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Monster Hunter Tri


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
i'm pretty sure there is a way to get guard boost, guard +2, Sharpness +1, and Speed Sharpening its just weird, and I think you have to have a guard boost +7 with 2 slots talisman.
There is this set
Sharper Lance


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
A lot of people do "Roll the Uroktor" with this sort of set. Most efficient path is 3->5->8->9->10->5. No cool drinks, just kill rhinos on the way to get subquest then die by fire to get back to camp and submit.

IMO, if you have at least 2 good people, then best bet is to do "Run Down Rathalos" by mining first then doing killing rathalos because the subs net timeworn charms. Hammer and LS ftw.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
The Sharpness HGE Marathon Runner is easier if you just run the ubiquitous HGE/Sharpness set (Ceadeus+, Ceadeus+, Ceadeus+, OFCeadeus, Vangis) w/ 3slot talisman and gem 2 Marathon, 2 Sprinter, 1 Handicraft.

Someone get back to me with AuL, Sharpness, Evade+2. (Although if playing with good peoples, dodging a stationary monster isn't that difficult.)

Also how does AuL work in MH3? I found a great explanation of it for MHFU; if you believe it at face value, anyway. If the case is the same for MH3, it might be worth comparing to Expert+3 in some of the lower-boosting cases.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
This is the best I could do for AuL S+1 and E+2. E+1 is much easier.

I'm pretty sure that AuL works the same in MH3. I compared the math between MH3 and MHFU on the wiki and they were the same.

This is the best tidbit I found on the wiki site
"For Affinity +30% to be better than Attack Up Large, the damage of the weapon has to be greater than:
Bowgun (320), SnS (373), Lance (613), LS (880), GS (1280), Hammer (1386), SA (1440)."

Thanks for the tip James, here is the vid of hitting Jhen with nator early.

Here is the vid of the Double dragonator on Jhen Phase I


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
im gonna get on now as a heads up
All credit for this set goes to Thomas
AuL, Sharpness, Adren+2
We think this might be faster than the speed run lance set we've been using. In the very small testing i have done, it took with a 360 def, which is not the lowest it gets, 2 L+ and 1 L with the HP -30 stamina -50 from the chefs to put me in adren range. After a pill my attack stat on the Black Harvest was 1641.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Ok had a big post typed up but timed out before I could post it. Let's see:

Thanks for the Evade+2 set. As far as I've seen, AuL does work the same in MH3. That tidbit is correct, I came up with a few of those numbers myself a couple of nights ago. However, in MHFU the affinity boosting skill boosts more for sharper weapons, but you'd still need a +50-70% boost to equal AuL, iirc. Hitting Jhen with nator early is 0_o

The AuL/Sharpness/Adren+2 should be faster than the speed sharpening lance set. The adrenaline boosted lance in white sharpness does more damage than the non-boosted purple sharpness (according to the 1.32 damage multiplier on white and 1.5 on purple from the wiki.) Unless there's some kind of other special boost purple gets that I'm not aware of, even when you lose sharpness, you'll still be killing the monster faster than before. Either way, having two weapons with the adren boost should drastically lower the time spent out of the initial purple sharpness bar anyway--so you may not even lose sharpness at all.

(Additional material not in erased post.)
The lowest defense that set can get is 271 (which is significant because the bombs will do more damage and activate the adren skill faster.) However, I'm not sure this is something we even need to worry about.

I did some playing around this morning as far as activating the skill, and so far the best I've found is to grab the HP-30/stamina-50 boost from the chef (AuL from food boosts only adds 6 to your attack,) and spam the following order of items as quickly as possible once the quest starts:
  1. Toadstool
  2. Toadstool
  3. Mega nutrients
  4. Mega nutrients
  5. Small barrel bomb
  6. Mega nutrients
[collapse=Many Notes]
  • The last mega nutrients may be interchangeable with just a regular nutrients, but occasionally the first toadstool will boost your health as well; the two times I tried with Nutrients I got the extra toadstool boost too. Either way the difference between Nutrients and Mega is another honey, so it's not a huge deal.
  • The small barrel bomb's fuse will last long enough to use the last nutrients before it blows. The boost from the nutrients will still occur even if you're flying because you've been blasted--as long as your character put it into his mouth. This also cancels the end lag of the last nutrients.
  • Done as quickly as possible, after the bomb blows, you will still take about 4 more blips of poison. Even after that red heals back, you should still be in adren range.
  • All in all my estimates currently put this strategy as taking ~30 seconds to put you into adren range (once you stand up from the bomb explosion you're good to go.) Testing offline includes running out of the base so you can set the bomb down, so I don't have the best method to test with.
  • Your defense stat doesn't matter since you are using poison to lower your health--so you can still max your defenses and carry that armortalon.
  • Not having to use Barrel bombs L or L+ is superior because you can still bring the proper amount to sleepbomb with and not have to use it for activating adrenaline.
  • Doing this in the volcano is going to require a different strategy, probably no more complicated than run along the edge until you're in range and drop your small barrel bomb.

