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new to yoshi


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Olympia, Washington
Im a new yoshi! hi everyone

anyways... I was reading through all the threads about techniques and everything for the past hour or so and then got on brawl and tried them out, as you might think I have lots of questions! hopefully you have lots of answers. Im going to try and make this as in depth as possible to show that I really want to get some were with yoshi, not just a wanabe trying to get good quick or something.

Ill start with the Edge Canceled Egg's

The terms were kind of confusing to me on the thread but if I got this right, its basically a ledge camp type thing, or a way to get off the edge safely. To do it, hang off the edge, tap down, then press Up + B immediately? When I do it I seem to always hit the egg on the edge of the stage, how ever if I use my jump then up I can do it. EDIT: I just realized that, the times that I do make it, it is because I have tap jump on, and he does the jump without me even realizing it, am I doing something wrong or am I supposed to jump as I have been doing?

Second, I watched the video on the Dragonic Reverse ( Wavedash ) and I had a couple of questions as well, the only part I understood was to " Double Jump, then Attack ( Nair )" to do the wavedash, but all that does is cancel the double jump, anyways thats as far as I got on that and I was also curious if this will help a lot in battle, or what situations you would use it in.

Now the Egg Throw Slide
I think I can do this one, I use tap jump on and I can get yoshi to slide about wavedash length, note he isnt actually ever in the air. I can see this as having some RAR uses with an attack added to it. I can do this about 50/50 half the time he goes into that super fast egg roll thing, and it takes a while to cancel that by pressing nuetral B.

Then the Stutter step, the only person I actually ever knew that had this, was mario, you step back then C-Stick fsmash the opposite direction and it adds length to his Fsmash, what exactly does this do for yoshi? I havent really figured it out, because I dont think it gives extra range like mario, or maybe im just not seeing it.

Alright those are the 4 techniques I read about in the stickys, and I want to know your opoinion also about if they are any use in an actual battle, and what time they would be used. As I cant do the "Wavedash" yet but to me it sounds like it would not be much use, also is there any techniques or anything else thats important to playing yoshi that I should know?


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Im a new yoshi! hi everyone

anyways... I was reading through all the threads about techniques and everything for the past hour or so and then got on brawl and tried them out, as you might think I have lots of questions! hopefully you have lots of answers. Im going to try and make this as in depth as possible to show that I really want to get some were with yoshi, not just a wanabe trying to get good quick or something.

Ill start with the Edge Canceled Egg's

The terms were kind of confusing to me on the thread but if I got this right, its basically a ledge camp type thing, or a way to get off the edge safely. To do it, hang off the edge, tap down, then press Up + B immediately? When I do it I seem to always hit the egg on the edge of the stage, how ever if I use my jump then up I can do it. EDIT: I just realized that, the times that I do make it, it is because I have tap jump on, and he does the jump without me even realizing it, am I doing something wrong or am I supposed to jump as I have been doing?
I do Back, then UpB in a Smooth Semi Circle fashion. I think Down causes you to fastfall which results in throwing the egg directly at the ledge. I'm not sure if Tap Jump effects anything, but I think it would be better off.

Second, I watched the video on the Dragonic Reverse ( Wavedash ) and I had a couple of questions as well, the only part I understood was to " Double Jump, then Attack ( Nair )" to do the wavedash, but all that does is cancel the double jump, anyways thats as far as I got on that and I was also curious if this will help a lot in battle, or what situations you would use it in.
I think that's the entire point though. You are using the momentum from the Cancel to propel you forward in the same matter as Melee's Wavedash. It's basically used as a surprise approach I believe

Now the Egg Throw Slide
I think I can do this one, I use tap jump on and I can get yoshi to slide about wavedash length, note he isnt actually ever in the air. I can see this as having some RAR uses with an attack added to it. I can do this about 50/50 half the time he goes into that super fast egg roll thing, and it takes a while to cancel that by pressing nuetral B.
Eh, I don't think you asked a question here.

Then the Stutter step, the only person I actually ever knew that had this, was mario, you step back then C-Stick fsmash the opposite direction and it adds length to his Fsmash, what exactly does this do for yoshi? I havent really figured it out, because I dont think it gives extra range like mario, or maybe im just not seeing it.
It actually does give him a bit more extra range, and can benefit alot due to the pullback aspect of his Fsmash

Alright those are the 4 techniques I read about in the stickys, and I want to know your opoinion also about if they are any use in an actual battle, and what time they would be used. As I cant do the "Wavedash" yet but to me it sounds like it would not be much use, also is there any techniques or anything else thats important to playing yoshi that I should know?
They can all be very useful to use (Though Stutter stepping is probably extremely minor), and the two techniques helps his Projectile game and defencive game alot. I haven't really got around learning DR yet, due to perfecting Yoshi's natural game.

2 AM, Sleep Time


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Mmac did a pretty good job covering all the bases here, but just to add my two cents in, my replies are in cyan =)

Im a new yoshi! hi everyone

anyways... I was reading through all the threads about techniques and everything for the past hour or so and then got on brawl and tried them out, as you might think I have lots of questions! hopefully you have lots of answers. Im going to try and make this as in depth as possible to show that I really want to get some were with yoshi, not just a wanabe trying to get good quick or something.

