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More news on Jet-Hammer Shuffle Glitch.


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
Hi, I'm new here so I'm not sure if this is old. However, everyone here knows that Dedede can perform a Jet-Hammer Shuffle with a fully charged hammer with the analog stick moved only slightly in the direction you want to move.

However, it turns out that you don't even need to have the hammer fully charged. You can perform the glitch at any point once he starts charging his hammer.

You can achieve the same speed, not take any damage from it, and do it right off the bat and not have to worry about the charge time. This is good news. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
its not really 'good' news, i think its been posted before.
you should elaborate on what you mean more though, maybe its new.
if it isnt going to make the technique easier to pull off or provide an alternative,
it shouldnt be posted, i get tired of technique-tease threads, its the same old thing.
its the tech thats the problem not necessarily the charge time


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
Oh, my bad. I just heard people complaining about how you have to wait until the hammer is fully charged to do this glitch and that isn't the case. You can perform the glitch as soon as Dedede begins the charging animation.

Also, I had HUGE problems trying to do this glitch until I was playing with the Gamecube controller. For some reason, it's easier to do with my Wavebird than it is with the Wii Remote + Nunchuk.

It also helps to have your thumb off of the top of the analog stick and next to it instead. It gives you a better control over how much pressure is applied.

I can now do this at any time I feel like. My friends don't like playing me now though because I outran Sonic...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
i always get my hopes up when i see topics like this...

im just waiting for someone to be able to use jethammer like phanna could use SWD in melee


i didnt think anyone thought u had to full charge hammer...

well...you dont...


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
I can Shuffle relatively consistantly. A few times i put too much pressure on it, but most of the time I can fly across FD, Smashville, and other neutral stages in no time.

Like I said, I find it easier to use a Gamecube controller (for one, the analog stick on my nunchuk isn't very good with picking up when I move it) and holding your thumb to the side of the analog stick instead of holding it on top of it gives you more control over how much pressure you're applying to get him to move. That's what I do. That and creating a stage with four levels where each one is long and flat and practicing there to learn how far I have to move the analog stick to get him to Shuffle.

Also, sorry for posting old material about how you don't need to be fully charged. I honestly didn't know.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
I'd love to see a video of how consistantly you can do it. It would have to be a real match, though.

Oh, and it's nice to see another Wiimote + Nunchuk user!


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
I'd honestly love to show people how consistently I can do it. Matches are a bit hard to pull off due to the fact that lag (No smashers in my area, sad to say. All matches are online for me) + skid (Taking off isn't the problem. Stopping where you want to stop w/o taking flight off the edge of the stage is) + I haven't worked out all the kinks yet (thus the "relatively consistently" part). Anyways, as much as training mode isn't a good analysis, I can do it just fine there. I can go both ways, though going left is harder than going right. Who knows why?

And I don't have a video camera. My parents last video camera was old and used cassette tapes. Therefore, I have no way of proving my allegations through video.

Basically, you either have to take my word (lol, people on the internet taking someone else seriously for what they say w/o proof) or you don't believe me (most likely). Seeing as how everyone around these boards says it's near impossible to use consistently and the fact that I'm a "Smash n00b", I find it very unlikely to have anyone around here believe me.

Just saying.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
OK, i wanna do this for show basically, maybe in a match like when me and my partner are fighting one person, or if I see a reason for it, but how the heck do you do it. I haven't even been able to do it once.

I can get the shuffle thing, and the animation for it or whatever, but I have yet to slide. How exactly do you do this, what's the input? Thanks


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
"OK, i wanna do this for show basically, maybe in a match like when me and my partner are fighting one person, or if I see a reason for it, but how the heck do you do it. I haven't even been able to do it once.

I can get the shuffle thing, and the animation for it or whatever, but I have yet to slide. How exactly do you do this, what's the input? Thanks"

The Shuffle Glitch is performed when you move the control stick very slightly to catch Dedede in-between his moving and stopping animation. My best explanation is that it causes the game to read a rapid forward movement and this causes him to move at very fast speeds. Speeds he wasn't originally programmed to obtain (Running Dedede is slower than Walking Sonic).

