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Need help against wolf


Smash Rookie
Feb 16, 2008
I consider myself very good with mk but lately a friend of mine picked up wolf and spams laser so the only way I can get close to him is to use drill rush from the air which he just shields and counters with fsmash. I still beat him a lot more often then he beats me (especially with the help of tornado spam) but it just seems a lot harder then it should be so any help I get would be appreciated.

Side note: Playing against snake with mk is nearly impossible for me I don't have a problem with anyone else even marth isn't that much of a problem for me compared to snake oh well I guess I have to deal with it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2006
my friend ***** me with wolf every single time
i havent beaten him once and it SUCKS!!!


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
i havent played a good wolf but ive played a good falco. falcos lasers come out faster than wolf and break the drill rush and tornado. its incredibly difficult to attack him. you cant approach him from the front because hes got his lasers, so your only option is to get him from above. but yes they can just shield your attack and grab or fsmash you, or they can forwardB to get away. your going to have to trick them into doing the fsmash or forwardB early and punish them. when you hit them once, you should be able to keep it up and get the kill. the hardest part is getting that first hit and that relies on your opponent messing up.

snake is another player thats really hard to beat with MK. basically any character that can KO or rack up alot of damage from far away is tough for any MK. i havent figured out much of what to do against snake except try and airdodge his projectiles, shield his ftilt, and punish him. heres two videos of me against snake, id like some tips too, so take what you think is good and tell what might need to be improved on.

i lost - http://youtube.com/watch?v=skmiHDWuv8k
i won - http://youtube.com/watch?v=gcQvNfPH8co


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
Plainview, New York
againts most wolves i try to stay above them. if you are above them the only thing they can do is an up air or back air. which are still good. if your int he air you dont need to worry about his insanely long f smash or his insanely quick downs mash.

attack from above with fairs and dairs and try to shield his smashes to the best of your ability.
so pretty much if both of you are near each other shield and go for a downsmash.

your main goal is not really dodging the lasers its getting around his good smashes.


Smash Rookie
Feb 16, 2008
i havent played a good wolf but ive played a good falco. falcos lasers come out faster than wolf and break the drill rush and tornado. its incredibly difficult to attack him. you cant approach him from the front because hes got his lasers, so your only option is to get him from above. but yes they can just shield your attack and grab or fsmash you, or they can forwardB to get away. your going to have to trick them into doing the fsmash or forwardB early and punish them. when you hit them once, you should be able to keep it up and get the kill. the hardest part is getting that first hit and that relies on your opponent messing up.

snake is another player thats really hard to beat with MK. basically any character that can KO or rack up alot of damage from far away is tough for any MK. i havent figured out much of what to do against snake except try and airdodge his projectiles, shield his ftilt, and punish him. heres two videos of me against snake, id like some tips too, so take what you think is good and tell what might need to be improved on.

i lost - http://youtube.com/watch?v=skmiHDWuv8k
i won - http://youtube.com/watch?v=gcQvNfPH8co

Snake vs mk is one of the biggest mismatches in all of brawl, all mk can really do is get in snakes face and be 100% agressive the entire time as to not give snake time to setup bombs. You played both matches pretty well , though one thing i noticed you didn't do is gimp snake which is key in this matchup. When snake uses his upb recovery you should go after him and use your upb to kill him otherwise you did everything right.

Thx for the help guys my fc is 1160-9451-8692 if any of you want to see my mk.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
Use GAW and teh bucket
booooo. lol yea, thte point is how to win with mk. not just gonna be gay and counterpick with someone you dont know how to use or isnt even your secondary. lets not let this become like melee :urg:.

i have mad trouble fighting wolf too though lol. dunno to go pkmn trainer or mk against him.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Btw, if you grab snake while he's doing up B he'll fall to his death, so if he's going past edge of stage run and grab him and he'll die. I would also invest in short hop reverse di attacks, basically u shop forward and attack with fair but DI backwards as u do it, this keeps you out of grab/tilt range, actually kinda hard for alot of characters to punish this, wolf is an exception though =D. Anyways My best online is Wolf and I've played alot of meatknights, sidestep my dsmash and dsmash urself, hit me before I can shield or sidestep. Below 100% I would stay near the edge, to try and gimp wolf off ledge, ur dtilt/ftilt(not hold A) are good moves to counter wolf's fsmash, u can hit him mid attack with them. To stop laser just roll through em, if u are within roll range and he does laser u can roll and dsmash him before he can recover. A good glide attack to ftilt combo also works well against wolf, wolf also cannot punish the double jump dair jump dair etc combo's.
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