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My 46-Character Line-Up (with character select screen)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
Now here is my complete list of characters that I feel should be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

1) Mario - Super Mario series
Reason: Confirmed
Stage: Peach's Castle, Mushroom Kingdom II, Mario Circuit, Rainbow Cruise

2) Luigi - Super Mario series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Mario

3) Bowser - Super Mario series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Bowser's Castle, Mario Circuit

4) Peach - Super Mario Series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Mario

5) Yoshi - Yoshi's Island series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Yoshi's Story (the Past Stage, I'm not sure what it's called)

6) DK - Donkey Kong series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Congo Jungle, Jungle Japes

7) C. Falcon - F-Zero Series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Mute City

8) Ganondorf - Legend of Zelda Series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Hyrule Temple (possibly the new one in the trailer)

9) Dr. Mario - Dr. Mario
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Idk, anyone have an idea?

10) Fox - Star Fox series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: The new one in the trailer, and Corneria

11) Falco - Star Fox series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Fox

12) Ness - Earthbound
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Onett, Fourside

13) Ice Climbers - Ice Climber
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Mountain, Something like 'Ice Climbers' Level 1

14) Kirby - Kirby series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Dreamland, Fountain of Dreams, Meta Knight stage

15) Samus - Metroid series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Brinstar Depths, Planet Zebes

16) Zelda - Legend of Zelda series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Ganondorf

17) Link - Legend of Zelda series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Ganondorf

18) Baby Mario & Baby Luigi (operate like Ice Climbers) Yoshi's Island series.
Reason: Yoshi's Island was awesome, and it would be cool to have another partner-based character (characters?)
Stage: Something resembling Yoshi's Island, and Both of Yoshi's Stages

19) Samurai Goroh - F-Zero series.
Reason: well a lot of people want him, and plus its another F-Zero guy.
Stage: Same as C. Falcon

20) Pikachu - Pokemon
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Pokemon Stadium, Saffron City

21) Jigglypuff - Pokemon
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Pikachu

22) Mewtwo - Pokemon
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Pikachu

23) Mr. Game & Watch - Game & Watch
Reason: SSBM
Stage: FlatWorld

24) Marth - Fire Emblem series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: If the stage in the trailer isnt from Zelda, then it's from Fire Emblem

25) Roy - Fire Emblem series
Reason: SSBM
Stage: Same as Marth

26) Megaman - Megaman series.
Reason: VERY popular candidate who had awesome games and has a good chance to make it into Brawl
Stage: MegaMan X's stage 'Armored Armadillo' with the moving mine carts and enemies flying at you.

27) Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog series.
Reason: Probably the most or one of the most wanted characters in Brawl. also the games were awesome and he would be good for Brawl.
Stage: Top of the Egg Carrier

28) Paper Mario - Paper Mario series.
Reason: paper mario is a totally underrated game, and he'd have some pretty interesting moves.
Stage: Glitz Pit

29) Banjo-Kazooie - Banjo-Kazooie series.
Reason: yet another underrated game. these guys also would have PERFECT moves for a game like Brawl.
Stage: The top of Gruntilda's Tower

30) Krystal - Star Fox series.
Reason: wanted by many for SSBB and MORE STAR FOX CHARACTERS
Stage: Same as Fox

31) Viewtiful Joe - Viewtiful Joe series.
Reason: awesome games, awesome moves.
Stage: Stage from VJ2 where you are in the car fighting the dinosaur (dinosaur in backround, will sometimes randomly bite sections of the stage)

32) Ridley - Metroid series
Stage: Same as Samus

33) Higgins - Adventure Island
Reason: adventure island owns all.
Stage: Some kind of island themed level (duh?)

