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My Opinion on a couple Brawl Characters

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 24, 2006
The Bay, CA
OK, the following I've found most reasonable / cool sounding for Brawl.

Deoxys -
-His directional B moves transform him into his other forms, Side B = Attack form (Higher damage/knockback, lighter,) when used Deoxys also stuns the enemies directly infront of him, Up B = Speed form, (Larger Jumps, larger range, faster movement,) when used he does a little flip, kind of like Fox's hop from a shine, used as his third jump, and Down B = Defense form, when used, he shields himself from all damage for a half second, and will fall to the ground dealing damage/knockback similar to Kirby's Down B.

Starman Jr. -
- Who can forget the first boss battle of Earthbound? I imagine him being like a Gannon, a pretty powerful character who's a little slow. His B moves would parody any PSI abilities in Eathbound, maybe PSI Gaming (Controllable projectile weapon style move) for measure? I mean, Ness never learned PK Fire or PK Thunder in EB, why wouldn't a Starman learn some kind of damaging move?

King Dedede -
- I could never forget this character as soon as I mispronounced his name. I also know he's pretty popular elsewhere, I'll let you decide what you see in him. I see him as a large character, with mainly detached hitbox moves, most likely a power player. May take Bowser's place as heaviest character if his size is anything like his normal size.

Olimar -
- Here's another one I know is popular. Me and my friend love playing Pikmin 2, (If only there was more multiplayer flavor...) and I'd love to duke it out as Olimar / Louie. I could see his Down B giving him a kind of charge, and probably would end up with a pretty powerful release move. His Up B would work in the same way as Mewtwo's confusion, stunning enemies. His Side B would work like Peach's turnips, save with Red Pikmin. Occassionally you'd get a strong purple one (Who works like the sickly/old turnip Peach has a chance to throw up,) and may get the same kind of items as Peach.

Louie -
- In the same way the Captain Falcon/Gannondorf relation works out, Louie and Olimar would work that way. With Louie, he'd probably be the faster of the two, being he's a bit leaner. I could also see his Pikmin as blue, with maybe lowered knockback, or none at all, but being able to be pulled faster, kind of like the Fox / Falco blaster relation.

Paper Mario-
- No, it wouldn't be another Mario clone. A couple ideas went around about movement ideas. We decided he'd be an awfully mobile character, most likely handling high jumps, a slow fall speed, incredible aerial mobility, and a decent dash. His roll, he'd probably crumple into a paper ball and roll on by, his Up B, he's turn into a Paper Mario Plane for a slightly higher third jump, and then float either left or right or down depending on which way you press the directional stick. His side B's would probably be a slam with the hammer, and as for his neutral, instead of fireballs or pills that bounce, it'd be a crumpled paper ball that travels farther and faster in a straight line. His Down B would involve him ripping himself down the center and smacking opponent's on his left and right into the air, then his rip is forgotten and the move is over. His mobility however, takes itself higher at the expense of power and knockback.

Well, if I could remember more good choices, I'll speak them, but that's all I've got at the moment.
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