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need help with approaching campy friends


Smash Rookie
Jan 21, 2008
Montclair, NJ
My friend has become paranoid of the IC chain throws to the point of insanity, and mains falco. He pretty much just shoots lasers, then runs away every time I try and approach. I usualy just desync some ice blocks to block some of the lasers, then throw in the down B when i get close, but it's become impossible to get anywhere near a grab anymore. Any advice? And I have an insanely good friend who mains R.O.B, so tips for that match up would be appreciated to.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
Auspiciously close to NoobCake
If he spams Lazers, you Duck. Stop concentrating on grabs if he's onto it and start beating him around like a volleyball, then capitilize on mistakes like his Forward B as those are easily predictable and grabbable. For ROB, Start practising those meteor smashs.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
If he spams Lazers, you Duck. Stop concentrating on grabs if he's onto it and start beating him around like a volleyball, then capitilize on mistakes like his Forward B as those are easily predictable and grabbable. For ROB, Start practising those meteor smashs.
Wow, dont follow this advice.

First of all, you cant duck Falco's lazers

Second of all, wow..


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2006
Parts Unknown
There's a lot of different ways to approach him, but it also depends on what he's doing exactly.

If he's jumping a lot while shooting his lasers aka a sh followed by two lasers in the air then simple run towards him while he's in the air and use your shield whenever you think think he'll shoot you at ground level or you can simple spot dodge his lasers and slowly approach him.

If he's just sitting on the ground and spamming the lasers, then you can fh to get over most of them then either use side B or dair depending on how close you are to him and how he reacts to you getting so close to him.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Approach in the air, but remain unpredictable. Dair may be a good option, but I try to avoid using it because of its landing lag. I find a strange tactic to jump, followed by ice block, then double jump over falco to stop his lasers. Most opponents don't expect this but they figure it out after a while. As you know, the ice block gives an extra 'jump' so it may trick the falco into using an up smash or utilt, or perhaps a short-hopped aerial. Experiment with people playing as falco to find what works for you.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007

Vs campers I usually aerial desynch into blizzards and squalls. Desynching on the ground iz impossible sometimes so dont force it.

CGing Falco iz ez, but mayb thats jus me..

You can Blizzard out of his CG with the other climber, so u dont have 2 worry about that..

I like 2 edgeguard him with Nana hogging and Popo up top. If he firebirds/sometimes Phantasom on the edge it will b hogged. If he Phantasom 2 the stage, u can punish with a smash or w/e.
So yea.. learn 2 use this, its very usefull vs Falcos..

Hmm, thats about it.. Jus play smart, dont let the lasers get to yur head, make every grab count, and Aerial Desynch alot.

EDIT - I dont have much ROB expirience.. all I kno iz I got 2nd in a tourney few dayz ago cuz of some Rob..
I find it hard 2 approach em. Dsmash punishes like every little mess up u make, so u have 2 b very precise. I use more tilts vs Rob, IDK why.. hmm, gonna have 2 ask some 1 else.. :p

Good Lux


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Slightly north of Toronto, Canada
Coming from a falco (not a spammy falco though), the two most annoying things an IC can do is desynced ice shots and the chain grab. Use them. On a spammy falco what do you do? SPAM BACK. Ice shots when desynced is incredibly spamable and just completely shuts down falco's spam game. Then he'll be forced to actually attack you.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2008
Coming from a falco (not a spammy falco though), the two most annoying things an IC can do is desynced ice shots and the chain grab. Use them. On a spammy falco what do you do? SPAM BACK. Ice shots when desynced is incredibly spamable and just completely shuts down falco's spam game. Then he'll be forced to actually attack you.
Completely agree, on flat fields like FD, Yoshi's Island, Smashville, just use the starting desynch and it shuts down any chance for falco to spam his lasers. What you choose to do with the starting desynch is up to you. On fields with platforms just use the platforms to help you get around his lasers. And don't think its a bad thing that he is trying to avoid your grabs, this just usually makes opponents predictable and can punish with other attacks besides grabs.


Smash Rookie
Jan 21, 2008
Montclair, NJ
Thanks for all the advice. The actual throws are never a problem (Falco is very easy for me). He won't stand a chance now :p
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