34) Wolf - Star Fox series
Reason: One of the most popular candidates, and more star fox characters are needed.
Stage: Same as Fox

35) Little Mac - Punchout series
Reason: Punchout is a classic, and, being a boxer, Mac would be fine for a fighting game.
Stage: Boxing Ring

36) King DeDeDe - Kirby series
Reason: more kirby characters needed
Stage: Same as Kirby

37) Meta Knight - Kirby series
Reason: He's confirmed already
Stage: Same as Kirby

38) Pit - Kid Icarus
Reason: Confirmed
Stage: Angle Land, and the one that looks like Battlefield

39) Snake - Metal Gear series
Reason: Confirmed
Stage: The one in alaska in the trailer

40) Wario - WarioWare series
Reason: Confirmed
Stage: Pyramid-themed level

41) Mach Rider - Mach Rider
Reason: Mach Rider was awesome ^.^ plus hes a retro
Stage: Racetrack, similair to Mute City

42) Dog - Duck Hunt
Reason: hes kinda a popular candidate, and plus he's a classic
Stage: Level where you're shot at, Real world level with ducks and dog

43) Captain Olimar - Pikmin series
Reason: <3pikmin<3
Stage: The crash-landing zone

44) Balloon Fighter - Balloon Fight
Reason: almost made it into SSBM, so why not brawl?
Stage: A platform that moves throughout the Balloon Fight environment

45) Diddy Kong - Donkey Kong Series
Reason: he's a huge part of the donkey kong series and his moveset practically writes itself!
Stage: Same as DK

46) Skull Kid - LoZ - OoT
Reason: Awesome villain from OoT who would have an interesting moveset
Stage: Maybe on top of the clocktower in clock town?

NEW PIC! lemme know what you think NOW.

EDIT: i added my reasons why i think they shud be in the game. any returning Melee character just has 'SSMB' for the reason.

EDIT: Hey guys, if you can think of any movesets for these guys, feel free to share them and I'll put em on here.

EDIT: Diddy and Skull kid are now in.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I have to agree. Way too many 3rd party characters considering Sakurai's only thinking of adding 1-2 more.

Frankly, your list fails for Master Chief alone (if you knew Master Chief isn't going to happen you should've just left him out entirely). The 3rd party abuse just overkilled it.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
I'm sorry, but I really don't like this list either. You better put in some plausible reasonings fast, because just simply "listing" your character picks is cause for closing.

What I liked:
~The fact you made a chara-select screen shows good efforts. I'm completely ******** with computer graphics, so I wouldn't have the guts to make a select screen for my list (which is on this forum, btw... with reasonings). So you get an A for effort with the imaging.
~ The additions of: Captain Olimar, Balloon Fighter, Dog (Duck Hunt), and Mach Rider.
~Keeping Marth, GAW, and the IC (with the whole rumor thing still trying to stay alive to kill GAW/IC... it's nice to see you let them live.)
~You remembered hemightbegiant's theory of "A major character from a minor franchise>a minor character from a major franchise" for almost all of your newcomers.
~Lots of retro characters, very interesting!

What I didn't like:
~Where are your reasons?
~There's like, 10-12 third party characters, and only 2-4 actual newcomers from Nintendo. Cut off 8-10 of your 3rd party choices, and give those free slots to Nintendians.
~You didn't cut any Melee-ers. Sakurai has stated he will make cuts, so you gotta cut some characters out (maybe two-four). I'd suggest Young Link, Dr. Mario, and Pichu.
~The inclusion of Paper Mario. I don't believe in identity characters for Brawl- Blood Falcon, Dark Link, Vacuum Luigi, etc.
~The inclusion of Master Chief= X_X He's never been on a Nintendo console, therefore he will NEVER have a chance of being in Brawl. Naruto has better chances than him, and he's not even a plausible character for Brawl either!
~The EXclusion of Diddy Kong, Krystal, Wolf, Geno, King Dedede, Ridley, Lyn, and Samurai Goroh. They're like the most popular characters for Brawl on most people's lists. And you forgot all of them. Of course, Sonic's one of-if not the- most popular character, and I see you included him, so I'll give you credit for that.

So, in terms of letter grades, I'd give yours a C- or a D+, I'm afraid. Plenty of unique choices and retros, but not enough detail and too many third parties (including an impossible choice) cuts you down majorly.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
ok since u guys all think its crap im gonna change some of the 3rd parties out nd get some more nintendo guys in there
o and thank u bijoukaiba for being the only person who gave constructive critisicm


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
ok since u guys all think its crap im gonna change some of the 3rd parties out nd get some more nintendo guys in there
o and thank u bijoukaiba for being the only person who gave constructive critisicm
Oh sure, no problem! Remember to put in your reasonings for your new characters, now. If you check out the moveset threads/"(Character) for Brawl" topics, and do some research, you can probably find several Nintendo characters you'd be interested in.

