Snake is all about mindgames and stage control, I cannot stress this enough. Since I'm not sure how new you are to playing Snake, I'll start with the basic moves you'll rely on more than any others:
Forward Tilt
-deals 21% damage initially
-almost guaranteed 2 hit
-massive knockback
-huge hitbox
-quick to execute & high priority
Up Tilt
-another huge damage dealer
-can kill most characters vertically at between 90% and 110%
-has impossibly long horizontal range (impossible meaning it hits where his leg does not extend to
-incredible priority
-quick to execute
Jab Combo
-fast, high priority
-good range
-very likely to hit all 3 times
-can clang counter with many of most characters' basic moves and even some smashes
Down B: C4 Drop
-will kill at very low percentages
-controlled by you
-will help keep your opponent on his toes
-very hard for your opponent to see
-great range
Neutral B: Grenade
-can be thrown like items
-can be used to counter your opponent's moves (see grenade section in "Into the Fray" Guide by abit_rusty)
-can be dropped to mine the stage and pressure your opponent
Dash Attack
-fast and high priority
-huge range
-pops your opponent into the air for juggling
-good at closing the gap between you and your opponent
Up Smash: Mortar
-huge vertical disjointed hitbox
-can be glitched (mortar slide) to allow for fast, high priority attack to close the gap between you and your opponent (my own guide to mortar sliding: )
-great for edgeguarding
-pressures your opponents when they try to attack from the air
Side B: Nikita
-is nigh impossible for opponent to destroy
-large knockback
-you control it
-is great for edgeguarding
You will use these moves more than any others and they work incredibly well together if you know how to pressure your opponent and get them to work in ways that benefit you. I really hate self-promotion, but to learn how to do this you should start with my guide: as well as abit_rusty's guide mentionen above.
I hope this helps; welcome to the community.