Is Python a good first language to learn?
- No. I love Python don't get me wrong, but I definitely would rather learn something a little more "standard" the first time around. Python comes incredibly easy once you already have built a basis up with other languages. If you really want to pick a specific language to learn first, go for C++ or Java. They also have very easy, and in depth tutorials on-line from beginner to expert.
What languages should I learn?
- First get a basis in one of the languages I mentioned above. Once you get used to a lot of the aspects of OOP, delve into others just to experiment, e.g. Python, PHP, ASP, C#. All these will come a lot easier once you know one of the above two. Once you learn the basics of OOP, other languages syntax's come very easy, since that's really the only difference.
Can someone point me to some good editors?
- Editors or IDE's? I'm guessing you mean IDE's since you can use Notepad to edit if you wanted to. IDE's are programs that assist you with things such as code completion, auto-indenting/spacing, error checking, object organization, things like that. For a beginner, definitely use one, it will make the process a lot easier. If you decide on Java (would be my choice), use "Eclipse" -- If you decide on C++, try and get a copy of Visual Studio through your school maybe? If you can't just go with Java
does anyone know of really good tutorials?
- You can start with this one if you choose Java -- Theres plenty more on C, C++, Python as you have mentioned, honestly just search Google and all of them are pretty decent. Make sure you code along with the tutorials though or you will never learn. Programming is not something you can learn by reading, only by doing.
What the hell is VBScript?
- Don't worry about it, don't use it, don't ask. If you want to learn something similar to this learn VB, or ASP.
What can I do with computer programming knowledge [right now I only know how to do stuff with Tuples, Dictionaries, Sets, Lists, Variables, Calculating [mathematics], and I'm learning Loops]?
- Make games, create automation scripts for Windows that do things for you automatically, such as export data into Excel and perform calculations on the data for you. Make some simple GUI applications to take notes for classes and schedule for yourself? Use your imagination, you can do anything with programming languages that you see on your computer, just a lot of it is more advanced than others. A lot of websites have sample applications to try programming, go from there.
Realistically how long should it take me to learn a language? [I am not discouraged by time. In my opinion, it's an erroneous factor]
- Depends on how well you want to know it. To expert a language, could possibly be in excess of 4 years. To learn a language well enough to make some simple applications that look cool but don't do much, maybe a year? Honestly it's all about how much effort you put in and if it comes naturally to you or not.
- Keep trying. Don't get discouraged when something doesn't work. It happens to everyone, even experts. Learn all aspects of programming -- design, evaluation, implementation, testing, deployment. You will make much more reliable software that way.