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Need Active Spar Parners


Smash Rookie
Apr 13, 2008
Im in Salt Lake City, Utah looking for people to spar with in Brawl often. Noone around my area this game seriously & i need some competition. Hopefully we can get a good connection going (possibly tha famous BLUE connection :chuckle:) but i heard that the connections can as be bad with people 2 miles away as they can with people 2,000 miles away so really im down to add anyone in the USA, it cant hurt to try. Most of my playtime is at night so all of my nocturnal smashers please add me.

[Brawl Friend Code to the left]

Feel free to add my Wii code too yall so we can trade some stages & send some mail to eachother. Everyone i know has a PS3 or 360 so it would be really nice to get some Wii friends added :urg:
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