Wanted to share this for a character who will likely never be in Smash due to Sony's... history with Nintendo, but why should I let that stop me?
Up Tilt: Overhead Hazard Spread

Sackboy tosses hazardous projectiles overhead, causing them to fan out in a broad arc. This is perfect for enemies above Sackboy, whether they're standing on a platform (like Battlefield's) or closing in for an attack. The fireballs juggle opponents as it inflicts below-average damage, decent hitstun and little knockback.
While the main demonstration here is a fiery display, it actually comes with a very unique trait to Sackboy; each time the input is pressed, he cycles between a different type of hazard, being
Horrible Gas, and
Plasma. Observe the other Hazards:
How is Sackboy able to do this? In LittleBigPlanet's Create Mode, Sackboy has access to limitless Objects, Materials and Hazards, with the 4 above just being some of his tools. He, like Villager, Isabelle and Steve is a...Creative entity if you catch my drift, and while he won't have a moveset like them he'll have his own spin on his LBP nature in Smash. In my moveset, Sackboy will have moves that reference both the LBP series and Sackboy: A Big Adventure. He has a lot of tricks up his stitches, literally, and his main gimmick isn't his Hammerspace Arsenal like Villager and Steve. It is his ability to utilize multiple hazards for many attacks.
As you can see, the Up Tilt input yields 4 different Hazards with their own properties each time it's used. It'll always cycle between the 4 shown in that order no matter what.