Ill start with the Edge Canceled Egg's

The terms were kind of confusing to me on the thread but if I got this right, its basically a ledge camp type thing, or a way to get off the edge safely. To do it, hang off the edge, tap down, then press Up + B immediately? When I do it I seem to always hit the egg on the edge of the stage, how ever if I use my jump then up I can do it. EDIT: I just realized that, the times that I do make it, it is because I have tap jump on, and he does the jump without me even realizing it, am I doing something wrong or am I supposed to jump as I have been doing?

Like Mmac said, dropping off the edge by hitting back works better because it doesn't make you fastfall. If you do it realllllly fast you can do it by hitting down, though I'd recommend back, personally. As far as tap jump goes, it works fine the way you're doing it, except that if you get hit while throwing your egg, you're not gonna get back to the stage, guaranteed, since you lost your double jump. So to stay on the safe side, I'd do it without tapjump.

Second, I watched the video on the Dragonic Reverse ( Wavedash ) and I had a couple of questions as well, the only part I understood was to " Double Jump, then Attack ( Nair )" to do the wavedash, but all that does is cancel the double jump, anyways thats as far as I got on that and I was also curious if this will help a lot in battle, or what situations you would use it in.

Just a guess here: by cancelling do you mean he keeps going up but does the nair? If so, then you're not doing it fast enough. You need to double jump and nair before you leave the ground (ie you don't see the double jump rings appear, and you don't see the nair, or leave the ground at all for that matter lol) I hope I guessed right and this helped. =)

Now the Egg Throw Slide
I think I can do this one, I use tap jump on and I can get yoshi to slide about wavedash length, note he isnt actually ever in the air. I can see this as having some RAR uses with an attack added to it. I can do this about 50/50 half the time he goes into that super fast egg roll thing, and it takes a while to cancel that by pressing nuetral B.

If you egg roll, then you hit b too late. Since I suggested turning tap jump off earlier, I might recommend learning that method (probably easiest done by changing up your controls, perhaps make L jump if you don't use it?)

Then the Stutter step, the only person I actually ever knew that had this, was mario, you step back then C-Stick fsmash the opposite direction and it adds length to his Fsmash, what exactly does this do for yoshi? I havent really figured it out, because I dont think it gives extra range like mario, or maybe im just not seeing it.

Actually, all of the characters that don't have the "special" stutter step (everyone but Mario, Ganon, Sonic, and Captain Falcon) have a more flexible stutter step, to be honest. This is because they can move forward and backward with their stutter step. To increase the range of Yoshi's f-smash, stutter step forwards. To give yourself a little more room or increase the drawback of the attack, stutter step backwards. It all depends on the situation, really. =)

Alright those are the 4 techniques I read about in the stickys, and I want to know your opoinion also about if they are any use in an actual battle, and what time they would be used. As I cant do the "Wavedash" yet but to me it sounds like it would not be much use, also is there any techniques or anything else thats important to playing yoshi that I should know?
Well first of course, learn the basics of smash in general, ie spacing, defense, approaching, edgeguarding, recovery, auto-canceling, etc. As far as Yoshi specific strategies, I'd definitely suggest pivot grabs and chain grabs, since they boost Yoshi's game by soooo much lol. Good luck in your Yoshi quest! =D


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Olympia, Washington
I got a couple more questions.

So the Egg slide is obviously major and looks great to space and rack up some damage with his projectile game, but Since I am now having tap jump off for the Edge Canceled Egg's cant I still do the egg slide the same way?

he never leaves the ground anyways so I dont think itll even change it.

an second on the DR, so basicaly tap x twice then nuetral a once SUPER fast?

also how often would I see, lets say... Scatz or Chaco do the DR in a video if I watched them? like what situations.

thanks everyone gettin on brawl to try it out now

Edit: also curious, most characters you can run off the stage and tap back really quick and hell edge guard, this doesnt work with yoshi. Should I just jump off backwards and try to di towards it

Edit 2: now when I do the dr I double jump then tap a REALLY fast and he has a weird bouncy motion and moves up REALLY fast liek the normal hieght of his double jump


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
answered in the order they were asked:

1. Actually, the Egg slide (or abbreviated as ETS for egg throw slide) is done by jump canceling a jump with the egg throw. So in order to get the slide, you have to input a jump command first. So no, you can't do it the same way with tap-jump off.

2. Yes, I believe SUPER fast would describe it nicely =P

3. I'll let them answer this one, if they happen to pass by this thread.

4. With Yoshi you actually have to fastfall, then turn towards the stage. It's a bit trickier with him than most characters, due to his fast horizontal aerial speed. It's definitely possible, just takes more practice. =)

5. Try it on 1/4 speed first, so you know what you're looking for. :yoshi:

EDIT: OK I just took a peek in the DR thread, and see you've already done that lol. I wouldn't make learning it a major priority, just something to practice every now and then. I hardly use DR in my matches, yet I do decently well, as it is. It's a matter of preference, really.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Most I've done in a match was 20+, and atleast 3.
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