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My Falco


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
Here are two videos of my Falco. They aren't the greatest because I had been playing online most of the day, so I wasn't used to feeling 0 lag, haha. We didn't have too much time to record either, so I just picked these two.

Tell me what you think


Oh, and sorry for the not so great quality.

Other Videos.
Still not great. But take a look if you'd like. I have more, just not uploaded. There's probably background music, just ignore it, xD


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
wow, a very nice falco! ok well i dont have very much but i do have these two points.

1. in the first game, u allowed the samus to out-space you. try to be a little more "in-his-face", which who make him feel pressured and could probably lead to him making a mistake (e.g. walking into your smash attack)
2. in the second game, i believe he out-spaced you very well, and u got pressured and ended up running into his combos. just try to calm down, and you should to be able to turn the battle easily.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Decent Falco, decent Samus. Where to start...

- More random Shines. Samus can't punish you, and even if she rolls she gets out right when you can shield/attack/dodge. Tripping for her means that she has to roll away (laser), roll toward (gauge distance then grab/attack) or getup attack (shielded). She might go really far away though, which means she'll either shoot a missile (shield or shine), shoot an uncharged (shield), approach aerially (do whatever) or make a mistake (laser)
- Better spacing. 3-4 Ftilts on you in a row is unacceptable, and it proves that you have mediocre spacing. Furthermore, be sure to space your nairs more carefully, you were punished quite a few times for that
- Airdodge more. Airdodging would help you easily dodge any follow ups that Samus had from Dairs, Missiles and Unchargeds (didn't look good enough to do multiple zairs)
- Don't chaingrab when you can't and don't always go for the pillar grab (dair -> pivot dthrow). Shoot a laser when she gets up or something, throw a shine, ftilt, anything - easy to do against Samus. Put variation in your throws too; FThrow is always nice for throwing people off guard; Bthrow is good at the ledge for pressure, Uthrow is good to follow up with Bair (space so you don't get hit by Nair/Dair though)
- Save up your killers more! Use more tilts and lasers in betwen F and U Smashes, you keep powering them down when it's important for Falco to get the smaller amounts of damage first. Little things count against all opponents - that is the Brawl style Falco. Get the smaller hits in and keep up the annoying wall of defensive/offensive play until you can get the kill.
- Laser in a more intelligent fashion. Those aerial lasers as follow ups were nice but your SH(D)Ls were poorly spaced, not done properly (not high-low SHDLs, not timed correctly for the singles and sometimes doubles), and done in the wrong situation.

Your Falco is alright, it just needs some work...find more opponents and record more!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
I'd like to thank both of you for your input, I'll say more when I can get on my computer. [on my wii]


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
We plan on recording again today or in the next few days so I will update this thread so you can see more than just falco vs samus. Oh, and I don't know why you would even TRY going for normal CG, my way is much more effective.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
Decent Falco, decent Samus. Where to start...

- More random Shines. Samus can't punish you, and even if she rolls she gets out right when you can shield/attack/dodge. Tripping for her means that she has to roll away (laser), roll toward (gauge distance then grab/attack) or getup attack (shielded). She might go really far away though, which means she'll either shoot a missile (shield or shine), shoot an uncharged (shield), approach aerially (do whatever) or make a mistake (laser)
- Better spacing. 3-4 Ftilts on you in a row is unacceptable, and it proves that you have mediocre spacing. Furthermore, be sure to space your nairs more carefully, you were punished quite a few times for that
- Airdodge more. Airdodging would help you easily dodge any follow ups that Samus had from Dairs, Missiles and Unchargeds (didn't look good enough to do multiple zairs)
- Don't chaingrab when you can't and don't always go for the pillar grab (dair -> pivot dthrow). Shoot a laser when she gets up or something, throw a shine, ftilt, anything - easy to do against Samus. Put variation in your throws too; FThrow is always nice for throwing people off guard; Bthrow is good at the ledge for pressure, Uthrow is good to follow up with Bair (space so you don't get hit by Nair/Dair though)
- Save up your killers more! Use more tilts and lasers in betwen F and U Smashes, you keep powering them down when it's important for Falco to get the smaller amounts of damage first. Little things count against all opponents - that is the Brawl style Falco. Get the smaller hits in and keep up the annoying wall of defensive/offensive play until you can get the kill.
- Laser in a more intelligent fashion. Those aerial lasers as follow ups were nice but your SH(D)Ls were poorly spaced, not done properly (not high-low SHDLs, not timed correctly for the singles and sometimes doubles), and done in the wrong situation.

Your Falco is alright, it just needs some work...find more opponents and record more!
First, I'm going to disagree with you on samus can't punish a missed reflector, a zair or well timed charge shot punish very well.
As for spacing, I know I need some work with that, I've been using more and more ftilts lately.
I don't go for the dthrow dair combo all the time, I like changing things up...unlike some.
I completley agree with you when you say I need to save up my KO moves. I've noticed it myself, and it causes me to have trouble killing sometimes. It's just so hard not to throw in a forward smash after some things. I'll work on it.
As for my laser game, again, I had been playing online a lot recently, and you have to time the lasers completley different online-offline. I have a VERY good laser game when I'm used to offline play.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
I didn't say anything about a whiffed shine o_o I said that if you don't get the tripshine then she'll have the options that I listed and those options are countered by what I have above (unless she's at an extremely low percent...)

EDIT: nvm, I see what you mean...doesn't Shine reflect on the way back, as well? I'm sure it reflects at the apex but I'm not so sure it reflects on the way back (but I think it does), so even if she charge shots you it's pretty easy to make sure you don't take damage. If she Zairs then you have no problem seeing as you dealt with it pretty well (though Zair-Shot is deadly, I have to say)

Deleted member

Use reflector and jab more to outspace them and make them run into mistakes. Make sure to know when the charge beam and missiles are coming and reflect those too.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
Use reflector and jab more to outspace them and make them run into mistakes. Make sure to know when the charge beam and missiles are coming and reflect those too.
I hadn't really realized how good just random jabs were for spacing until the other day. I lost my first or second falco ditto.(really close games) But I had realized that the regular jab is quite useful.

BTW, I'm hoping to record more tonight. So be on the lookout for more videos, hopefully better playing by me and better quality. *crosses fingers*
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