-Brutal Swing(one of the 4 new TMs, kinda weak but I guess it's the first Dark AOE move(besides Night Daze but that's a signature move)
Cosmog is confirmed to be an Ultra Beast that is capable of opening the Ultra Wormhole. Team Skull is working with the Aether Foundation because Lusamine wants to open the Ultra Wormhole and release the Ultra Beasts because she loves them. However, if Cosmog open the Ultra Wormhole, it'll die. That's why Lillie steals Cosmog at the beginning of the game: because she wants to protect it.
You stop Lusamine in time in order to prevent Cosmog's death (I'm assuming this is where you have your first battle with her), and Cosmog evolves and stops moving (definitely that small orb-like Pokemon from the leaks), and Lusamine & Guzma manage to escape through the Ultra Wormhole before it closes. You and Lillie then travel to the fourth island and obtain Sun/Moon flutes, then play them at the altar in order to "awaken" Cosmog, who then transforms into Solgaleo/Lunala and takes you to the Ultra Wormhole to reach the Ultra Space, where you will confront Beast Lusamine.
Beast Lusamine's team is Clefable, Mismagius, Bewear, Lilligant, and Milotic (this one is no surprise). Like Mandala already mentioned, all her Pokemon receive the power-ups equivalent to a Totem Pokemon.
Leaker notes the Lusamine battle music is 10/10, and after beating her, she and UB-01 unmerge and you all leave the Ultra Wormhole.
Also, Gladion is confirmed to be Lillie's brother. Looks like the theories were true!
The Elite Four in this game consists of Hala, Olivia, Nanu, and Kahili (the latter two are the yet-to-be-revealed kahunas).
Also, pouting Lillie is the most adorable sight ever!
Oh **** Incineroar's bulk is actually pretty solid
95 HP / 90 Def / 90 SpD with Intimidate with decent resistances and great typing offensively means it will be able to switch in more than once (I guess, more than Houndoom ever will). Also it gets access to Fake Out which is great for Doubles.
Sucks about no Sucker Punch/Knock Off tho. Also Tapu Koko has base 130 Speed
Oh **** Incineroar's bulk is actually pretty solid
95 HP / 90 Def / 90 SpD with Intimidate with decent resistances and great typing offensively means it will be able to switch in more than once (I guess, more than Houndoom ever will). Also it gets access to Fake Out which is great for Doubles.
Sucks about no Sucker Punch/Knock Off tho. Also Tapu Koko has base 130 Speed