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Need help against R.O.B. and Snake

Squirtle the Master

Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2007
Well, I've been getting owned by R.O.B.'s and Snake's left and right? Any tips? Thanks, I seriously need help against R.O.B.


Smash Ace
May 2, 2008
hmm well depends on the rob youre playing but a lot of robs really abuse spot dodge->dsmash. if this is the case, approach with aerials if hes on the ground, you can dodge by jumping and punish him with bair. also fair lasts long enough to hit a spot dodger. finally, if he misses an attack and youre going for the punish, and youre not sure if you can get him before he has time to react, punish with a dash attack so it will last long enough to go through a spot dodge and eat a shield alive.

while hes above you in the air go for uairs. his only two attacks that hit below him (nair and dair) are both slow.

oh yea and eat him if you get a chance.

EDIT: also if rob is forced to recover vertically with up b just stone him, he cant dodge during it, and he cant attack through stone.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Bellingham, Washington
Definitely take rob's ability. Kirby can use it very well by hovering offstage and spamming and it can mess up his recovery as well.

vs snake, try to keep things in the air. Control him and make good use of fthrow > uair > fsmash combos at low %s. Be careful once you hit 100ish % because his utilt will kill you.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Dont take their power in my opinion, having the beutral B is a good counter that can save u a lot when ur trying to recover

This thread is all about beating ROB

and for snake, watch out for uptilt, fighting him in the air is ur best bet, try and grab a lot to get him in the air, if he dodges ur air attack make sure ur always closest to the ground so u can grab again


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2006
Cincinnati, OH
VS Snake:

Copy his ability.
Throw grenades at him like there's no tomorrow.
Wait for him to catch one.
Grab, wait three seconds, Uthrow
Eat delicious tears.

Squirtle the Master

Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2007
Thanks for all the advice, but can I trust your's Gonzo? One of the R.O.B.'s who owned me was yours at Critical Hit, you wouldn't give me false advice just so you could could pwn me at a tourney...would you...nah J/K lol. Also, I can't time the omnigay right, when I try it I die. But yeah, I NEVER copy abilities, I always want to be able to Kirbycide when I need it. So I need to fight aerially with Snake. Well, I will read the R.O.B. topic along with get better at timing the omnigay, but I prolly will still use Kirbyciding more than omnigaying lol.

PS: I don't know many R.O.B.'s or Snakes I can practice against, what should I do?


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
The omnigay is very situational so i dont think we should depend on it, lol and i play with a very Good ROB player so all i can say is b patient, have the better position, and aim ur attacks well. What i mean by position is this:

If ur facing ROB thats bad, if ur behind ROB on the Ground thats better.

In the air its best to be above and behind ROB or in front and below ROB cuz Fair wont hit so u can hammer if u want and when ur behind Bair wont hit and u
land behind them and use an aerial so u dont get hit by downsmash

AND NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE, Kirby gets punished for making the first move cuz the ROB has more range. Mind game ur opponent into doing anything, roll or dash or attack or jump ANYTHING that way u can set urself up to hit and connect a few more quick moves like tilts or Neutral a or Nair or Bair together and rack up 30 damage, do that 3 or 4 times (which is nothing) and u have ROB at finishing damage, dont WASTE UR SMASHES, wait to use them so u can finish ROB at less damage

thats basically my ROB strategy if i play Kirby

Squirtle the Master

Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2007
Thanks and also. I know this may sound weird, but I've been wondering, is Electroplankton a good counterpick against Snake? Here are some reasons why I've been thinking about it. Snake can't dash all over the **** place there. Kirby's Stone will slide on the leaves so I'm not stunned for punishment. And 3 it has platforms pretty high up in the stage so the Stone will **** if I'm higher up in the stage? And lastly, my opponent will be like, **** man, WTF.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2008
One word. Swallow.

It'll take most of their range away and that is PWNage against the campers.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Thanks and also. I know this may sound weird, but I've been wondering, is Electroplankton a good counterpick against Snake? Here are some reasons why I've been thinking about it. Snake can't dash all over the **** place there. Kirby's Stone will slide on the leaves so I'm not stunned for punishment. And 3 it has platforms pretty high up in the stage so the Stone will **** if I'm higher up in the stage? And lastly, my opponent will be like, **** man, WTF.
Now that u mention it, ive been meaning to introduce that topic but always forget, i think Elektro Plankton is an excellent counterpick stage for Kirby against snake, for one upthrow id def a finishing move on this stage, especially on the left hand side

i would say things to watch out for against snake would be his back throw, uptilt, and bair. Otherwise Kirby can use Nair to move the platforms around while hitting his opponent disrupting their hitbox and forcing them to use their double jumps which makes for good gimping

NF Alex

Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
Plainsboro, NJ
This is probably obvious, but edgeguard very aggressively. ROB and Snake are pretty much helpless during their recoveries. ROB can't airdoge during his upB, and Snake can but it requires him to let go of the cipher. Also if you happen to have a lot damage you can try going for a swallowcide lol.


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
ROB can Fair you easily out of his recovery, and his Fair outranges everything kirby has


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
ROB can Fair you easily out of his recovery, and his Fair outranges everything kirby has
But the trick to ROB's Fair is its hitbox, as long as u stay a little below or a little above ROB (preferably below and in front) ROB's fair can't hit u and ur upair ur hammer and ur bair all hit pretty easily


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
But the trick to ROB's Fair is its hitbox, as long as u stay a little below or a little above ROB (preferably below and in front) ROB's fair can't hit u and ur upair ur hammer and ur bair all hit pretty easily
This is actually pretty much the trick to playing every character larger than kirby. Kirbys uair has a lot of range around him and his bair is fast and has decent range as well. You can utilize kirby's small size and attack your opponent from angles where they can't hit you.

Also Aerial hammer actually has pretty much the same range as bair and you can mix it in when you need a kill... I think the hammer is slightly less range horizontally but more range vertically than the bair, plus there's two hits.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
I like cookies
Beware of ROB's Nair, it outprioritizes any approach and can kill at unreasonable precentages. Grabbing is also completely out of the question since that spot-dodge>Dsmash will always be inevitable when attempting it. But repeated D-airs work wonders. And counterpick Lylat Cruise, the position of the platforms and the rotating angles can save lives and end theirs.
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