Player Gender: Male
Favorite Protagonist: Calem
Favorite Starter: I suppose if I have to choose.....Charizard (not counting Alola stuff for anything here)
Favorite Pokemon: Mewtwo/Rayquaza/Origin Forme Giratina
Most Hated Pokemon: OSHAWOTT
Favorite Legendary: See Favorite Pokemon
Favorite Poke Ball: Dusk Ball
Starters: Charmander, I believe Cyndaquil (either cynda or totodile), torchic, chimchar, snivy, fennekin, and popplio (counting alola here)
First Game: one of the sinnoh games, forget which one.
Favorite Game: either Platinum or OR
Favorite Non-Main Game: Forget which, one of the mystery dungeon games
Favorite Battle Theme: The Maxie/Archie Boss Battle Theme from ORAS (I love that song so much, favorite pokemon song to date)
Favorite Non-Battle Theme: Mount Chimney ORAS
Favorite Town: hmmmm let's go with Hearthome
Least Favorite Town: Anywhere in Unova

Favorite Type: Dragon
Least Favorite Type: Fairy
Favorite Move: Either Dynamic Punch, Close Combat, Bone Rush (I love the way Maylene's Lucario uses it in the anime), or Sky Uppercut
Least Favorite Move: let's go with Disarming Voice
Favorite Mega: Mega Rayquaza
Favorite HM Slave: Tentacruel
Favorite Item: Silph Scope since nothing better comes to mind right now.
Favorite Rival: May/Serena
Favorite Villain: Maxie
Favorite Gym Leader: BROCK
Favorite Elite Four: Either Lance, Lorelei, or Drake
Favorite Champion: How dare you make me choose. Fine..........three way tie between Steven Stone, Cynthia, and Gary mother****ing Oak
Favorite NPC: Ace Trainer (one has my name, and I love their designs)
Waifu: Courtney/May/Serena
Husbando: ORAS Archie