well this one timei was fighting with my friend for fun in a bounce house years ago and he grappled me on the floor. thing is that my face was faceplanted on it and his whole body was on top of my head. so i was starting to yell but he only thought it was because of the pain when really it was that i was becoming insane and i couldnt breathe. i am a claustrophobic if that explains the insanity. i can ride in cars and blah blah blah but i suck on elevators that get to crowded. so anyways another thing i do bad on is during hugs. and that came pretty close to that. i told him to stop it he won i was losing breath and i told him i was claustrophobic. he didnt stop until like a minute later. i was all red in the face and i nearly teared up. not because of the pain but because i nearly died from loss of breath. so yeah when i told him what happened he didnt believe me and thought it was an excuse or a joke.
so the lesson i learned my friends that day is to never join UFC, WWE, or anything that envolves grappling