The set requires a minimum of an Attack+5 2 slot talisman, because all Ala and Jho weapons have at least 1 slot. It's doable without using weapon slots with Attack +6 or 7 2 slot talisman.

I managed to boost a 1026 sa's attack to 1755 today.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
What do you guys think of fighting 3x Ceadeus at once online?


edit: Can't you eat for kitchen attack L and use an LBB+ to put yourself into adren/heroics asap? If the monster is statlocked anyway then you don't need to worry about the tiny health.

Useful attack boost chart:

2nd edit: I did some of the custom quests and I've got to say... they are sooooo fun! You guys have to join me on this stuff. Essentially they are all Triple Monster or a Hard Double Monster Mix.


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
As a heads up, I will be getting a SD card as soon as my Dad pays me for the work i did this summer. On another note the AuL, sharpness, adren set only works well in volcano, takes too much time to set up anywhere else.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
Awesome video montage for Tri. Use it to hook other people :)

Edit: Yo Exarch, could you please update the first post with some of our video links and the montage video? I would realllly love to get some more of our smash brothers to join us on Tri. (Or unite)

2nd Edit: I found an amazing talisman, will update with my new sets soon :) Behold!


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
That talisman is EPIC! Jir i think i remember you saying that me you and rawr were mentioned in one of shepards podcasts. I listened to his latest one, the anniversary one, and there was no mention of us. Now the podcast was worth the listen but i wouldn't mind hearing what he said about us.


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
What version of homebrew do you use?
ugh i have no way to get the SD to connect with the computer...
hurray more edits< i now have a converter and am attempting to mod my wii
I now have custom quests! Also, now that the school year has started I will only be able to get on MH3 during the weekend.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Do you have to homebrew to get custom quests?

I'll work on an edited first post (found below.) I don't get a ton of time online, so let me know which videos I should put in.
[collapse=Working on new first post]
New here? Check out the welcome teaser:
Basically, the levels consist of slaying or capturing a large monster/dragon/wyvern by any means available. They all have unique movesets, but even between two different monsters of the same species, they will behave differently (i.e. use different moves with varying frequency) and be smaller or larger. This frequently means that **** happens.

Conveniently, this game is wifi compatible, with very little lag issues. So while we may not be able to smash because we're 8 hours from each other, we can still play MH3 together <3

Being smashers, of course, we like to become as good at any video game as we can. So while we may play casually and for humor sometimes, we also frequently speed run levels in MH3. Below are a couple of our speed runs.
[collapse=Speed Runs]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNYTzS7diAw - Diablos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be9xj_6j63I - Rathalos and Barioth
If you're interested in more, check out ZeroUnderOne's youtube channel.
If you'd like to play with us, we'd love to have you! The game is pretty easy to pick up, but it does have quite the learning curve. Post in this thread and let us know how to find you online!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
It doesn't haaaave to be modded. You can run brawl first and use smashstack to run the app, "riivolution", that allows for custom quests. Just be sure to swap the disc to monster hunter when riivolution is running.

Or you can patch the iso and trucha sign it, then just run the iso on a loader with the corresponding codes hooked onto the boot. I'll try to explain over skype later and provide the files.

Edit: Have you seen any of our vids Exarch? Speedruns galore!


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
I used homebrew cause it might come in handy later, not hard to do at all. The hard part for me was connecting SD to comp, but once i got that it took me 20-30 min of searching and downloading to finish.
This would be a good one to either start or end for the vids Barioth


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
At some point this week I'm going to get the cables to be able to record HD vids. Do either you or Ryan have the status speedgunner set? I would really like to record some of the double monster speedruns completed under 2 minutes with you, Ryan and rawr.

