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Naugs vs. Nysyarc


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Cool your dashing- you have 17 frames before shield comes out and Ike hits hard. Walking is cool.

Your jumping hurts me... and Marth. Ike's fair beats your aerial moveset in terms of range (also, ftilt beats fair and trades with nair). If you're on the ground you have quick access to grabs and DB. Stay on the ground unless you're sure the jump is safe. Most of yours weren't.

You overcommit on.... everything (landing bair while he was super far out of range and getting ftilt'd immediately comes to mind).

Quit countering aether when you can fsmash it/fair it from above/SB/etc. Or stick to countering it and stop jumping above the stage for no reason. Pick one or the other. Don't start one and then decide to land to counter. It's such an unnecessary risk

Stop jumping so much for no reaosn.

Know how to punish moves on your shield (trying to shieldgrab an Ike usmash, really?)

You're way too hesitant in shield. Hit him when he's open and can't guard himself.

Your rolls and spotdodges are also painful to watch.

I stopped after the first cycle of CS. I have free time Friday so I'll look at things then.
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