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Need help w/ fighting some people (mostly SNAKE!)


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
Hey. I think I am pretty good with Ike, I recently went to a tournament and I got pretty far with Ike, however I was having a lot of trouble with fighting Snake(and other projectile users/chain grabbers, like lucario, pit, and falco)

Can someone give me some tips so I do better at the next tournament?(I got to round 5 before I was eliminated)Also maybe some good stages to Counter Pick?


Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2008
Well, I find Snake easy. Then again, I haven't played anyone who's really good with him. Still, you have more range than he does, however, he has projectiles, and you do not. Make sure you stay close enough so that the only projectile that's really useful is the grenade at close range. Also, don't give him enough time to set up a combo with the dsmash/bdown (I can't remember the name of it). Watch our for a grenade when they guard. It's really annoying to Fair one. -_-

About the rest, I can't really say much. I find Pit easy too, but Falco and Lucario are just annoying.

Oops, didn't read the last part. For stages, Lylat Cruise and Battlefield are good for Ike, considering usmash and utilt hit them when they're on a platform. Eruption can hit them when you're on top of a platform and they're under you.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
Well, I find Snake easy. Then again, I haven't played anyone who's really good with him. Still, you have more range than he does, however, he has projectiles, and you do not. Make sure you stay close enough so that the only projectile that's really useful is the grenade at close range. Also, don't give him enough time to set up a combo with the dsmash/bdown (I can't remember the name of it). Watch our for a grenade when they guard. It's really annoying to Fair one. -_-

About the rest, I can't really say much. I find Pit easy too, but Falco and Lucario are just annoying.

Oops, didn't read the last part. For stages, Lylat Cruise and Battlefield are good for Ike, considering usmash and utilt hit them when they're on a platform. Eruption can hit them when you're on top of a platform and they're under you.
Ok when I fight snake the thing he does is he will skid and use his bottle rocket things(usmash) also he has a bunch of combos (like ftilt combos, neutral a combos, air combos) that stop me. I thought snake was easy till I fought a really good one

also yeah I thought battlefield and lylat would be good choices, Ive always liked fighting there with Ike.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
best advice: counterpick a different character - unfortunately, that's the way competitive brawl is looking. if you want to try to win w/ Ike, then there's only so much advice that can be given. Stay as close to snake as you can. approach w/ nairs and grabs. if he's recovering, dair him. you can also jab him out of his double jump, then grab him as he up-bs.

If you grab Snake out of his up-b one of two can happen.
1) if you grabbed his upward section, his cypher will hit you as it flies off, dealing %, but knocking him out of your hands and he'll die because he no longer has an up-b.
2) If you grabbed him and the cypher didn't hit you, DO NOTHING. DON"T HIT HIM. Let him struggle out, then he'll die w/o a refreshed up-b.


Smash Cadet
Sep 28, 2005
best advice: counterpick a different character - unfortunately, that's the way competitive brawl is looking. if you want to try to win w/ Ike, then there's only so much advice that can be given. Stay as close to snake as you can. approach w/ nairs and grabs. if he's recovering, dair him. you can also jab him out of his double jump, then grab him as he up-bs.

If you grab Snake out of his up-b one of two can happen.
1) if you grabbed his upward section, his cypher will hit you as it flies off, dealing %, but knocking him out of your hands and he'll die because he no longer has an up-b.
2) If you grabbed him and the cypher didn't hit you, DO NOTHING. DON"T HIT HIM. Let him struggle out, then he'll die w/o a refreshed up-b.
He can still C4 himself.


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2008
I main as Snake and usually find Ike quite an easy fight, even with some good Ike players. Theres a few things you need to watch out for against a good Snake player: -

- I usually find that it easy to combo Ike with no contact snake dashing and then following up with remote missile - Quite hard to air dodge aswell, so watch out for that.

- I also find that Ike is quite easy to grenade counter - Just to varify, grenade countering is while snake is holding a grenade and shields just before the opponent attacks - destroying the grenade but only harming the opponent. Due to the lag time on Ike's moves this is usually quite easy to deploy - So another thing you have to watch out for.

-Also watch out for trying to beat Snake head to head using standard attacks and tilts. Both Snake and Ike have very powerful tilts and standard attacks but Snake can deliver them alot faster.

- And of course, avoid Snakes projectiles and grabbing at all costs. His grabs are very good and can set up for a ranged attack afterwards.

The best way to beat a good snake character is to play the defensive. If Ike is on the offense he can easily fall into Snakes traps and with snakedashing on smaller stages snake can move around the stage alot faster than Ike and hit him in his shield.

I think your best bet is to play the defensive as i said and try your best to out aerial manouver him. Try and deliver those strong knockback attacks such as the f-airs and try to juggle him as much as you can as snake tries to fall back to the stage using the cypher.

Also remember to get your most powerful attacks in when snake uses his aerials. His b-air and f-air have ALOT of lag time afterwards and can again be easily taken advantage of by Ike.

Anyway, Hope this helps!
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