Sometimes, when you stop after using this glitch, you will stop after a bit of skid. Other times, he skids for quite a bit. Sometimes, he'll have very little aerial movement if he goes off the stage. Other times, he'll actually kill himself off the side of the screen if he goes off of the stage.

Overall, it is relatively hard to pull off and doesn't always yield the same results. IMO, it's easiest to do with the Gamecube controller. Then, it's second easiest (I would assume. I haven't been able to do it with this but that's because my Nunchuk has sensitivity issues) with the Wii Remote + Nunchuk. Then, it would be the Classic Controller (Again, not sure of this as I don't own a Classic Controller. Never felt the need since I have a GC controller). And last comes the Wii Remote held sideways. It's possible. I was able to get the Wii Remote alone to perform this glitch. It is really annoying because it's hard to get the directional pad to stay at the point it needs to stay at for this to work, but it is possible.

I'm going to experiment around with it a bit more. See if I can find out what causes it to sometimes cause D3 to fly off the stage and other times resume normal aerial movement. That, and I've noticed that eventually he starts slowing down. The Shuffle moves slower and slower after a while and eventually it's faster just to walk.

I will work on this more to figure these things out and find out the answers to these questions.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
can u do it and record it offline? if you can do this pretty consitantly its going to be prety nice for ddd. lol uber mindgames


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
The ONLY REASON it is fully charged is so that u can get the controller to rumble..and make it auto vibrate the control stick by putting very slight pressure on the control stick in a given direction. I'm gonna burst your bu bble, this has been posted before. You can do the jet hammer sffl by tapping repeatidly WHILE charging..you dont need to be fully charged, everyone knows that -.-


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2008
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Even if you could do it whenever you could, it's way to easy to predict. You can't dodge, roll, or do anything else. Anyone could just jump and throw out a dair or whatever to knock you out of it. The fact that you have to make specific effort to even do this is enough to skip over it.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2007
Sarasota, Florida
Even if you could do it whenever you could, it's way to easy to predict. You can't dodge, roll, or do anything else. Anyone could just jump and throw out a dair or whatever to knock you out of it. The fact that you have to make specific effort to even do this is enough to skip over it.
SWD's in melee had a very specific prerequisite and time to give away your intentions (dropping a bomb) and yet was still found to be useful with enough practice (see: Phanna). This is definitely worth practicing with I think, as it potentially changes/removes one of Dedede's biggest weaknesses, his speed.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
The ONLY REASON it is fully charged is so that u can get the controller to rumble..and make it auto vibrate the control stick by putting very slight pressure on the control stick in a given direction.
Nope, the rumble has absolutely nothing to do with it.

On a random side note, I could do it with the Wavebird, then when I switched to my normal controller, I couldn't do it as often. Then I just let it go for the time being.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2006
Spencer MA
Nope, the rumble has absolutely nothing to do with it.

On a random side note, I could do it with the Wavebird, then when I switched to my normal controller, I couldn't do it as often. Then I just let it go for the time being.
Then you tell me how you vibrate you're controlstick at a unhuman speed..


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
Then you tell me how you vibrate you're controlstick at a unhuman speed..
That's the thing. Vibrating your controller (while easier to do) is far more ineffecient to do than catching Dedede in between his standing and moving animation. By catching Dedede in between his standing and moving animation by tilting the control stick ever so slightly, you move much faster than you would by tapping the control stick multiple times over and over and over again. And that is no matter how fast you can tap it.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
everytime i think about the jet hammer glitch i imagine phanna's samus from melee

then i imagine what phanna would look like in a ddd costume carrying a fake hammer



Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
Behold, I have an answer. Assuming you're telling the truth, which I'm still undecided on, nothing personal to you, why not just make a replay of you doing it, then send it to me? If it's actually legit and whatnot, I'll record it off my capture card, then put it up on youtube and give you credit.
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