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My Picks for Brawl (they're better this time)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
Ok, just to make it more organized, I'll use the likeliness of each character to split them up, like some other people have been doing. For the movesets, all i could come up with were the B attacks. If you have additions/suggestions for them, post them.

Almost Definite

Balloon Fighter

Balloon Fighter would make an awesome addition to Smash. His game on the NES is a classic, and is well-known by many people. He's also appeared in a new incarnation of his game in WarioWare: Smooth Moves. Plus, he was almost in Melee! His moveset would be pretty easy, something like...

B - Claps his hands, creating a gust of wind.
B> - Sends out the little electric thing that he would have to dodge in the game.
B^ - Flaps his arms , sending him upward. Damages anyone hit by his arms.
Bv - Jumps up, and comes pummeling down into the ground in a powerful gust of wind.

Next is...

Sonic the Hedgehog

Oh, yes, the one and only blue blur. It would be absolutely insane if he wasn't in Brawl, considering the huge fan base he has, and his influence on video games. Plus, the oldest question in video gaming, "Mario vs. Sonic, who would win?" Also, Sonic is starring in a game with Mario this year, so maybe this increases his chances. A moveset is pretty much self-explanatory...

B - Spin dash attack (or in air, Homing attack).
B> - Rushes a short distance forward in a fiery burst of speed.
B^ - Tails appears, and carries Sonic up for a short distance.
Bv - Uses Chaos Control to shield himself from energy attacks.

And for my last definite 3rd party character...


Ahhh. Megaman. I've played his games since I was 3, and I personally can't wait to unleash his blue fury in a Smash game. He's had countless games and variations (The Megaman X series being my favorite incarnation of Megaman), and the blue bomber deserves some serious credit. He would operate similarly to Samus, and for a moveset...

B - X buster (chargeable)
B> - Z Saber slash.
B^ - Dash from the games, direction controllable.
Bv - Crouches and fires continuous Flame Wave (from Megaman X)

Next up is...

Diddy Kong

DK's sidekick has more than earned a rightful spot in Brawl. He's had starring roles in most DK games, and even a few games of his own. He has developed his own personality, and he would be a fresh addition to the Smash Roster. Moveset...

B - Peanut popguns.
B> - Plays a chord on his guitar, sending out a sound wave that damages opponents.
B^ - Jetpack.
Bv - Simian slam

Now for the one villain...


RIDLEY MUST BE IN BRAWL! The Metroid Series needs more rep, and who better to do it than Ridley, who has been in every game except for two? He is the most common villain in the series, and he would work in Smash perfectly (as long as he was a bit scaled down). No clue for a moveset on this one. Help, please?

Now, a favorite...

King DeDeDe

Penguins weilding hammers need to represented. He'd have multiple jumps, like Kirby. So that's basically it.

B - Hammer Swipe
B> - Continuous stabs with hammer
B^ - Spins upward into the air, holding the hammer above his head
Bv - Basically just smashes into the ground...

Now for,
Probable, But not Definite

Mach Rider

This guy is BADASS. I've never played one of his games, but the whole "rebel-on-a-machine-gun-manned-motorcycle" thing is enough to convince me. He had a trophy in Melee, and some poeple claim that he was originally supposed to be in it. So why not? He'd be similair to Captain Falcon. He already has a great moveset in a different thread, forget who made it though...

Now it's time for...


Krystal represents the Star Fox Series, which is strongly needed. Her staff-wielding awesomeness would bring a unique style of combat to Smash, and she would be another female contender. Moves...

B - Shoots laser shot out of the end of her staff
B> - Strong stab with staff
B^ - Her bird-thing from Star Fox Adventures comes and carries her a short while up
Bv - Staff spin[/SIZE]


Wind Waker Link

Replacing Young Link, this character would represent the Legend of Zelda series. He's had a few games so far, but he would be much more original than Young Link was. So, I don't think Young Link will be COMPLETELY sent packin', just reincarnated.

B - Flaps Deku Leaf, making a harmful gust of wind.
B> - Uses Wind Waker to create a harmful sound wave
B^ - Uses Deku Leaf to slowly float back to the stage
Bv - Does the aerial move that he beats Ganon with

Then comes...

Captain Olimar

Captain Olimar is a popular candidate for Smash, although he's only been in two games. Although, both games were hits. Complete with Pikmin warriors, Captain Olimar would be a fresh addition to the lineup, and he would own! For his moves...

