We all (or mostly all of us) know that Ness was almost replaced by a character named Lucas from Earthbound in Melee, but we were lucky and the development team was already too far with the game to replace Ness. But not too many people use him, let alone like him really, which makes him a so-so character for Brawl considering he was almost replaced in Melee. But he is my favorite character in both Smash Bros and Melee, and considering HE WAS in the original, I have strong faith that he will be in Brawl. I don't care weither (spelling?) they make him higher or lower in the tier, I still pwn with him at tourneys despite him being ranked fifth lowest in the tier. So who else wants our favorite little boy from Melee to be in Brawl? Discuss reasons why and why not he would be included.