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New Captain Falcon Mainer (most likely, anyway)...


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2007
Hello, fellow Brawlers. I have decided to (for now, anyway) main Captain Falcon like the rest of you, but before I start making more posts here, I would be most gracious for some tips before gettng into playing the good Captain.
I am quite aware of his position on the tier list, just so that's out of the way. >.>

Also, while I'm here I may as well explain why I am maining Falcon.
After playing a few matches today and yesterday with my younger brother (age 8, soon to be 9), i thought I might give falcon a spin. It turned out quite good, but I made a few snafus while we were playing (suicides, really >_<). So, my mid not being made up, I decided to, perhaps fool-hardedly, make a poll on GameFAQs on who my main would be.
The highest votes were for Captain Falcon, of course, so I decided I might actually main him.

Here's the link to he topic, if you feel like taking a look.

Anyway, like I said, hints and tips will be most appreciated by anyone and everyone here.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
don't read the guide, it hasn't been updated since like forever

you should search up "how to auto-cancel with 100% consistancy" by Banana trooper, it has pics and vids of how to auto cancel all aerials

Bair and Uair are Falcon's new sex, their strong and have decent priority, Falcon kick is knda sex because of it's insane priority but nothing to rely on


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Raptor Boost (SideB) is either your best friend or your worst enemy. It depends on your playstyle. And, more likely than not, whichever role is not filled by Raptor Boost will be filled by Falcon Kick. For me, I like Raptor Boost, but not Falcon Kick. Your aerials are good, particularly U-air. It hits a pretty large area, and can kill, if you can't land anything stronger. The Knee is still fun, but it's tough to get used to if you mained Falcon in Melee. D-air is still useful, but it's far harder to hit with, at least for me. B-air is useful, as long as you're not fighting somebody with really fast aerials (Marf or MK, for instance). Be fully aware that Falcon is seen as low-tier for a reason: His matchups against tourney characters (Snake, ROB, MK) are AWFUL. ****ty, really. Prepare to either pull an insane amount of skill out of your ***, or get owned by them. N-air is kinda fun, if you can get used to it, but it's only real use is to rack up a little extra damage. My favorite way to use the Knee is to run at the edge, and as soon as you drop off, f-air. If they're trying to grab the edge, this'll usually either hit, and they die, or it'll whiff-hit, and they'll drop a little ways, allowing you to Falcon Dive (UpB) at them, or use your airjump, and knee them again. Or U-air. Or anything, really.

I probably shouldn't bother telling you this, because you're probably going to abandon Falcon like most do/did. But meh.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Meh...I'd just look around these boards some. You'll find useful information. I'd check into the matchup guide, the stage discussion thread (because counter picking the right stage with falcon= essential), the Up B information thread....and a few other useful ones i can't think of off the top of my head. Tenki's playstyle survey? Just search for all those in the search bar.

Learn how to do ledgehopped aerials. (hit down or away from the stage while hanging on the ledge, then move back towards the stage with your fair/uair/up b).

there's a lot of stuff....browse the boards some, and welcome.


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2007
Well, I think that's a good amount of advice for me to use in my matches. And about his position on the tier list, like I said, I'm quite aware of it, and the reasons for it. If I've got enough willlpower in me, then I won't abandon the good Captain.

Thanks again guys.


Smash Rookie
Oct 20, 2007
Houston, Texas
Oh, also: Falcon Punch can actually work. If you reverse an aerial Falcon Punch, you get a pretty good amount of DI with it, which allows you to place it exactly where you need it. Of course, this is still fairly easy to shield, but unless your opponent powershields they will probably be knocked too far away to retaliate. I like to jump over my enemy, reverse aerial falcon punch in mid-jump, then keep moving the direction you were originally going when you jumped.


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2007
Oh, also: Falcon Punch can actually work. If you reverse an aerial Falcon Punch, you get a pretty good amount of DI with it, which allows you to place it exactly where you need it. Of course, this is still fairly easy to shield, but unless your opponent powershields they will probably be knocked too far away to retaliate. I like to jump over my enemy, reverse aerial falcon punch in mid-jump, then keep moving the direction you were originally going when you jumped.
That sounds like agood idea, too. Like you said, it is easy enough to shield, but hard to powershield.
Might need to practice this against my younger brother.

And the jabs sound quite like a good idea, too. Thanks again!


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Oh, also: Falcon Punch can actually work. If you reverse an aerial Falcon Punch, you get a pretty good amount of DI with it, which allows you to place it exactly where you need it. Of course, this is still fairly easy to shield, but unless your opponent powershields they will probably be knocked too far away to retaliate. I like to jump over my enemy, reverse aerial falcon punch in mid-jump, then keep moving the direction you were originally going when you jumped.
I used to do a bunch of that but the good opponents dodge instead, which means it's highly punishable. It's still pretty safe if your opponent is in the air though.
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