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My Tribute to Nintendo. (Retrospective)


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2009
This is a video game retrospective focusing on Nintendo. In Act 3, Things get bloody fanboyish.

Act 1.

Nintendo. After Atari 2600 died, We got the Video Game Crash of 1983 and Atari had fulfilled their prophecy.We had given up on this "game" fad, Thinking they would never exist again. Until a small company in Kyoto, Japan having no success, Tried their hands at the seemingly dead Video Game Industry. Shiguru Miyamoto made the great game known as Super Mario Bros. in late 1985, Being a hit in Japan. This didn't matter, Video Games were doing just fine in Japan. But when the game got dubbed, The Gaming Industry was saved,and we knew it.

Another company in Tokyo, Japan made Sonic the Hedgehog in 1991, but it was not until the Dub that it was noticed. For Americans, They were at the same time. We got the 80s' OTHER mascot, Sonic. This brought upon "The Console Wars".

Both Nintendo and Sega withstood the challenges.
NES vs Master System
NES vs Genesis
SNES vs Saturn
and N64 vs Dreamcast.
Sega did, in all honesty, revolutionize gaming as we know it.Especially with Online play. But, alas, Sega lost and gave up.This turned the 1st Party Sega we know and love into the 3rd Party Sega we don't love as much.

Meanwhile, Sony was trying to become a 2nd party developer for Nintendo, Wanting to make a sequal to Super Mario World. But, Sony came to be a 1st Party developer.In 1994, we got the PSX.
What could we choose on?

Not much more to cover here, so let's move on to the 5th generation.
Already having proven their ability to make hardware and Video Games, Microsoft joined the party, spawning the X-Box. And they tried hard to win the war. They had Bungie, A second party developer, Make them "Halo: Combat Evolved" and Bought Rareware,changing their name to Rare.
Without Rare, Nintendo lost a lot of fans. These few years, Nintendo was the Underdog, but in no way bad. Some thought Nintendo was Nothing without Rare, Others thought Rare was nothing without Nintendo. Sony had certainly won this generation, having the best graphics, Great Games, and the most Sales of the 5th Gen.

Nintendo had some amazing games on the Gamecube, but the "hardcore" gamers couldn't comprehend a good game without each character having 75 gallons of blood in their body.
But the Fanboys kept Nintendo alive through the Gamecube, and A good thing they did.

All around the same time, we got the 360, PS3, and Wii.
It is still debated which is the best, Sony, Nintendo, or Sony in the current war (console war that is).

Act 2.

Let's look far before what you just read. Let's enter the world of handhelds. 5 Years before we had NES, we had Game & Watch. This had the cult classics like "Donkey Kong", "Mario Bros.", and "Zelda" That we know and love.
(I'm not kidding, a Game & Watch, Nintendo published, LCD, Zelda game.)

This stayed alive for 10 years.

Slightly before the N64 was released, we got Nintendo's worst mistake EVER, The Virtual Boy. These games were actually fun IMO, But hardly anyone could stand the Red and Black (Mah Favorite Colours) graphics. Around the same time, Nintendo made the Gameboy (Having 8-Bit graphics and using 2 Batteries a charge). This had no colour, but the Sega Gamegear did.But is colour worth it with (Generally agreed) sucky games, Requiring 6 batteries, and draining them faster. It sold, but it was not critically applauded like the Gameboy.

Sega realized they had no place in the Handheld department, leaving the mainstream handheld industry to Nintendo. Next up was the Gameboy Colour, having Polished 8-Bit graphics, 2 Batteries, and Colour (Yay, I can now play handheld games with colour that won't have me spending my whole paycheck on batteries). The GBC had the ability to play games in Colour, and convert GB games to Colour.Not only was there no competetion (Ok, OK, no decent competetion), But the games , inevitably, Opinions aside, Revolutionary.

The second Nintendo console (Super Nintendo) was 16-Bit, as opposed to it's competetor, which was 8-Bit.
Likewise, The next handheld on here was the GameBoy Advance. Sega, having made that horrible 3rd Party decision, Joined with Nintendo. A La Sonic Advance. These games were so loved that you could debate wether the Genesis Sonic games were not as good as the GBA games.

For many people, the GBA was the second SNES.

Finally, we have the Nintendo DS. In the words of Nintendo:
"The Nintendo DS will not be the successor to either the Nintendo Gamecube or the GameBoy Advance, but rather it will be considered a "third pillar" alongside the other two consoles."

Much like the Wii's Motion-Sensor graphics, the DS had TouchScreen Graphics. This will more than likely be used again for future Video Games.

Act 3.
Ze Tribute.

Ze Warning:This Act contains mostly OPINIONS, if you want some thing factual, just read this statement as a generalization:
"Lulz Nintendo ur Awesome!"

Now, what was the point of this? To show that Nintendo had their share of mistakes, but they never gave up and they never stopped developing. Nintendo, you have been around since the 80's (Take that, Sony) and you are still breathing. You are a True hero. You had your share of Flame, Hate, and Criticism, you even made a BIG
mistake, but you came through, and you haven't lost yet. You Don't give up, and that is why you are my favorite. Why you are alot of people's favorites. It is your valiance.



Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
but the "hardcore" gamers coudln't comprehend a good game without each character having 75 gallons of blood in their body.
I'm glad we can agree on something.

This is an amatuer tribute, and I know it seems to be more of a retrospect, but in act 3 I will show my true Fanboyism.

Fanboyism may be on the same level as elitism, but I'll just forget that for now. I'm interested to see where this goes.

Deleted member

I can't wait for this to be finished. It has stuck to facts so far.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Sony had certainly won this generation, having the best graphics, Great Games, and the most Sales of the 5th Gen..
Wait what? I like to think that's absolutely wrong. Sure the PS2 could give out some great graphics but it wasn't the best. In order it was


If I can find a proper picture comparison between Star Fox,Conker and some game with fur in it on the PS2, I can show. But for now only Fox (Adventures Cira 2002 before the Rare spilt) and Conker (Live and Reloaded Cira 2005, after the split)



Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Interesting tribute. I enjoyed it, and your fanboyism was good fanboyism in the sense that you can admit that they had their share of mistakes. The only problem I have with Nintendo, is that they really are starting to get old, not as in "I'm tired of them" but as in "they can't quite catch up on the times." They've been behind the general competition ever since the Nintendo 64. I think that they really need to kick it in gear soon or they might not be around much longer.
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