I believe constructive criticism beats flat-out complaining anyday. It's like an old saying I remember, it went something like this:

"When we come across stones in life, we can either choose to throw them, stumble over them, go around them, or build with them."

When someone complains about something, you can complain right back, let it bother you, ignore it, or use it to improve yourself. Preferably the latter. :)

Wow. I should become a guru.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
ok now i edited it, i took some of your suggestions, but...
1) Geno is a big NO for me. he's only been in one game and plus he's a third party character, and i'd rather have that spot taken up by one of the other characters i have.
2) I didn't have the heart to get rid of Paper Mario, or Dr. Mario, but i took out Pichu and Young Link
oh yeah and about baby mario & baby luigi, dont say "OMG ANOTHER MARIO CHARACTER!?!" because i said right next to their name on the list "- Yoshi's Island Series", because i think that they are more well known for that series than the Mario appearances they have made, and plus the Yoshi's Island games were awesome, so they deserve some credit for them.

well thats it for now. i might add some stage ideas for them tomorrow

EDIT: oh sorry i didnt read ur post about reasoning before i replied, i'll add the reasons tomorrow too i geuss.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Lol u have 4 3rd party characters, and there are only gonna be 3
The pic is still horrible
and geno has a good chance, and may not be counted as a 3rd party character...


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Give the guy a break - not everyone's a Photoshop wizard...

At any rate, there is a good deal that I like, but there is also quite a bit of poor additions. I'll pretty much sum it up this way:


+ Very good retro character selection (MACH RIDER and LITTLE MAC! Balloon fighter is good also...)
+ Very good support character selection (Krystal, Ridley, and Goroh in particular)
+ Captain Olimar (Pikmin needs more lovin'...)
+ Sonic and Mega Man are excellent third-party additions


- Baby Bros. and Paper Mario (No more Marios, please...)
- Viewtiful Joe (great game, but there are far more deserving third-party candidates)
- Dog??? (Pretty popular suggestion, but I think he's a rather lazy retro addition...)


* Banjo Kazooie (Excellent addition... if only RARE wasn't gobbled up by Microsoft... :( )
* And... Master Higgins??? :dizzy:

Overall, pretty good selection-wise.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2006
ha ha photoshop wizard LOL!
But seriously i don't care how the character screen is done, but i do care if Simon belmont is in!


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I reckon you had a very good list. That was until I saw the Dog(Duck Hunt.)
Honestly what the hell could he do. Not to mention I hated that dog more then the ducks later on.

Nonetheless Duck Hunt was a great game, and I would love to see a return. But there is kind of a duck hunt game on Wii Play.

I guess the Dog would be good for a punching bag though.

Your updated list seems reasonable and goes well with the changes. However Banjo Kazooie is only wishful. I never liked the game, but I can understand why others did. I would much prefer Conker. Looking at Rare's latest games however I never want to see Rare get involved with Nintendo again, unless it's for Goldeneye 2.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
duck hunt dog would rock if he made it in, check his support thread and get a look at the movesets people have made for him. he isn't helpless at all.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
I reckon you had a very good list. That was until I saw the Dog(Duck Hunt.)
Honestly what the hell could he do. Not to mention I hated that dog more then the ducks later on.

Nonetheless Duck Hunt was a great game, and I would love to see a return. But there is kind of a duck hunt game on Wii Play.

I guess the Dog would be good for a punching bag though.
I agree with you in a way. I thought DHD was the gayest idea until I actually thought about it. And then I saw some pretty decent movesets, and he's a classic character, so I figured "Why not?" But I do totally see where you're coming from.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
w00t i added stages, if u guys can help me think of ideas or help me correct the names of old stages, it'll be appreciated


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
No B-Man, huh.... oh well...

The list isn't terrible, just misunderstood. I love both the Paper Mario and Banjo-Kazooie series, but part of the reason Dr. Mario was taken out was because it was basically to remove any other variations of Mario (I believe that would also go for the babies), and Rare is in it's own bind with MS. Some characters are also kinda questionable...they could have done with a little more info. Your list is a little bigger than the predicted final roster count, but all you'd have to do is cut some of the 3rd party people and some others (like that Dog). Don't give up...

