The Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date is still a mystery. Now rumors are surfacing that Nintendo could force gamers to buy special action to unlock bonus characters, using similar NFC technology similar to "Skylander," according to "Official Nintendo Magazine." Read on for more Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date news. The Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date might not arrive by the end of 2013, but that hasn't stopped gamers from dreaming about the upcoming game , and it hasn't stopped bloggers from speculating about what changes we might see with the next title in Nintendo's popular franchise.
The latest Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date speculation comes from a UK-based gaming blog claiming to be the "Official Nintendo Magazine." Before delving into their NFC theory, which is actually pretty interesting, let's take a minute to totally discount this website, which we have reason to believe is not as official as their name suggests. First off, there is no "official" Nintendo magazine. There used to be this thing called "Nintendo Power," but this UK publication is a private company with a clever name (source: Wikipedia).
So back to the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date rumors. ONM blogger John Vekinis recently published a short article with the following inquisitive headline, "Should Smash Bros Utilise NFC?" It's an interesting question, and the implications range from cool to scary.
Vekinis' Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date theory stems from an often-overlooked feature of the Wii U controller, an NFC Reader/Writer. ONM notes that Nintendo higher-ups have recently dropped a few hints suggesting that NFC may figure heavily in the company's future.
The current most popular game to use NFC is "Skylanders," which turned a gigantic profit by tricking gamers into buying action figures for all the characters and items they wanted to play with in the game. While "Skylanders" comes with its own specially designed NFC portal, it's possible that the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date could force Wii U owners to become better acquainted with the touch-pad controller's built-in NFC reader.
So what purpose will NFC serve when the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date arrives? Is it possible that Nintendo will make us buy action figures to unlock playable characters? It seems unlikely that Nintendo would risk infuriating its fans by making them pay to unlock Captain Falcon. Then again, money is money.
ONM offers an interesting middle ground for what to expect in terms of NFC when the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date arrives:
"I've got an idea of what I want the NFC to do. I think it would be just dandy if the new Smash Bros could have some NFC capabilities. Smash Bros has been all about trophies and it would be pretty sweet if you could get real trophies to communicate with the game through NFC. No, not like the overpriced trinkets that Skylanders totes - more in line with those little keyring sized toys you get past the checkouts at Toys R Us from a slot machine.
"Now this shouldn't effect the playable characters in the game but maybe it could be used for trophy collections in the game or have a role in the single player mode in a similar fashion to Brawl's stickers."
So is John Vekinis right or is Nintendo planning to pump its consumers for cash when the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date arrives? Sound off in the comments and tell us what you think!
Read on for more Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date news and rumors.
The Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date may be in danger! Game director Masahiro Sakurai was diagnosed with calcific tendonitis in his right arm, which could seriously impair his ability to work on the upcoming title.
As soon as the news of Sakurai's injury leaked online Nintendo fans began to worry about both the beloved video game developer's health as well as the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date.
Here's Sakurai's response (courtesy of Gamnesia) to fans worried about both his health and the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release date:
"Thanks a lot of encouragement messages. Please don't worry about my injury & SMASH BROS development."