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Need help against R.O.B


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
I have a friend who's a ridiculously good R.O.B player. Anyone have some advice for fighting that machine? I don't have any vids so I can't ask for any detailed tips on my playing, so I'm just looking for general advice for the match up.


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
Ummm, grab him? :p
I don't really know what to say as general advice, but if you're having trouble getting a grab on him because of down dodge -> D-smash (or another attack). I'd suggest running like you are going to grab him, then short hop -> blizzard.

Like I said I don't really know what to say as advice against a specific character that wouldn't be advice against any character, unless its just one or a couple things that are killing you. Then again, I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be giving adivce. :roll:


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
well, I guess I could go into some more detail about his playing.
It is really hard for me to get a grab on him not just because of the spot dodge--> d-smash, but he's also just extremely good at spacing R.O.B's aerials. I can't effectively edge guard him because of his ridiculous recovery, and he gimps nana as if that's the only purpose he's been given in life. He's also really aggressive, so the spot dodge--> d-smash comes at times where I'm right on top of him and can do almost nothing to retaliate. That separates Popo and Nana, so then, like I said, he easily gimps her. It also doesn't help that his tilts out range almost every attack I have , so I'm screwed if I even try to get close.

I wish I had matches recorded, but the only video online is him Ken- comboing a wolf :(


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
Well, if he's really offensive just play a little more defensively. Shield grab is really fast, especially if you power shield attacks. Also, if you are getting wrecked trying to edge guard him, again try and play a little more defensively. I mean, still jump and fake like you are going to hit him, but don't get close enough to get hit, that way (best case scenario) he starts to run low on up-B and is forced into a bad position.

But yeah other than playing more defensively (Brawl is a defensive game IMO) just make you sure you really punish him when you get a grab off, because you probably won't get many.

Again, feels wierd giving advice :p


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
Well, if he's really offensive just play a little more defensively. Shield grab is really fast, especially if you power shield attacks. Also, if you are getting wrecked trying to edge guard him, again try and play a little more defensively. I mean, still jump and fake like you are going to hit him, but don't get close enough to get hit, that way (best case scenario) he starts to run low on up-B and is forced into a bad position.

But yeah other than playing more defensively (Brawl is a defensive game IMO) just make you sure you really punish him when you get a grab off, because you probably won't get many.

Again, feels wierd giving advice :p
Haha it's good advice. Thanks! :)


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
the great thing about the ROB vs Ice Climber matchup is that he is really vulnerable when you are under him. Using Up airs to juggle him is really helpful since his down air comes out way to slowly to punish you when you are u-airing and if he air dodges, you can just hit him with another ariel after it finishes cause hes really big. if he starts spamming, spam right back at him. the gyros when shielded disappear and most ROBs tend to have predictable lasers after youve played them for a bit. desynch ice blocks so if he shields, you grab him, and if he tries to jump over the, you can follow up with a blizzard from your partner.

as for his recovery, i see Robs try and recover 2 different ways, they either do the come from under and sweet spot or go completely over the stage to avoid edgeguarders. If they come from under, desynch ice blocks to try and hit him as hes trying to grab the ledge adn then if he does, you can start blizzarding him cause it will limit his options to rolling or attacking to get back onto the stage which can both be really easy to see comming resulting in a grab. if he goes over, you have to keep in mind that he cant air dodge during his up b so its the perfect time to punish him with up airs and even belay to finish him off

as for ROBs #1 combo (spot dodge > downsmash) all i can say is dont try for a running grab unless you are absolutely sure that you will land it. Otherwise just make him wish he didnt try to gimp nana by attacking him in the process of the gimping

hope this helps


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
Do this Chain Grab


ITS super effective against ROB

after you grab, short hop, smash back, then short hop, short hop. Do this all really fast. then pres B twice to Ice block.

Rinse and repeat, do it until 999% if you want to


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
I do try and do that when I get a grab. The problem is, it's very difficult for me to grab R.O.B :(


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
Do this Chain Grab


ITS super effective against ROB

after you grab, short hop, smash back, then short hop, short hop. Do this all really fast. then pres B twice to Ice block.

Rinse and repeat, do it until 999% if you want to
I still think you can roll out of that. :p
I get home in like 18 hours, so I'll check then. :chuckle:

edit: and any chaingrab would be "super effective" against rob or against any character. That's why it's a chaingrab. >_>


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
This is why we need to sticky or make the match up thread active now, but if the IC boards were more active...

Anyways ROB has good range, Ftilt is like longer than Marth's Fsmash from what I read and also his laser is preety annoying, his gyro kills when fully charged. ROB users will abuse his Dsmash, it racks up damage and has good range.

Rob's killing moves are his Usmash, Fsmash, Full charged gyro and beam, bair, dair and nair.

His Usmash is hard to land, His Fsmash doesn't have the knockback to kill you if not fresh, fully charged gyro and beam takes along time to be charged and his bair and dair are laggy when starting and ending his moves, but his nair still can kill even if it's not fresh.

Read and think what ROB might do, and than go in for a hit. Try and hit him from under or behind him in the air since his dair and bair is quite slow.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
ROB is really easy imo....
He's a really big target and synched squalls eat him up. You can actually get away with just spamming the squall vs. him as long as you are smart about it. Stay in his face so he doesn't try to spam but instead spam him back with blizzards. He has a really hard time getting around that attack as well.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
ROB is really easy imo....
He's a really big target and synched squalls eat him up. You can actually get away with just spamming the squall vs. him as long as you are smart about it. Stay in his face so he doesn't try to spam but instead spam him back with blizzards. He has a really hard time getting around that attack as well.
Thanks for the tip. I think you may have played the R.O.B I'm talking about in a tourney at sometime (Bajisci).


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Thanks for the tip. I think you may have played the R.O.B I'm talking about in a tourney at sometime (Bajisci).
I played him after the Montage tourney in some friendlies. He challenged me to a match on Luigi's Mansion, cause apparently he never loses there, and I wrecked him >_>


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
Do this Chain Grab


ITS super effective against ROB

after you grab, short hop, smash back, then short hop, short hop. Do this all really fast. then pres B twice to Ice block.

Rinse and repeat, do it until 999% if you want to
Since you need to wait a bit for Nana's grab animation to end, I think good button mashers could get out of this at low-medium percentages. Still awesome, though.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
I played him after the Montage tourney in some friendlies. He challenged me to a match on Luigi's Mansion, cause apparently he never loses there, and I wrecked him >_>
Haha yea he told me you did. Just was letting you know what R.O.B it was :)
Are you going to the next Montage tourney? I've only been to one tournament and thought I'd go to "Why So Serious?"


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2008
Southern California
I find that the Forward Throw to Nana Fair Spike is fairly easy on Rob.
And then once he is to high to regrab just Iceblock him after Nana Fair Spike and ReGrab.
Or Iceblock lock.

Well anyways thats my two cents.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Haha yea he told me you did. Just was letting you know what R.O.B it was :)
Are you going to the next Montage tourney? I've only been to one tournament and thought I'd go to "Why So Serious?"
No, I'm gonna be back at school. xiiesticle was my last tournament for a long time:(
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