Kinda mixed. I got Sora, but now I'm missing BWD and Eggman.
I also wish I didn't have to feel bad for wanting Crash because of Activision.
You shouldn't have to feel bad. Anyway, with that said, I just want to say, as unnecessary as it may be, something about fans of characters. I do hate to bring this up, but I want to say this, to everyone, not just you, Perkilator.
Now, first off, back some time ago when I was trying to defend Geno fans, I was accused by someone when I said things like "Anything can happen", among other things, saying that I was using strawman arguments. Now, let me say, I was just stating facts. Now by definition, a strawman argument is "the logical fallacy of distorting an opposing position into an extreme version of itself and then arguing against that extreme version.". Trust me, I would never do such a thing, as like I said, I was just spitting facts.
Either way, it does seem that there are people who attack others, even when they spit facts, like what happened with me (though I won't share names as to who did that to me), are accused of using strawman arguments, because those people are just being defensive against something they don't like, don't want to hear it and use the strawman to try and shut others down, or are trying to argue for the sake of arguing; which is not always a good idea. It is not just those who come here, but people anywhere. In my case, I was not trying to argue. I also was not trying to make strawman arguments, as I would never do such a thing.
I was just trying to say some facts, and I am sure facts are not a strawman argument. But of me. As a reminder; please don't accuse those who want characters in a Smash game that you don't want of using strawman arguments unless they really are doing it. Some people don't, and others will try anything to shut them down or cause a fight. I don't think it is mentally healthy to try and avoid or deny facts anyway.
Anyway, just wanted to say this.
P.S. Eggman is also a character I want in Smash as well.