Then you're a walrus. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I don't think feminism is a hivemind at all, especially since Christians are basically the Conservative counterpart to that and we sure as heck can't agree on anything, but as for Anita's opinions specifically. . .I have literally never heard that before, but she includes Capitalism in the list of things she sees as oppressing society in her thesis alongside patriarchy and the ending to her game pitch had her self-insert overthrow a republic and abolish a monarchy, implying the form of government she sees as right and fair is neither, so I would not be surprised if she said that.
She strikes me as someone who attempts to subtly slip every single one of her other beliefs into her opinions about feminism, and that includes Marxism.
Since what little I've admittedly heard through my skewed Conservative grapevine says socialist beliefs value the collective over the individual, it would make sense under that understanding of it that she would value women as a collective over women as individuals. I'm sure not all socialists are like that, either, but since some of them are, it leaves open the possibility.
So feminists aren't hiveminds, but I wouldn't count out the possibility that Anita thinks they should be. I can definitely see her saying that even if I haven't seen the instance myself.