About the stages, DK's other is Jungle Japes, and Ness' are Onett and Fourside.
Wario... he had sort of a factory stage in Mario Power Tennis. Probably something like that, since he had no real stage. Or maybe the elevator...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2006
Uhm... Dr. Mario? Seriously? If there's going to be cuts he's the most worthy to go. With all these great characters Mario in a doctor suit just really doesn't belong/ is not worth a slot.

Baby Mario & Baby Luigi: Eh. I think they'd be kinda boring. Plus I think there's better Mario character who deserve it (Toad or Bowser Jr.)

Roy: Why keep him? There's better FE characters who could be more unique and provide so much more depth.

Higgins? Seriously? You really think he's worth it? Well not my list, but I don't thinkanyone but you wants him in. Well there's probably a couple others, but very few.

In general, just too many third party characters, I'd cut it down even more. Sakurai said 1-2 third party I believe.

It's an alright list. I guess. I definately wouldn't be pleased if this was the final roster. =\


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Hate to sound like a **** but this is much worse than the ones at gamefaqs, it's quite horrible and possibly the most unrealsitic list I've ever seen.


Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2007
It's nice to see another C. Olimar fan on the boards.:) That's an okay roster sheet thing to, no better than mine. I would just suggest adding liitle n/a boxes, 1P+2P hands, and the match description bar at the top. The list is good also mostly because I really only want to see C. Olimar, King Dedede, Ridley, and Dragonite and 3 of 4 not to bad.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
It's nice to see another C. Olimar fan on the boards.:) That's an okay roster sheet thing to, no better than mine. I would just suggest adding liitle n/a boxes, 1P+2P hands, and the match description bar at the top. The list is good also mostly because I really only want to see C. Olimar, King Dedede, Ridley, and Dragonite and 3 of 4 not to bad.


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2005
In ur computer, stealin ur internets
duck hunt level would be awexome in brawl! one of the obstacles could be getting shot. and if DHD doesnt actually make it, he can pop up in the background and laugh at you hysterically when you get shot!



Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2007
...I'm so so soooo for the Duck Hunt stage!

I'd rather it be giant like a real world thing though, since the fighters are supposed to be toys anyway.

So, giant ducks, and a giant laughing dog for the win.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
duck hunt level would be awexome in brawl! one of the obstacles could be getting shot. and if DHD doesnt actually make it, he can pop up in the background and laugh at you hysterically when you get shot!

...I'm so so soooo for the Duck Hunt stage!

I'd rather it be giant like a real world thing though, since the fighters are supposed to be toys anyway.

So, giant ducks, and a giant laughing dog for the win.
nice. im puttin them both in


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
I looked at the wikipedia thing, didn't give me much info...
so, youtube and beyond!
i saw a few videos and Stafy seems interesting, although he just seems like a Japanese version of Kirby...kinda. Idk, I just don't think he'd be too interesting to play.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
I looked at the wikipedia thing, didn't give me much info...
so, youtube and beyond!
i saw a few videos and Stafy seems interesting, although he just seems like a Japanese version of Kirby...kinda. Idk, I just don't think he'd be too interesting to play.
There used to be a lot more Stafy videos, courtesy of Parrothead, but they were all removed.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007

1: it only has 3 Pokémon in the list, SSBM had 4, and each game has had more, so SSBB should end up having at least 5 (4 mostly good ones would be fine, I'm just saying).

2: Some of the characters simply won't be in, I personally see at least 14 of those characters as ones that I think shouldn't end up being in Brawl (but I've been wrong before, but I'm not always wrong, either. :p).


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101

1: it only has 3 Pokémon in the list, SSBM had 4, and each game has had more, so SSBB should end up having at least 5 (4 mostly good ones would be fine, I'm just saying).

2: Some of the characters simply won't be in, I personally see at least 14 of those characters as ones that I think shouldn't end up being in Brawl (but I've been wrong before, but I'm not always wrong, either. :p).
I don't think there should be any new Pokemon. Sorry. and plus Pichu has to go. I never liked Pokemon being in SSB in the first place, because they originated in a TV Show/trading card game.

Which 14 characters?
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