And Alien Vision, he did not use regardless properly, and irregardless is in fact a word.
You are in fact a moron. irregardless is as much a word as "aint". So to clarifiy, it's
not a word. Some people use it, just like some people use "aint" and grammatical fallicies like "I don't see nothing. That word aint got nothing wrong with it'"
At OP. You make no sense at all..on anything.
The 3DS is more powerful than the wii, holds about the same space on its cards as the wii does on its discs and because of resolution differences, the 3ds has technically alot more space to work with than the wii as well. Look at Super Street Fighter IV, that game has alot of characters and it was a 360/ps3 game originally. They fit everything in there and hell even added more ****.
It doesn't matter that the 3ds is more powerful than the wii. It isn't meant to be paired with the wii. It's meant to be paired with the Wii-U.
And as far as the just giving pretty graphics and some extras...Can someone get some numbers on Brawl's sales please? Whatever it is, it's alot and you're wrong.
No matter what Nintendo does with Smash, it will sell like hotcakes. With only three titles made ever it's still a fresh property and people love cross overs. (Who doesn't love watching Sonic beat the **** out of Mario or vice versa who grew up during the Sega/Nintendo wars?)
Smash doesn't care about balancing. It's a party game, not a traditional fighter. Look at MK or even worse Snake.
I don't really care how many characters the new smash has. I'm sure it'll be more and I'm sure it'll do just fine.