If that was true, then we would have Diddy Kong and Funky Kong back while Battle Mode would've been redesigned, rushed and released by now. And looking from this, I wouldn't spread my DLCs too far to make quick profit. So it seems more like they know what they're doing.
If anything, Nintendo is testing out the DLC waters a little more. They're on the right track if you ask me.
With the direction they've taken, they can now throw anything into a Mario game, and ANY Nintendo game in general, and we would be blind enough to accept that fact, every single time. the majority of posts on any site prove this, as they even go so far as to say the already well-known phrase: "Here's my money, Nintendo (throws at screen)". This would grant Nintendo more freedom to screw over their fans, by stealing more of our hard-earned money.
It's a shameless promotion, to hide their anxieties and worries over their future, because they've lost that creativity and innovation that made them leaders in the video game market. First Hyrule Warriors gets dumped on, now this, and I'm especially disappointed, because I'm a die-hard Zelda fan.
I'm not one that's ever going to accept these facts, blindly.