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My Friend's A Total n00b >.>

Yuki Judai

Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2008
Sorry if this is a lengthy read for anyone, but I had to share this:

So, a couple of days ago I got bored during one of my classes and started up a convo with one of my friends that I usually play casuals with.

I start talking about how I've been practicing with Meta-Knight (been a Marth-only user in Melee, and decided to branch out in Brawl) and could beat him with relative ease. He starts talking about how he's been maining Pikachu after switching from Zelda, to Wolf, to Snake, and then R.O.B. (Just F.Y.I. he has a habit of switching mains after me and my other two friends decimate him in singles <.<)

Then I jokingly state "You know, Meta-Knight happens to be my Pikachu counter..."

He then immediately countered with "That's funny, cuz Pikachu's my Meta-Knight counter!!11!"

So then, I talked about how I was basically going to own him with shuttle loop, but his next sentence amazed me at how much of a ******* he is.

"Oh, no your not, right, because shuttle loop has one of the slowest start-up times in the game!1!!"

Two days later, he kept denying the fact he said the aforementioned statement - must've realized how stupid it made him look.

Oh and before I leave, here are some things that proves he's a n00b:

When we asked him if he spammed Thunder like a n00b when we found out about the switch, he stated "I only use it when people are at high percantages!! ....And when I get bored."

During a free for all match he began camping with R.O.B. so I jokingly statedd "Hey! Quit camping douche!"

He states "Oh, I'm not camping!!"

I then said "Dude, your staying in one spot, what's that called?"

He immediately fell silent.

The last thing I have to state is that we decided to poke some fun and have him attempt the famed Bowser challenge - something he'd never heard of

After accepting, he promptly stated "You know, this is funny, because I usually train against three computers on a team!!11!!"


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008
yall dont really sound like friends... btw there is lots of pikachu pros in tournaments who spam thunder and the neutral B =P yeah but spammers are pretty much noobs
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