Smash Rookie
Alright, the veterans around here probably don't have a problem with this but as a noob (obviously, look at my post count -_- ) I've found it VERY difficult to search out answers to specific questions and problems, not for a lack of trying and abuse of the search feature, and frankly a slight neglect of my real life... I'll number these questions to make it easier for any brave souls willing to help me, So I'll begin:
1.) I've found several guides for creating these. I'm using Photoshop CS5 64-bit and I'm fairly proficient with it. I know to keep the size at 128x160 and to keep the number of colors in the palette at or below the original to keep the file size of "sc_selcharacter.pac" at or below the original from the iso. I already knew how to work with palettes and transparency with png files so I was positive I did everything correctly. the file size of image according to windows (even in bytes, not rounded) was lower than the original but after I replaced the original in brawlbox and saved, "sc_selcharacter.pac" was still larger than the original and crashed my game... WHY?? Did I miss some setting? Like a "compress properly and stop working against me" option?
Vertex edited models:
2.) Ok, wow. I've modded quite a few games in my time. I'm decent with 3DS Max (Not as artistically inclined as I'd like to be, but I know the tools) and vertex editing, from what I've read, looks insanely complex and difficult. Apparently you can't use any of your own models because they export with only one bone, or something? Can someone confirm that for me?
3.) My question is, is it possible to take models, made with one character as the base, and convert them to replace other characters? And how difficult is it on a scale of 1 to 10, and could you redirect me to a guide specifically for doing this if it exists to your knowledge?
Background on why I'm asking (you can skip this if you want): I've found several character models around the forums and in the vault that are just masterpieces, perfect recreations of the character from another game. One was an unfinished project using a model of Mega Man Volnutt/Trigger from Mega Man Legends. Another was an exact copy of Metal Sonic from Sonic CD.... The problem was they were never finished, they're just T-posed models in-game, and even worse, they replaced R.O.B. of all characters... brilliant model work, horrible replacement choice if you ask me, I mean Mega Man Volnutt is the only iteration of Mega Man that is a humanoid wearing armor and not an android of sorts. Seems to me replacing Samus and Zero Suit Samus would have made more sense. I also found a very good Zack Fair from FF7 model that uses Marth as its base. Again, makes no sense. Almost all the Sephiroth models replace Marth and almost all the cloud models replace Ike. Cloud and Zack fight the same way... WHY would Zack replace Marth...?
4.) Along the same lines as the last one, but regarding PSA. Is it possible to mix and match moves? For instance I have a fantastic Cloud Strife moveset replacing Ike's. I love it, but I'd rather have counter than shoot fireballs down in midair. How hard is that to do on a scale of 1 to 10, is there a guide for move swapping, etc.
5.) Phantom Wings is brilliant. His codes are brilliant, they're working like a charm. One problem, I can't seem to find documentation and/or guides regarding them. Specifically, custom music in custom stages. I'd prefer to not overwrite any songs being used by other stages, but I'm not sure if that's my only option. I have the codes running and they probably work, I just don't know how to insert new music for custom stages myself. And when I say custom stages, I mean using STGCUSTOM00.pac - STGCUSTOMXX.pac. It's possible I overlooked it in the guides sections but I think I looked pretty thoroughly. Please, prove me blind, haha.
Ok, I think that's it for now... I realize this is asking a lot, especially when it's my first post. I've been at this for 3 days (not long, I know) but I'm usually pretty busy during the work week and I figured I'd ask instead of learning for a couple hours a night and having everything the way I want after a month, or more... Thank you sooo much for any answers, I really appreciate anything anyone can help me with.
1.) I've found several guides for creating these. I'm using Photoshop CS5 64-bit and I'm fairly proficient with it. I know to keep the size at 128x160 and to keep the number of colors in the palette at or below the original to keep the file size of "sc_selcharacter.pac" at or below the original from the iso. I already knew how to work with palettes and transparency with png files so I was positive I did everything correctly. the file size of image according to windows (even in bytes, not rounded) was lower than the original but after I replaced the original in brawlbox and saved, "sc_selcharacter.pac" was still larger than the original and crashed my game... WHY?? Did I miss some setting? Like a "compress properly and stop working against me" option?
Vertex edited models:
2.) Ok, wow. I've modded quite a few games in my time. I'm decent with 3DS Max (Not as artistically inclined as I'd like to be, but I know the tools) and vertex editing, from what I've read, looks insanely complex and difficult. Apparently you can't use any of your own models because they export with only one bone, or something? Can someone confirm that for me?
3.) My question is, is it possible to take models, made with one character as the base, and convert them to replace other characters? And how difficult is it on a scale of 1 to 10, and could you redirect me to a guide specifically for doing this if it exists to your knowledge?
Background on why I'm asking (you can skip this if you want): I've found several character models around the forums and in the vault that are just masterpieces, perfect recreations of the character from another game. One was an unfinished project using a model of Mega Man Volnutt/Trigger from Mega Man Legends. Another was an exact copy of Metal Sonic from Sonic CD.... The problem was they were never finished, they're just T-posed models in-game, and even worse, they replaced R.O.B. of all characters... brilliant model work, horrible replacement choice if you ask me, I mean Mega Man Volnutt is the only iteration of Mega Man that is a humanoid wearing armor and not an android of sorts. Seems to me replacing Samus and Zero Suit Samus would have made more sense. I also found a very good Zack Fair from FF7 model that uses Marth as its base. Again, makes no sense. Almost all the Sephiroth models replace Marth and almost all the cloud models replace Ike. Cloud and Zack fight the same way... WHY would Zack replace Marth...?
4.) Along the same lines as the last one, but regarding PSA. Is it possible to mix and match moves? For instance I have a fantastic Cloud Strife moveset replacing Ike's. I love it, but I'd rather have counter than shoot fireballs down in midair. How hard is that to do on a scale of 1 to 10, is there a guide for move swapping, etc.
5.) Phantom Wings is brilliant. His codes are brilliant, they're working like a charm. One problem, I can't seem to find documentation and/or guides regarding them. Specifically, custom music in custom stages. I'd prefer to not overwrite any songs being used by other stages, but I'm not sure if that's my only option. I have the codes running and they probably work, I just don't know how to insert new music for custom stages myself. And when I say custom stages, I mean using STGCUSTOM00.pac - STGCUSTOMXX.pac. It's possible I overlooked it in the guides sections but I think I looked pretty thoroughly. Please, prove me blind, haha.
Ok, I think that's it for now... I realize this is asking a lot, especially when it's my first post. I've been at this for 3 days (not long, I know) but I'm usually pretty busy during the work week and I figured I'd ask instead of learning for a couple hours a night and having everything the way I want after a month, or more... Thank you sooo much for any answers, I really appreciate anything anyone can help me with.