Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
So, I've been trying over the course of years off and on to get pivot smashes down (not terribly seriously, it's always been on the 'back burner'), but I've come up with two things today that have drastically increased my execution, and just felt the need to share them here, for those who struggle with this like I did.
I'll start with the simple one first.
Hold your hands as if you have a controller in them. Then attempt to input a pivot smash in various ways. If you noticed what I did, your thumbs go through very different motions for every single type of pivot input except one. That is when you press the control stick right, and the c-stick left. Essentially, this motion is mirrored on both thumbs comfortably, and therefore is much, much easier to time. With this, it's significantly easier to pivot smash to the left, as you would need to dash away and slam the C-stick left.
That's fine and dandy, but what about the right side?
Well, the other trick I thought of sounds a bit counter intuitive at first. What I do if I want to pivot smash right is dash right, dash away, then dash right + f smash. Because of the minuscule delay with the dash away before the pivot input, it makes it way easier to time. Another added benefit is that it also makes things slightly easier to position, because I have a chance to move back a bit if I went too close.
It seems really weird even for me that I have two completely different methods for each side, but it honestly increased my execution from sub 50% to above 75% with a short amount of practice.
So yeah, two tricks that you guys can try out and will hopefully help you on your tech skill journey. Even if these don't help directly, maybe the ideas I've come up with will help you find a method that works for you.
I'll start with the simple one first.
Hold your hands as if you have a controller in them. Then attempt to input a pivot smash in various ways. If you noticed what I did, your thumbs go through very different motions for every single type of pivot input except one. That is when you press the control stick right, and the c-stick left. Essentially, this motion is mirrored on both thumbs comfortably, and therefore is much, much easier to time. With this, it's significantly easier to pivot smash to the left, as you would need to dash away and slam the C-stick left.
That's fine and dandy, but what about the right side?
Well, the other trick I thought of sounds a bit counter intuitive at first. What I do if I want to pivot smash right is dash right, dash away, then dash right + f smash. Because of the minuscule delay with the dash away before the pivot input, it makes it way easier to time. Another added benefit is that it also makes things slightly easier to position, because I have a chance to move back a bit if I went too close.
It seems really weird even for me that I have two completely different methods for each side, but it honestly increased my execution from sub 50% to above 75% with a short amount of practice.
So yeah, two tricks that you guys can try out and will hopefully help you on your tech skill journey. Even if these don't help directly, maybe the ideas I've come up with will help you find a method that works for you.