B - Pulls out a pikmin and throws it straight ahead
B> - Uses a Pikmin to block attacks for a second
B^ - Holds Pikmin above his head and it spins it's leaf, causing Olimar to rise
Bv - Three Pikmin pop up and rush wildly forward, damaging all enemies in their path

Improbable, but not Impossible

Paper Mario

It saddens me that such a great character has such a slight chance of making it into Smash. Paper Mario for the N64 is my favorite game ever. Period. Paper Mario would NOT be a Mario clone at all, and he could easily replace the Doc (although I love the Doc, too). So for his very unique moveset...

B - Hammer swing
B> - Jumps up, and Lands on Kooper's shell (just like in Paper Mario)
B^ - Eldstar (is that his name?) comes and lifts Mario up a short distance.
Bv - Jumps into air and does a ground pound

Skull Kid

I love LoZ: MM, and Skull Kid is an excellent villain from the game. Not only is he unique, and have interesting moves, but he also had a unique history, and he was just straight up cool. The only reason why he wouldn't make it is because he only appeared in one game. His moves could be...

B - Tael zooms forward quickly, damaging opponents
B> - Uses Majora's tentacles to swipe at the opponents
B^ - Simply floats up a bit using dark energy
Bv - Shrieks, temporarily stunning opponents


Their games are some of my favorites. Their moveset practically writes itself, and they originated on a Nintendo console. The only problem that reduces their chances is the fact that Microsoft bought out Rare. ****it.

B - Kazooie shoots egg
B> - Kazooie powerfully pecks forward.
B^ Kazooie flaps her wings, lifting Banjo
Bv - Kazooie Drill

Viewtiful Joe

Joe is a very underestimated character. His combat style would fit perfectly into Smash, and his time-powers would be a nice change. Aside from that, the only other thing I can say about him is that he looks cool :D

B - Voomerang
B> - Slow-Mo punch
B^ - Spinning, pink attack that he does
Bv - Similar to Falcon's, the flaming Fast-Motion kick

and, Lastly...
No Chance in Hell


I saw a thread on here about him, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how sick Dimentio is. So this is a dedication to the poor, chanceless, Dimentio.

B - Explosion attack
B> - Something like Mewtwo's Side B
B^ - Teleports
Bv - Creates barrier against attacks for a few seconds


Ghosts N Goblins needs some recognition. It was an awesome game, and pretty original at that. Knight-style combat wouldn't be too bad, either...Although i can't think of a moveset.

Alien Hominid

I love Alien Hominid. The cartoon-ish style and simple, yet addictive gameplay make it one of my favorites. The reasons why his chances are so low are the fact that it started as a flash game, and he'll have to wait in a long line behind other 3rd parties.

B - Gun shot (chargeable)
B> - Bite
B^ - UFO carries Hominid for a short distance upward.
Bv - Throws grenade

Now there's the poor
Characters Who are Getting on a Bus to Nowhere and Never Coming Back
Pichu - He just straight up sucks, and he never deserved his spot in Melee.
Young Link - He'll either just dissapear or be reincarnated as Wind Waker Link.
Roy - Nothing but an advertisement.

Characters Who are Rumored to Be Trashed, But Aren't Goin' Nowhere
Mr. Game & Watch - He's too original to leave, and he's the very start of gaming itself.
Ice Climbers - They're unique. They deserve a spot. Nuff sed.

So, I hope you guys liked it. If you have any suggestions for the movesets, please let me know, and please rate the list from 1-10. Thanks.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Hmmm... Good wish list. I particularily like your suggested movesets. Personally, I think you are overestimating the chances of Balloon Fighter and Mach Rider.

I would die of happiness if my favorite Zelda villian Skull Kid was included as a playable character, but I don't see it happening. Maybe his Twilight Princess version could be included as a stage hazard.

I'm a huge Paper Mario fan, but I'm also a realist. PM's only chance is as a Luigi style clone.

Just a peice of advice: more of the rif-raff on Smashboards would pay more attention to your wishlist if you included some pictures.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
I'm workin on the pics, but i just didnt wanna have to go and do all of that when i originally posted this. I'll have them by tomorrow night.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Don't double post.

And I disagree that Skull Kid was only important in one game. Sure, he didn't have much to do in Ocarina of Time, but in Twilight Princess he was
the guardian of the Sacred Grove where the Master Sword was housed, and conjured puppet spirits to stop you
. Your moveset for him could be much more inventive. Those don't look like special attack, those look like what should be his regular attacks. His main "attack" (if you can call it that) from Twilight Princess should definitely be implemented.
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