Video record to do list:
[Advanced] Heroes Wanted - 2 teams of 2 man vs 2 Uragaan under 2 mins
The Princess's Pride - 2 teams of 2 man vs 2 Diablos under 2 mins
Tragedy on the Tundra - 2 teams of 2 man vs 2 Barioth under 2 mins
Molten Monstrosity - 4 man team vs 1 Agnaktor under 2 min
Molten Monstrosity - 2 man team vs 1 Agnaktor under 4 min ***Not sure is possible

Edit: Here is the Sedition method to status speed gun (Thanks to Squid for the info)

Thundacrus Rex/Devil's Grin/Chaos Wing
Sleep - > Bomb
Para -> Exhaust the face for KO
Trap -> Combine
Para -> Para Bomb
Sleep -> Bomb -> Wake-up trap
Look at combines, attempt para.
Trap -> Bomb/Pierce/Cap


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2009
Gainesville, FL
To do the status set I need at least, cause I can't check right now, the barrage earring and the armor. Other than that I have everything else. I will try to get the rest early on Saturday. I will not be home on Friday at all, first football game. Sounds like a good plan, now all I have to do is convince Ryan to play...


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
So I've been doing a greatsword offline runthrough, and it's turned into an armorless greatsword offline runthrough. I can't decide at which point I want to start using armor, even when I take this character online. And I think I don't want to use armor at all.
That is, I have completed all quests so far without using armor, just a talisman (+10 autoguard.) I have used the leather armor for Rolling Uroktor when I'm looking for Rustshards, but otherwise I have used none at all.

But not using armor online is a sure-fire way to get many people to hate me. If I play with people more tolerant (y'all,) it's not quite the same because I could just hang out at base while y'all do the quests for me.

Basically, you should start an armorless runthrough offline and then, (when I get interwebs at home,) we should all do the online quests without armor. I think it would be a great challenge.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
I'm down. Unfortunately, I probably cant play much until after Oct 12. I have some big experiments planned and it is 24/7 work until completion.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
That is good news! You should try to get a patched MHP3rd and XLink Kai too so we can co-op. I've got decent characters on both. :)


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
[collapse=Update of offline adventures!]

Been messing with Ranger armor.
http://divinewh.im/s/0_O_1L_O_S_R.1H_0<------This is the modified set I commonly see.
And to get WR+1, Carve Master, Spd Gather without weapons slots/talisman:
It's not much of an improvement, though. :-/

I've also been monster fluid farming offline, equipping Light Bowgun Frame and Stock with the Tropeco Barrel, you get 6 shots of Poison level 1. A fully upgraded frame means when you shoot small altaroths in the bug hunt quest, they die from poison immediately. This is a spectacular way to get Pitfall traps.
Online for Monster Broths, use the Shadow Sabre for the flooded forest pawpass. You can hit the small altaroths in 9 up to 4 times (iirc) with the standing swipe to try to poison them. I did this once with Ranger armor and got 13 monster broths from one run.

Also, I put this gun set together, but my brother says you(Jir) have already been using it? In which case, I must remark that I hate how it looks. (notice also how lucky my talisman is, for being a pretty bleh talisman.)

As a final note, I might be able to get online consistently again before Halloween.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
Not sure if the gunner armor link is correct, shows me a ranger mix. I use a reallllllly ugly gunner set, but it is the only way I can make a bombardier/trapmaster/recoil+2,loadup/reload+1 set.

On a side note. I bet a friend $40 that I could KO alatreon under 1 min using a bowgun with my set. Sweetest $40 ever :)

If you ever get a chance to play with rawr, that kid knows how to make a good looking set with great skills. I should be on later this weekend.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
Here is my set: http://divinewh.im/s/0_1v_1S.o_1X.W_1d.o_16.o_z.U.1F

I couldn't figure out a way to swap out uragaan+ coat which is the only ugly piece IMO. The reload+1 isn't necessary but it makes both the status guns (rex/grin/wing and rex/jhen/wing) have fastest reload with no recoil.

Edit: AHA! I figured another way to get it (but it still isn't pretty): http://divinewh.im/s/1.o_1v_1S.o_X.V_19.o.o_16.o_z.U.1F

2nd Edit: I'm using an armor calculator made by a Unity moderator (Tifa) called MHAG found here ~>http://code.google.com/p/mhag/
MHAG let's you choose a base set/skills desired and it will search all decoration options to see if it is possible. I'll make a file with all the armors I have in it for my own record and to pass to you guys. Maybe we can make a databank of all the best armors we have. The program works for portable 3rd as well :)

3rd edit: Tifa just updated the program to do full searches. Link here: http://mhag.googlecode.com/files/mhag_v1.2Beta6.zip

All you do is choose the skills you want and it spits out up to 100 possible combinations. Incredible.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2007
Orlando, FL
Depends on the gun. You have to have a stock with reduced+ recoil otherwise you will need recoil 3. I use rex/jhen/chaos for pure statting and rex/grin/chaos for pierce statting. The chaos stock lets you get away with recoil 2. The gun calculator on triDB is pretty nice to check how it will do. http://divinewh.im/g/
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