So, With The Relaunch coming what stuff do you guys want to see in the full game?
What Characters? Stages? Items? Modes? and Others for Improvement.
I'll make my list a little later.
More single-player modes that are different from the base game (like how Smash has break the targets, multiman melee, and home run contest)
A better and less barebones arcade mode would be nice, or better yet, an actual overarching story mode
A better distinction between casual and ranked play, as the "casual" mode was the de-facto ranked mode for 80% of the game's lifespan as it contributed to elo. Silly queue shouldn't be the only non-sweat mode.
Multiversus also needs better couch multiplayer support. I'm not sure if they fixed this, but back when I played it was impossible for three couch players to play free-for-all mode, which is pretty unacceptable for a platform fighter.
More stage variety would also be excellent. MV seems to be overly focused on stages that they find competitively viable, though IMO platform fighters also need strictly casual stages like Peach's Castle, Planet Zebes, or even large stages like Hyrule Temple. They don't need to be active in ranked mode of course, just casual. This goes right into my next point, which is...
STAGE SELECTION!!! I have no idea why this isn't a feature in this game at all, as it seems like a no brainer, Even the ability to choose which stages we wanted beforehand and have the computer pick from one of the players beats having no say at all. I remember when I played the game I was so sick of being constantly stuck in Trophy's Edge 2.
As far as characters, my most wanted are Godzilla, Ben 10, and Spear and Fang.
Of course there's also the obvious netcode fixes, meaningful developer communication, and reeling in on predatory microtransactions, but that sounds like it's the general consensus of what people want. Do I really expect all these new features? No, not really, to be honest the dev team hasn't really given me much reason to believe they'd come up with too many improvements by games prospective "release" time. But I'll wait and see how this game develops into 2024.