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need advice, please? (vids included)


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2006
lookin for help. my Mario needs it and he's too fun to give up so please fork over the advice. don't be stingy! :)
heard somewhere that the best vids to show are the ones where you get beat so here's one where i get handed to:

BlueJ vs Ultimate Razor

this was my first time playing an experienced Snake and one that places at tourneys as well. i tried a couple of things such as smash DIing out of his nair, but i don't think I'm doing it properly. :confused:
i also lost to a tilt-spamming Snake at a local tourney recently and would like advice around that. (staying back and spamming fireballs doesn't seem to be too effective.)

here's one where i win, though admittedly, i have plenty of Toon Link experience (my friend, Jerm, mains him) and Quivo had told me before hand that his Mario exp was limited.

BlueJ vs Quivo 1

despite the fact that i won, i'm pretty sure it won't be too difficult to find things i could work on. the thing that sticks out to me is my obvious gimp attempts. not sure what i could do about that. (they were working on our previous games, but those were held on a laggy tv.)

and finally (yeah, only three vids), another one i get beat in. Quivo gets his revenge:

BlueJ vs Quivo 2

i think this is overall a good match. it shows some of my good and bad points. i need to learn the timing to cape Toon Link's UpB as well as how to fight a character with good spacing options. Quivo gets me with his bair and suddenly i'm helpless. advice please.

actually, advice on space-happy characters in general would be much appreciated. characters like Snake, Marth, DDD, and Lucario tend to give me trouble. (infinites are banned in Houston, so when i say 'DDD,' keep that in mind.)

thanks in advance.


Smash Rookie
Feb 1, 2008
Austintown, OH
I noticed in your Snake match that you missed a few opportunities to hit your opponent...

2:56 You shielded from his Nair but you rolled away instead of using a USmash or grabbing him...

3:38 If you would've pulled an FSmash off after dodging his then he would've gotten KO'd

Anyway, from what I saw you have a lot of potential to be a great Mario, but you're gonna need a lot of help...(I know I did, and I still do)

Some things you should know when fighting Snake: (This is just my view on what to do, anyone else can feel free to correct me)

-Use fireballs as an approach. If you hit him close enough with fireballs you can get in close and use a Smash attack or grab (I personally like using DSmash)

-You can cape Snake's USmash

-If you shield his attack and he's at low percents use the UTilt...you can use it about 2-4 times on him before he gets out of it IIRC

-Whenever you grab Snake (Or anyone else for that matter) Use DThrow or Bthrow...the former is a combo starter and the latter is a kill move at higher percents

Like I said, this is all from my experience fighting Snake, so it may not be entirely perfect...


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2006
thanks for the info. caping snake's Usmash sounds like fun.
um, on missed opportunities, do you think i could have somehow gimped Razor at 2:25?


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Alright, I'll try to help ya out as much as I can.

First match
:30 Wow nice nade drop!
3:40 You probably meant to fsmash, we all make mistakes =P

Hmm...I think you were being a bit too risky with your approaches in the air, which lead him to n-air you the whole time. I think (and hope) that up B would've been a better choice since up b>Snake's n-air. Is it possible to up B when your in the middle of that attack?

Second match
Nice job avoiding is usmashes. In my opinion I think you played this match pretty good, and I couldn't really critique you on anything.

Third match
1:10 nice SJP
3:24 nice DI out of his fsmash. How do you do that? I forget how :urg:.

Honestly not much else add your a pretty good Mario, keep up the good work.


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2006
lol @ nade drop. sux he tripped over it with invincibility frames. (curse you Sakurai!)
and yes, i did mean to fsmash, but i was feeling the pressure. i guess i need to work on my mentality a bit.

i've seen RoyR's Marth upB out of Snake's nair and if the invincibility frames work the same way for Mario, he should be able to do it. although, Marth is able to abuse his upB to escape Falco's CG and I'm pretty sure Mario can't. still, i'll give it a shot.

thanks for the compliments. i don't think you can really get out of Toon Link's fsmash if they do it properly. if they mess up by following up too slow or only catching you at the tip of their blade, then you can smash DI away and jump (or counter with SJP, but I find that too risky).

thanks again.

oh, and happy new year! (why exactly i'm up @ 4am is beyond me):)


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2006
i don't really understand FIHL. i know it stands for FLUDD Induced Hit Lag, but i'm not sure how it works. do i just spray them when they're approaching with an aerial or what? :confused:


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Yes, that's what you do seriously, it's that easy. Even if you spray them with a uncharged FLUDD they will still lag, uncharged FLUDD is better for FIHL due to take effect because it'll barely push them, and you can easily punish them.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
i don't really understand FIHL. i know it stands for FLUDD Induced Hit Lag, but i'm not sure how it works. do i just spray them when they're approaching with an aerial or what? :confused:
It's the effect on an opponent's atk when it tries to outprioitize the FLUDD, basically your opponent gets trapped in their own atk's hit lag and can often be punished afterwards.

Watch what HeroMystic does to Marth's Fair with the FLUDD in the beginning of the match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA7RZjMbgrc


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2006
nice, so the FLUDD is useful for more than gimping. does FIHL work on all aerials? and what about zairs?


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2006
alright, so i need to test that and upB out of Snake's nair.
should i start posting info and questions of my vids in your new thread?
(thanks for including my vids, by the way)
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