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New Orleans.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I know what you're thinking... Why isn't this in the Louisiana thread? Simple really, we're no longer part of the state, much less the USA. The Gulf of Mexico reclaimed us, so we should have our own thread. ;v

-big edit.-

I removed my image, housing arrangements, and a few other things. Why? My judgment finally caught up with my fingers. I'll keep that information to myself until I meet the locals. ;v The main reason though, was because the way I made this thread could have been considered 'd00m waiting to happen' on either side. Most people fear a guy who just flat out invites people to have a chance to come into his home, online. ;v

Deleted member

dibbs is awesome.. if you've ever read the la thread you'll know the best of la. in n.o. theres jon and ricky along with some other decent players you should encounter since they're in your area. from br im the only one that really travels around anymore, but its possible you could see a small kid (idk if he counts as a kid for your apt rules. he's 16 and can be a douche so i'll leave him here). then there's kyle who is second best in br but is lacking care for the game, and vaughn, the best zelda in the world who goes to n.o. more than me probably but not for smash and isnt serious about the game. then theres the best player in the state, lee; who travels to n.o. pretty much every friday and saturday because theres nothing to do in houma. also in houma is cyphus, another top player.
you should meet us at dibbs one time to see if you could handle this crowd at your place.
post in the la thread!


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Is that sixteen year old kid a Pikachu player? [Or at some point was?] In Melee, I'm nothing special, I didn't pick up the game till a year ago, and only played it with a select few friends. We did bring it a few times to UNO, where I had some decent success prior to Katrina without ever touching the game before. >>

Ps: I'm off this tomorrow and this weekend, so I'll try to meet some of you guys. [and get my *** handed.]


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2007
I go to Tulane University, which coincidentally has buses that go to the Clearview Mall on Saturdays. However, as I said in the Louisiana thread, I'm kinda boned for the next few weeks, so I can't spend too much time with Smash. Until, that is, the release of Brawl.

However, I hope you'll understand that I prefer not to go to someone's house who introduced themselves on the internet.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Oh, I understand Skinhoff, which is why I'd prefer meeting someone before hand. Just typically most guys in New Orleans I know are pretty laid back. To me, meeting someone online is only marginally less dangerous as meeting someone at the French Quarter. =p


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Im guessing that 16 year old douche is me :]

i love you too taylor.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I'm going to be going to the one at the Huey P Long Game Stop. Lake side is nice, especially the guys that work there like Skungi. Just, friend works at the other one, so I reserved at the Wal-mart area one. Aside from that, I haven't heard anything about any tournaments in the area. I wouldn't be shocked if Game Trader does one as well, but I've never really paid attention to that store.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
apparently some guy with a modded wii/ *** brawl was hookin his **** up at esplanade gametrader and havin a tourney
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