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New NC Power Rankings Thread (Discussion)

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SR Raptor

Smash Apprentice
Aug 19, 2007
Eastern NC
It has come to my attention that the greater majority in NC here don't like the new PR's. I have came up with a good idea to counter that and give everyone a perfect chance to state their opinion and intelligently discuss this.

The problems that this thread aims to alleviate are:
3)All the arguing and hating

The way I propose to do that is by the following:
1)Everybody will post one and only one copy of their Top players, however many you want will be good.

2)Accompanied with their list of the top ten will be a paragraph explaining why that person is in that position

3)There shall be no criticizing of someone's list and no one should feel obligated to explain further than their initial post

If everyone complies we will have well over 20 lists with valid arguments to base a main PR list off of. I will leave it to the PR board to acknowledge this thread if they want but I feel it is the only way to make everyone happy since everyone can have a voice and everyone can make sure it is heard.

If the board agrees with me I feel it would be advantageous to use this thread as their discussion HQ if you will, allowing them to figure out 1-? in public so as to not be accused of any foul play that may or may not be provable.

I ask humbly that you will help out, NC is showing its age in the smash community when it fights amongst itself, I can read the other threads just as easily as anyone else on SWF and it isn't pretty.

Bear with, here is my list


The hyper competitive champ of that state with a natural knack towards fighters. He wins at all costs and only fails when some force from outside the state knocks him back with all their might. He is the undisputed l0zr.


The undisputed #2 in the state. He has a feirce rivalry with l0zr and a match between the two is a spectacle to behold. Equally as revered as a champ he is one of the few people that can consistently give l0zr a run for his money.


The original Falcon. The person who fights l0zr most of his days and a person who has spent quite a lengthy time in the community. Yes he might come and go and we all love him but his persistence and the fact that he isn't afraid to travel out of state for a tournament make him a strong candidate for 3rd place.


Lord Ganon commands #4. A great smasher who somehow keeps a busy life at school amazes at what he can do with a character who doesn't shine or tip. He to has had a long time spent in the scene and makes a potent pair when teamed with TLOZ. The two can go back and forth any day.


#5 only because of how furthering your education in life can hamper your skills. The Link that even l0zr fears, and the yet another long standing player. Someone who also can prove that Link is the ultimate video game character regardless of tiers. He makes a potent team when paired with 59js. The two can go back and forth any day.

I have posted my top 5 and that is where it will stay, I explained why I believe they should be there and can only ask that everyone will put aside the arguing and work through this. This might not be the normal way of figuring out the PR's and it might end up looking a bit rough but it is the only alternative I can see. It is better to take action than sit back and idly complain your way to #1.

Think things through and post intelligently. Let's create the best possible PR possible!!

SR Raptor

Smash Apprentice
Aug 19, 2007
Eastern NC
Sorry, but this will cause even more arguments.
No need to state the obvious but there will never be a argument free PR we must strive towards that goal and as I see it I am the only person trying to better this cause and come up with an alternative, I ask that everyone please either post a list to the best of their abilities or leave the thread free.

I will gladly get this closed if someone creates a better idea.
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