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NC-Echo, it's time to pay off your debt!


Mar 16, 2007
This story begins a long time ago, around the time of early autumn. One Billb Illbill (aka NC-Echo) and I were enjoying a day at Emerald Point, a local amusement park with a variety or water based attractions and rides. The day was going well until I noticed a stand of Dippin' Dots. Now I don't think you know about me and Dippin' Dots, but suffice to say, I love me some dippin' dots, and I'll tell you the rest of the story later on that regard. So I had to get me some. As I was getting Dippin' Dots, Billb decided he would get some Dippin' Dots as well, but not because he wanted any, rather because I was getting some. Problem was, he was out of cash. Dippin' Dots cost about five dollars for a cup, and I had an unbroken ten, and no fives, so I decided to cover Billb's cup as well. This was before I knew about Billb's history.

You see, Billb is an economist, and as we all know, economists are responsible for the Waco Massacre, 9/11, Global Warming and Adam Lambert's make-up, among other things.

A few months went by, and after not getting my five dollars back, I began to get curious about when I would be getting it back. After trying, unsuccessfully, to get in touch with Billb, I decided to ask around, and had this conversation with Chris Knorr, who had had experiences with Billb:

ph00tbag: Dude, I've been trying to get in touch with Billb, he owes me, like, five dollars for Dippin' Dots.
Knorr: Man, that mother****er is so bad about debt.
Knorr: One time he owed me ten dollars and didn't give it back for like five whole minutes.
Knorr: **** was ****ed up.
ph00tbag: Man, that's pretty harsh.
ph00tbag: Did you ever get your money back?
Knorr: Yeah, I had to choke a ***** to get it, tho.
ph00tbag: Jesus.
So now I knew that it would be totally up in the air whether I got the money from Billb, and while I understood Chris Knorr's ire, I'm not very physically strong, and not much in to acts of violence besides. I was beaten up a lot in elementary school, and so didn't quite have the stomach for it.

But I soon found out that I'm not the only one. It turns out many in NC have suffered the slings and arrows of NC-Echo's deadbeatery, and from his ambivalence towards Dippin' Dots. Now I'm not usually one to call people out, but it seems like this has been going on for a while, and no one's ever said anything about it, so I'm going to go out on a limb and bring this out in the open.

Smith said:
He once tried to get someone to give me a rim-job, and it never happened, which really disappointed me.
Malk said:
He's a fcukin bnub, and an economist. Aren't they responsible for the earthquake in Haiti? Like, the earthquake itself, not the botched aid efforts?
Mullins said:
One time, he had this great idea to make a lot of money, and told me that he had this idea, but then he never told me what the idea was. I felt I kind of should have known, because I wanted to make money, too.
Roscoe said:
He once offered to take a dump on my chest, and it never happened, which disappointed me.
Dr. Peepee said:
Maybe he owes me for something, I don't really remember, but I'm sure he paid me back. I mean, no one out there could be that bad of a person.

...Quit saying I'm sheltered.
So there you have it. Billb Illbill, I want my five dollars back, and now all of Atlantic South knows it.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Ph00tbag is a lying bag of douche. He owes me $5!!!!!

Sorry about the earthquakes and **** though... I was an econ major..... so its my fault. Including Adam Lambert's make-up.


Mar 16, 2007
Ph00tbag is a lying bag of douche. He owes me $5!!!!!
Man, what five dollars? Your a liar.

Also, Alex and David apparently have some of their own anecdotes. They may or may not post them, but they were telling me about them this morning.

Pretty gay, dude.

also, your "quote" of me is gay, ph00t. =p
You quote is real. I swear it. I remember you saying that to me, verbatim.
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