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New to King DeDeDe, Advise please


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2008
Hi all, ive been a fox player for quite some time, but the group im playing with has gotten better and better for our casual little grouping and what im finding out is that fox isnt as good as he use to be. Ive found that his attacks dont take priority over people with weapons of magical melee hits like zelda etc.. I also find that almost everything meta knight does overpowers foxes moves. So I came to smash boards and found that fox was rated fairly low on the "tier list".

Naturally I want to switch to a character that has higher potential, someone in my group already plays meta knight so I dont want to be him. Ive always liked the kirby games, so either Kirby himself of king dedede would be a good choice.

King dedede is rated right under snake in the teir list i seen on these boards, overall that seems pretty good.

When I tried king dedede out for the first time last night it was really strange, he attacks so slow that I dont see how you can hit anyone with those hammer attacks. My question is what makes king dedede so highly rated on the teir list? does he win tournaments frequently?

What moves should I be doing with king dedede? Im guessing that left smash attack where he swings his hammer at the speed of a snail is not a commonly used attack?

Oh and is dedede overall a better choice then kirby himself?

Is the only reason dedede ranked so high due to chain grabs? because I dont want my only way to win to be some buggy cheese. Thanks!


Smash Rookie
Aug 17, 2008
DeDeDe is most known for his chaingrab, however his back throw is incredible as it does 16% damage.

When you're playing DeDeDe, use waddle dees to space and to block other projectiles. If your opponent comes close to you, shield/spot dodge his or her attack and counter with a grab. You can follow up a down grab with a quick f-tilt if the opponent can get out of a chaingrab.

Rely on DDD's range and aerials, esp. the back air and f-tilt. When using, down air, full hop it so you don't have afterlag.

I like using inhale when the enemy approches with aerials. It does a quick 10% damage.

For killing, I mainly rely on up-tilt, along with d-smash and back-air.

For your other question, if dedede is overall better than kirby, I would say yes, because DDD has overall more positive quailities than Kirby. While Kirby is a great and quick damage racker and is excellent at recovering, DDD is heavier, also has good recovery, along with more range, a chain/infinite grab, an amazing projectile, and a longer range inhale.
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